The City partnered with Peak Democracy – the leading platform provider of digital democracy and founders of Open City Hall – to develop a new online tool called the Digital Commenter, which allows the community to provide ideas and comments on each element of the Comprehensive Plan. The tool allows individuals to comment (and to comment on each other’s comments) to make for a more interactive dialogue. Choose the Quick version to provide input on a handful of questions, or the Extended Version to dive deeper into specific policies with notes and questions from staff.
Next up is the Land Use and Community Design Element which contains 9 goals, so add your ideas/comments today. Look for this symbol to comment on specific policies and programs. A symbol with a number in it means someone has already commented. You can add ideas or comment on what others have said. The deadline for submitting your comments via the Digital Commenter is 9 a.m. on Monday, April 11th. The first round of comments will be forwarded to the Citizens Advisory Committee on Wednesday, March 9th to consider as they make recommendations on updating the Element at their March 15th meeting.
Thank you for your continued interest in the City of Palo Alto’s Comprehensive Plan Update. Visit for more information.
Watch this short “how to” video to learn how to use the Digital Commenter.
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