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Name not shown in Ward 2 September 15, 2024, 11:19 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Public spaces that encourage neighborly connections, such as parks or plazas, Increasing access to community resources like libraries and community centers, Creating safer, more walkable routes for pedestrians
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Incentivize “missing middle” housing options through zoning and policy, Support the construction of smaller, more affordable housing units, including Accessory Dwelling Units / “granny flats”/ “mother-in-law suites”, Other - "Encourage" is not a strategy - vision without action is just dreamng. St. Paul's area & Military Circle are both owned by the city - large part of housing is cost of land - city can "contribute" the land - need more space to answer this
How can Norfolk strengthen our commercial corridors and help small businesses thrive? Focus on the Norfolk Innovation Corridor, particularly the Front Street area. Harness the immense potential of the merged ODU/EVMS merger - identify one or two areas where we have expertise to focus on and grow.
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Increase the use of permeable pavement in public spaces and streets, Continue implementing shoreline and wetland restoration projects, Provide access to grants or subsidies for flood-proofing vulnerable homes and businesses
How can Norfolk improve its waterfront access? Expand the Elizabeth Trail to the Va. Beach border - as close to the Southern Branch of the Elizabeth river as possible
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Expand the Tide light rail, Introduce flexible transit options like on-demand shuttles or microtransit, Other - Expand the Tide to ODU thus connecting ODU with EVMS/medical complex. Expand the Tide to Military Circle. More water taxis and expanded ferry service - the water is a new street and doesn't need to be paved, etc.
What would improve streets and walkability in your neighborhood? Fix the sidewalks - very difficult to walk at a brisk pace due to the condition of our sidewalks.

Kenny Newton in Ward 5 September 15, 2024, 10:21 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Improved gateways and entry points into the neighborhood, Organizing more neighborhood events and community groups to foster connection, Other - Taking better care of what is already here (roads, sidewalks, lighting, trees, median strips, etc.)
How can Norfolk better highlight its history and culture? Periodic news articles highlighting events thru history - running various series focusing on differing topics that would interest different interest groups (educational, military, sports, arts, etc)
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Encourage housing development with units priced at all ends of the economic spectrum, Encourage the conversion of vacant and underutilized buildings into affordable housing units, Other - COMMENT: all above ideas are interestingb but the challenge is how to implement them within the context of currently available regulations. Appears that success with many of them would only be possible under strict & unnacceptable government controls!
How can Norfolk strengthen our commercial corridors and help small businesses thrive? Review existing regulations to ease unnecessary constraints & restrictions; enforce existing regulations; maintain existing improvements (this is one of the worst characteristics of Norfolk).
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Continue implementing shoreline and wetland restoration projects, Other - Most of these are temporary, too costly, or ineffective for even moderate rain events. Adequately maintaining storm drains, control structures ( curbs/gutters) is poorly done; control of tree leaves & growth, pruning & planting are paramount.unclear
How can Norfolk improve its waterfront access? Unclear question - waterfront access to what or where?
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Implement a bus rapid transit (BRT) system to reduce travel time for commuters, Other - Focus on econ. development so neighborhoods can be “self-sufficient” WRT normal, everyday goods/services within bike/walk distance. Get rid of Tide, can NEVER be economically viable. Improve vehicular traffic control, too much time/gas wasted @ lites
What would improve streets and walkability in your neighborhood? MAINTENANCE, proactive in identifying/repairing sidewalks, curbs, pavements.

Michael Merritt in Ward 1 September 15, 2024, 6:37 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Public spaces that encourage neighborly connections, such as parks or plazas, Creating safer, more walkable routes for pedestrians, Creating inclusive places with activities for children
How can Norfolk better highlight its history and culture? By preserving its historical buildings. In particular, Maury HS and other public schools.
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Support the construction of smaller, more affordable housing units, including Accessory Dwelling Units / “granny flats”/ “mother-in-law suites”, Encourage the conversion of vacant and underutilized buildings into affordable housing units, Eliminate “parking minimum” requirements for off-street parking, which can allow more units built per site
How can Norfolk strengthen our commercial corridors and help small businesses thrive? Make them safe for pedestrians and bicyclists. Currently there is no north-south artery that has sidewalks its entire length. Let people walk to their neighborhood business!
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Plant more street trees and rain gardens to absorb excess stormwater, Continue implementing shoreline and wetland restoration projects, Other - Encourage residents to reduce CO2 emissions, which are the cause of the flooding
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Create more protected bike lanes on major connector streets, Implement traffic calming measures to lower speeds and improve safety
What would improve streets and walkability in your neighborhood? Bike lanes. Crosswalks.

Anne Christie in Ward 2 September 14, 2024, 10:37 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Beautification strategies, such as community gardens or public art, Public spaces that encourage neighborly connections, such as parks or plazas, Other - More micromodal transportation friendly. Add protected lanes to every new street repair/endeavor
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Support the construction of smaller, more affordable housing units, including Accessory Dwelling Units / “granny flats”/ “mother-in-law suites”, Encourage the conversion of vacant and underutilized buildings into affordable housing units, Promote cooperative housing models where residents share ownership and management responsibilities
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Plant more street trees and rain gardens to absorb excess stormwater, Continue implementing shoreline and wetland restoration projects, Provide access to grants or subsidies for flood-proofing vulnerable homes and businesses
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Expand the Elizabeth River Trail and create additional offroad bike trails, Improve sidewalks and pedestrian connections like crosswalks, Implement traffic calming measures to lower speeds and improve safety

Name not shown in Ward 2 September 14, 2024, 9:07 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Increasing access to community resources like libraries and community centers, Creating safer, more walkable routes for pedestrians, Other - Priority to pedestrians, then cyclists/scooters, then and only then to cars insode residential neighborhoods. Allow small shops, cafes, convenience stores within the residential area.
How can Norfolk better highlight its history and culture? Designate historical locations and create pathways in thise areas barring cars, to preserve the area and encourage walking.
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Incentivize “missing middle” housing options through zoning and policy, Support the construction of smaller, more affordable housing units, including Accessory Dwelling Units / “granny flats”/ “mother-in-law suites”, Eliminate “parking minimum” requirements for off-street parking, which can allow more units built per site
How can Norfolk strengthen our commercial corridors and help small businesses thrive? Allow small businesses within residential areas with shorter hours.
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Promote rainwater harvesting and storage systems, Install temporary flood barriers in flood prone areas, Encourage retreat to higher land in less flood-prone areas through home buyout programs
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Create more protected bike lanes on major connector streets, Improve sidewalks and pedestrian connections like crosswalks, Other - More trams = more people in trams and less cars!

Liz Schleeper in Ward 2 September 13, 2024, 11:53 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Improved gateways and entry points into the neighborhood, Public spaces that encourage neighborly connections, such as parks or plazas, Creating safer, more walkable routes for pedestrians
How can Norfolk better highlight its history and culture? Improve micromodes of transportation like walking and bike riding so that accessing the many areas has the feel of belonging there and being part of it.
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Support the construction of smaller, more affordable housing units, including Accessory Dwelling Units / “granny flats”/ “mother-in-law suites”, Encourage the conversion of vacant and underutilized buildings into affordable housing units, Promote community land trusts to maintain long-term housing affordability
How can Norfolk strengthen our commercial corridors and help small businesses thrive? Give people easier access with bike infrastructure
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Promote rainwater harvesting and storage systems, Install temporary flood barriers in flood prone areas, Encourage retreat to higher land in less flood-prone areas through home buyout programs
How can Norfolk improve its waterfront access? Create GOOD pedestrian/ bike walkways on the many bridges that cross water (Brambleton, Willow Wood, Granby St, 26th Street, Pretty Lake, Tidewater, Colley. Think how the Lesner (VB) and Jordan (Ches/ Ports) are destinations now that people can get up on them!
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Create more protected bike lanes on major connector streets, Expand the Elizabeth River Trail and create additional offroad bike trails, Improve sidewalks and pedestrian connections like crosswalks
What would improve streets and walkability in your neighborhood? Implement the Bike Plan, adopted 2015.

Name not shown in Ward 1 September 10, 2024, 11:54 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Improved gateways and entry points into the neighborhood, Other - Businesses on Little Creek Road not well maintained
How can Norfolk better highlight its history and culture? Continue to highlight different cultural events
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Encourage housing development with units priced at all ends of the economic spectrum, Encourage the conversion of vacant and underutilized buildings into affordable housing units
How can Norfolk strengthen our commercial corridors and help small businesses thrive? Create business & housing combinations
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Other - Look at working models used by high flood countries/cities
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Implement traffic calming measures to lower speeds and improve safety, Other - Create a safe walking trail - similar to Mt Trashmore

Name not shown in Ward 2 September 7, 2024, 3:27 PM

What would make your neighborhood more welcoming and inclusive to all residents? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Beautification strategies, such as community gardens or public art, Organizing more neighborhood events and community groups to foster connection, Encouraging more local businesses in the neighborhood
How can Norfolk better highlight its history and culture? Find ways to preserve and reuse our historic buildings rather than tearing them down.
How can we keep housing affordable in Norfolk? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Support the construction of smaller, more affordable housing units, including Accessory Dwelling Units / “granny flats”/ “mother-in-law suites”, Encourage housing development with units priced at all ends of the economic spectrum, Promote community land trusts to maintain long-term housing affordability
How can Norfolk strengthen our commercial corridors and help small businesses thrive? Identify locations (35th Street is one example) to focus attention and investment to promote and support small business (like the Neon district).
How can Norfolk address our issues with flooding? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Plant more street trees and rain gardens to absorb excess stormwater, Promote rainwater harvesting and storage systems, Continue implementing shoreline and wetland restoration projects
How can Norfolk improve its waterfront access? Waterfront access is already pretty good. Could analyze neighborhoods and ensure an access point is within a certain distance of each.
What would help you get around your city better? Choose from some ideas we’ve heard so far, or share your own idea: (Select UP TO THREE) Increase the frequency and reliability of existing bus routes, Expand the Elizabeth River Trail and create additional offroad bike trails, Improve sidewalks and pedestrian connections like crosswalks
What would improve streets and walkability in your neighborhood? a crosswalk system/design that makes it clear that pedestrians have priority over vehicles.

Name not shown in Ward 2 September 6, 2024, 9:02 PM

Do you think that a perimeter fence is necessary for Westover Memorial Park? Yes
If yes, what materials would you prefer the perimeter fence to be? (Ex. wood picket, metal picket, brick, etc.) Brick

Joel Weaver in Ward 2 September 5, 2024, 6:50 PM

Do you think that a perimeter fence is necessary for Westover Memorial Park? Yes
If yes, what materials would you prefer the perimeter fence to be? (Ex. wood picket, metal picket, brick, etc.) Brick