The Planning & Building Department is working to streamline permitting processes for new businesses in commercial areas. Currently, any new business wanting to open in Piedmont must go through public hearings before the Planning Commission and City Council in order to obtain a “conditional use permit.”
Planning staff have developed a proposed list of business types that would be permitted “by right,” meaning that they would be able to open in commercial areas without a public hearing process – as long as they conform to certain standards covering hours of operation, number of employees, and other limitations designed to ensure that new businesses are compatible with the surrounding neighborhood. Businesses that do not conform to these standards would still be allowed - but would be required to go through a public hearing process and receive a conditional use permit.
The proposed business types and standards on the following pages reflect input from the Planning Commission, City Council, and over 600 community members who participated in a previous survey about desired business types.
Survey responses will be visible on this website after the survey is closed. You can choose to display your response with or without your name attached.