The Preliminary Draft Transportation Element is ready for public feedback. Share your thoughts today.
Thank you for participating!
Thank you for your participation on Open City Hall. Your comments and engagement in this process are much appreciated. In July 2015, the City launched a new online community engagement tool called the “Digital Commenter” to serve as a way to “crowdsource” comments and ideas for the update to the City’s Comprehensive Plan.
The tool was part of Open City Hall, which Palo Alto had been utilizing for several years to ask the community their opinion and thoughts on a variety of topics. The “Digital Commenter” was a custom designed tool that we developed in partnership with Peak Democracy, the administrators of Open City Hall. The tool is now being used by other cities under the name “Annotation Topic”.
Since its launch two years ago, the Digital Commenter has proven to be an invaluable way of providing feedback to the Citizens Advisory Committee (CAC) members. Almost 2,000 individuals visited the individual elements of the Plan that were posted with almost 400 ideas and edits.
The CAC concluded their work in May 2017. On June 12, the City Council completed an initial review of the CAC draft of the Comp Plan and passed the updated document along to the Planning and Transportation Commission for its review. The entire Comp Plan is scheduled to come back to the City Council for final review and adoption this fall.
Thank you again for your participation, and we hope that you will remain an active citizen and continue to provide your thoughts and opinions.