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Please complete a short survey about emergency preparedness. Your answers will help City officials better understand how we can support our community in being ready for earthquakes, wildfires, or other disasters.

41 registered responses

How much risk do you feel natural disasters or other emergencies pose to you, your family, and your property in Piedmont?

Response Percent Response Count
Very high 17.1% 7
High 43.9% 18
Moderate 36.6% 15
Very low 2.4% 1

How worried are you about each of the following possible events affecting your life in Piedmont? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 63.4% 26
A little worried 36.6% 15
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 36.6% 15
A little worried 46.3% 19
Not worried 17.1% 7
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 4.9% 2
A little worried 39.0% 16
Not worried 56.1% 23
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 2.4% 1
A little worried 22.0% 9
Not worried 75.6% 31
Lightning storm
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 4.9% 2
A little worried 14.6% 6
Not worried 80.5% 33
Mass casualty event
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 12.2% 5
A little worried 48.8% 20
Not worried 39.0% 16
Cyberattack on public infrastructure/services
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 19.5% 8
A little worried 61.0% 25
Not worried 19.5% 8
Chemical spill/Hazardous material release
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 9.8% 4
A little worried 26.8% 11
Not worried 63.4% 26
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 17.1% 7
A little worried 46.3% 19
Not worried 36.6% 15
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 2.4% 1
A little worried 17.1% 7
Not worried 80.5% 33
Climate Change
Response Percent Response Count
Very worried 48.8% 20
A little worried 39.0% 16
Not worried 12.2% 5

If there are disasters you're worried about affecting your life in Piedmont that were not named in the previous question, please list them here.


How confident are you about your knowledge of how to prepare for disasters?

Response Percent Response Count
Very confident 7.3% 3
Confident 26.8% 11
Somewhat confident 46.3% 19
A little confident 9.8% 4
Not at all confident 9.8% 4

What information sources have you used to get information on preparedness? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count 31.7% 13
Oakland Firesafe Council 9.8% 4 (CalFire) 19.5% 8
City of Piedmont/Piedmont Fire Department website 39.0% 16
Get Ready, Piedmont 29.3% 12
Scouting resources 9.8% 4
I have not sought out information on preparedness 14.6% 6
Other 34.1% 14

In a disaster, what information sources would you rely on for instructions about what to do? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
AC Alert 85.4% 35
Genasys Protect (formerly Zonehaven) 9.8% 4
City of Piedmont website 56.1% 23
City of Piedmont/Piedmont Police social media 58.5% 24
Other social media 29.3% 12
TV news 61.0% 25
Online news 63.4% 26
City of Piedmont eNews 12.2% 5
PUSD 14.6% 6
Friends and family 73.2% 30
Other 12.2% 5

Which of these steps have you taken to prepare for a disaster?

Signed up for AC Alert
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 80.5% 33
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 2.4% 1
I have never done this 14.6% 6
Made an emergency communication plan with my household
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 29.3% 12
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 56.1% 23
I have never done this 9.8% 4
Packed an evacuation go-bag
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 34.1% 14
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 41.5% 17
I have never done this 19.5% 8
Identified two routes to evacuate my neighborhood
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 56.1% 23
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 19.5% 8
I have never done this 19.5% 8
Practiced evacuation routes with my household
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 14.6% 6
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 14.6% 6
I have never done this 63.4% 26
Looked up my evacuation zone on Genasys Protect (formerly Zonehaven)
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 14.6% 6
I have never done this 75.6% 31
Stored an emergency food supply at home
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 46.3% 19
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 31.7% 13
I have never done this 19.5% 8
Stored a 2-week emergency water supply at home
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 36.6% 15
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 34.1% 14
I have never done this 22.0% 9
Discussed re-unification after a mass casualty event with my household
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 22.0% 9
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 36.6% 15
I have never done this 39.0% 16
Talked with neighbors about emergency plans
Response Percent Response Count
Done! I'm prepared 9.8% 4
I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update 22.0% 9
I have never done this 61.0% 25

How often do you talk about emergency plans with your household?

Response Percent Response Count
Weekly 7.3% 3
Monthly 2.4% 1
A few times a year 7.3% 3
Annually 14.6% 6
Every few years 53.7% 22
Never 14.6% 6

Assuming everyone has taken basic steps to prepare, who in your life would need extra help in a disaster because they may not be able to take care of all their needs? (Select all that apply.)

Response Percent Response Count
I would need help 10.0% 4
My kids 20.0% 8
My grandkids 7.5% 3
My pets 32.5% 13
My parents 15.0% 6
Neighbor 42.5% 17
I can't think of anyone 10.0% 4
Other 15.0% 6

Which option best describes how long would you be able to live at your home without power, water service, ability to purchase groceries/household essentials, and access to other support after a disaster?

Response Percent Response Count
I would need support immediately 2.4% 1
1 day 4.9% 2
3 days 31.7% 13
1 week 31.7% 13
10 days 7.3% 3
2 weeks 14.6% 6
1 month 2.4% 1
More than a month 4.9% 2

If ordered to evacuate your home immediately in a life-threatening emergency, how much time do you think you would need to gather people, pets, documents, and other essentials and leave your home?

Response Percent Response Count
5 minutes 2.4% 1
15 minutes 24.4% 10
30 minutes 36.6% 15
1 hour 24.4% 10
More than 1 hour 12.2% 5

Did you participate in Piedmont's 2022 Wildfire Evacuation Exercise?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes, I participated in the practical exercise 2.5% 1
Yes, I participated in the at-home activity 10.0% 4
No, I did not participate 32.5% 13
I wasn't aware of it 47.5% 19
I don't remember 7.5% 3

If you feel underprepared for disasters, what's keeping you from taking steps to prepare? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
I don't know what I should be doing to prepare 14.6% 6
I plan to get prepared, but don't get around to it 43.9% 18
I don't have time 7.3% 3
It doesn't feel urgent 17.1% 7
There's too much information to sort through/Don't know what to prioritize 34.1% 14
I feel overwhelmed by how much there is to do 26.8% 11
I assume I will find a way to manage 22.0% 9
I plan to leave the area for an extended period after a disaster 9.8% 4
N/A - I feel completely prepared 12.2% 5
Other 14.6% 6

Is there anything else you'd like to share about barriers to becoming more prepared?


What resources or services from City of Piedmont would be helpful to you in becoming more prepared for disasters? (select all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
How-to guides (print or online) that I can follow at my own pace 70.7% 29
Self-paced video guides 36.6% 15
Small group presentations in my neighborhood 51.2% 21
Workshops or presentations at schools or to parent clubs 17.1% 7
Online presentations (webinars) 36.6% 15
Community disaster/evacuation exercises 48.8% 20
Preparedness events with hands-on activities 46.3% 19
Help creating personal preparedness plans in a facilitated small group setting 41.5% 17
Other 24.4% 10

If there are preparedness-related resources, services, or events that you have found particularly helpful in the past, please tell us about them. (Can be from the City of Piedmont or another source)


What questions do you have for us about disaster preparedness?


Is there anything else you'd like to share about how the City can help you better prepare for disasters?

May 4, 2024, 2:39 PM
  • How much risk do you feel natural disasters or other emergencies pose to you, your family, and your property in Piedmont?
    • Moderate
  • How worried are you about each of the following possible events affecting your life in Piedmont? (select all that apply)
    • Earthquake - A little worried
    • Wildfire - A little worried
    • Landslide - Not worried
    • Flood - Not worried
    • Lightning storm - Not worried
    • Mass casualty event - Not worried
    • Cyberattack on public infrastructure/services - Not worried
    • Chemical spill/Hazardous material release - Not worried
    • Pandemic - A little worried
    • Tsunami - Not worried
    • Climate Change - A little worried
  • If there are disasters you're worried about affecting your life in Piedmont that were not named in the previous question, please list them here.
    No response.
  • How confident are you about your knowledge of how to prepare for disasters?
    • Somewhat confident
  • What information sources have you used to get information on preparedness? (select all that apply)
    • I have not sought out information on preparedness
  • In a disaster, what information sources would you rely on for instructions about what to do? (select all that apply)
    • AC Alert
    • City of Piedmont/Piedmont Police social media
    • Online news
    • Friends and family
  • Which of these steps have you taken to prepare for a disaster?
    • Signed up for AC Alert - Done! I'm prepared
    • Made an emergency communication plan with my household - I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update
    • Packed an evacuation go-bag - I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update
    • Identified two routes to evacuate my neighborhood - Done! I'm prepared
    • Practiced evacuation routes with my household - I have never done this
    • Looked up my evacuation zone on Genasys Protect (formerly Zonehaven) - I have never done this
    • Stored an emergency food supply at home - I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update
    • Stored a 2-week emergency water supply at home - I have done this in the past, but need to refresh/update
    • Discussed re-unification after a mass casualty event with my household - I have never done this
    • Talked with neighbors about emergency plans - I have never done this
  • How often do you talk about emergency plans with your household?
    • Every few years
  • Assuming everyone has taken basic steps to prepare, who in your life would need extra help in a disaster because they may not be able to take care of all their needs? (Select all that apply.)
    • My kids
    • My pets
    • My parents
  • Which option best describes how long would you be able to live at your home without power, water service, ability to purchase groceries/household essentials, and access to other support after a disaster?
    • 1 week
  • If ordered to evacuate your home immediately in a life-threatening emergency, how much time do you think you would need to gather people, pets, documents, and other essentials and leave your home?
    • 15 minutes
  • Did you participate in Piedmont's 2022 Wildfire Evacuation Exercise?
    • I don't remember
  • If you feel underprepared for disasters, what's keeping you from taking steps to prepare? (select all that apply)
    • It doesn't feel urgent
    • I assume I will find a way to manage
    • Other - My spouse is more on it than me
  • Is there anything else you'd like to share about barriers to becoming more prepared?
    No response.
  • What resources or services from City of Piedmont would be helpful to you in becoming more prepared for disasters? (select all that apply)
    • How-to guides (print or online) that I can follow at my own pace
    • Online presentations (webinars)
    • Community disaster/evacuation exercises
  • If there are preparedness-related resources, services, or events that you have found particularly helpful in the past, please tell us about them. (Can be from the City of Piedmont or another source)
    No response.
  • What questions do you have for us about disaster preparedness?
    No response.
  • Is there anything else you'd like to share about how the City can help you better prepare for disasters?
    No response.
EngagePiedmont is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in EngagePiedmont is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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  • The Registered Channel: Sign in before or just after you submit your response. Either way, Community Feedback will show your response on this website.
  • The Unregistered Channel: Don't sign in and remain anonymous. Community Feedback will just share your response with Piedmont staff.

Note: The first time you sign in, you'll need to register (establish an account on EngagePiedmont). Registration is free.

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  • To prevent any single user from dominating the forum, The City of Piedmont restricts the number of responses any one user can post on selected topics. Registration helps Community Feedback enforce this restriction.
  • Users, staff and government leaders often want to know the neighborhood from which a response is posted. Community Feedback uses registration to show the neighborhood next to each response (not the address).
  • If a user posts a response that does not meet The City of Piedmont guidelines for civility, Community Feedback uses the user's email address to invite the user to resolve the issue.

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  • You'll be able to change and/or delete your response as long as the topic is open.

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Neither the registered nor the unregistered channel represent a certified voting system or ballot box - and that caveat is footnoted on every page of feedback. Instead, both are additional channels for feedback to government.

Users can participate on the registered channel (by signing in) or on the unregistered channel (by remaining anonymous). The City of Piedmont offers both channels in order to broaden participation and maximize decision makers' insights.

The registered channel enables users to assure decision makers that their feedback comes from a real person in a specific neighborhood. It also enables users to participate in a public discussion on the website, as well as manage their own response after posting it.

The unregistered channel is for users who want to provide quick feedback without registering, and/or whose privacy concerns would prevent them from participating if required to register. Because many users with valuable insights will only share them anonymously, this channel gives decision makers the option to consider those insights in their deliberations.

OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of Piedmont has contracted with OpenGov to administer EngagePiedmont.

Very worried
A little worried
Not worried
Lightning storm
Mass casualty event
Cyberattack on public infrastructure/services
Chemical spill/Hazardous material release
Climate Change
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