Can now submit survey directly
The 2020 Master Plan Survey for the Town of Pahrump is now underway. The purpose of this survey is to gather input, opinions, and ideas from residents and business owners on current and future Town issues. Results will be used in the development of the Pahrump Regional Planning District Master Plan, which is currently being updated by the Pahrump Regional Planning Commission. A master plan is a guide to help shape local land use and other community decisions. It will prepare the Town for changing needs and will allow for informed decisions about transportation, housing, infrastructure, recreation, land use, the economy, and overall quality of life.
If you would like to not take the survey online you can access a Downloadable Survey here and Email completed survey to [email protected]. Otherwise please click "take the survey" at the bottom of the page to particiapte.
As a resident and stakeholder of the Town of Pahrump, your input and opinions are key to the planning process. Residents values and priorities will be the foundation of the update, so we encourage you to take this opportunity to share your thoughts about Pahrump and its future.
The Pahrump Master Plan Public Discussion will be held on a date, time and location to be determined. This will be an opportunity to learn about the Master Plan process and to share your vision for the Town with the Planning Commission and other Town residents.
Thank you for your time and participation. For more information on the Master Plan or the planning process, or to access additional copies of the survey, please visit the website at Or email [email protected]
Pahrump Regional Planning Commission
Chairperson: Elizabeth Lee
Vice Chair: Thomas Duryea
Secretary: Leah-Ann DeAnda
Member: Pam Tyler
Member: Carol A. Curtis
Member: Robert Blackstock
Member: Walt Turner
BOCC Liaison: John Koenig