There are several efforts underway that focus on enhancing the community experience and economic vibrancy of Palo Alto, which also support the City's Uplift Local initiative.
Share your input on the future visioning of California Avenue and Ramona Street! The City is seeking input on the future of the City’s pedestrian-friendly, car free streets on California Avenue and Ramona Street. A Request for Proposals to study street configurations is set for spring of 2023. Input recieved will inform the study focus and be combined with other engagement efforts completed so far including a community workshop (set for December 7) and focus group meetings hosted by staff with various stakeholders.
This survey is part of the first phase of outreach with more engagement planned in early 2023, and is split into two sections, a focus on California Avenue and then a focus on Ramona Street. If you only want to respond to questions related to Ramona Street, click to the next page.
For more on this project, go to www.cityofpaloalto.org/carfreestreets.
Thank you in advance for your input!