The Digital Commenter is a tool that allows Palo Altans to share ideas and participate in updating our current Comprehensive Plan, which was last updated in 1998. This month, the Digital Commenter features a preliminary draft of the Transportation Element of the Comprehensive Plan, crafted with guidance from the City Council and the Citizens Advisory Committee, a group of local residents who are helping to guide the Comprehensive Plan Update. This revised draft element incorporates community feedback received to date, including comments received via the Digital Commenter in September and October 2015.
The Citizens Advisory Committee is meeting on January 26 and then again on February 16 to review and refine the Draft Transportation Element for presentation to the City Council in the spring. We welcome your comments on the Draft Element as well. All comments from the community will be shared with the Citizens Advisory Committee and the City Council.
Share your thoughts on the Preliminary Draft Transportation Element by scrolling through the document and clicking on this symbol to comment on specific policies and programs. A symbol with a number in it means someone has already commented. You can add ideas or comment on what others have said.
The deadline for submitting your comments via the Digital Commenter is 9 a.m. on Wednesday, February 10, 2016.