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Let’s Talk Norfolk

What critical needs and issues are Norfolk residents and businesses experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic?

147 registered responses

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
18-24 2.0% 3
25-34 12.9% 19
35-44 26.5% 39
45-54 16.3% 24
55-64 17.0% 25
65-74 22.4% 33
75 or older 2.7% 4

As a resident, what needs do you have right now as a result of the COVID-19 crisis? Check all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Employment/Income 28.6% 42
Housing/Shelter 9.5% 14
Food 22.4% 33
Transportation 6.8% 10
Education 11.6% 17
Utilities 20.4% 30
Healthcare/Medical Attention/Medical coverage/Mental health 17.0% 25
Government and Legal 8.8% 13
Childcare 8.8% 13
Household Supplies/Clothing 19.0% 28
None 44.2% 65
Other 14.3% 21

What need is your most critical right now? Choose one.

Response Percent Response Count
Employment/Income 19.0% 28
Housing/Shelter 3.4% 5
Food 2.0% 3
Transportation 0.7% 1
Education 3.4% 5
Utilities 4.8% 7
Healthcare/Medical Attention/Medical Coverage/Mental health 6.1% 9
Government and Legal 1.4% 2
Childcare 2.0% 3
Household supplies/Clothing 4.8% 7
None 45.6% 67
Other 6.8% 10

What housing-related challenge are you experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Choose the option that mostly closely describes your situation.

Response Percent Response Count
I am not experiencing any housing related challenges. 71.4% 105
I am behind in my rent/utilities and/or cannot pay my upcoming rent/utilities. 7.5% 11
I am concerned about an eviction in the next three to six months. 4.8% 7
I am behind in my mortgage payment but do not have a foreclosure notice. 2.7% 4
I have received a foreclosure notice from my mortgage lender. 0.7% 1
I need to make critical repairs to my house but have no funds to do them. 7.5% 11
I have already lost my housing and am either homeless or staying with others. 0.7% 1
Other (Please indicate.) 4.8% 7

If you chose, "I have already lost my home and am either homeless or staying with others," is this the first time that you have lost your housing?

Response Percent Response Count
No 3.2% 4
N/A 96.8% 122

What types of housing assistance do you currently need? Choose all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Rent and/or utility payment assistance 15.6% 23
Mortgage assistance 8.2% 12
Assistance finding affordable housing 6.8% 10
Homeless services/Shelter 0.7% 1
Landlord/tenant mediation 3.4% 5
Home repair assistance 10.2% 15
None 67.3% 99
Other 4.1% 6

If you are facing eviction or foreclosure, what is the last date for assistance that would help prevent you from losing your housing? Please enter in date format, XX/XX/20XX.


What types of assistance are you currently using/receiving? Choose all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Unemployment 9.5% 14
Housing Choice Voucher Program 2.7% 4
Food pantry/Meal Services 6.1% 9
Mental health services 6.1% 9
Childcare subsidy 0.7% 1
Energy assistance 0.7% 1
Medicaid 9.5% 14
Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) 5.4% 8
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF) 0.7% 1
None 74.8% 110
Other 4.1% 6

What other resources do you think would be helpful in your recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic?


How many people live in your household?

Response Percent Response Count
1 21.1% 31
2 44.2% 65
3 15.0% 22
4 12.2% 18
5 4.8% 7
6 0.7% 1
7 0.7% 1
More than 8 1.4% 2

What was your approximate total yearly household income in 2019?

Response Percent Response Count
Under $10,000 2.0% 3
$10,000-$19,999 4.1% 6
$20,000-$39,999 19.7% 29
$40,000-$59,999 17.0% 25
$60,000-$79,999 9.5% 14
$80,000-$99,999 10.2% 15
$100,000-$124,999 14.3% 21
$125,000-$149,999 1.4% 2
$150,000-$174,999 4.1% 6
$175,000 or more 8.8% 13
Prefer not to say 8.8% 13

Select all the sources of income in your household.

Response Percent Response Count
Self-employed 21.8% 32
Employed 63.9% 94
Social Security 27.2% 40
Retirement Income 25.2% 37
Family support 2.7% 4
None 0.7% 1
Other 8.2% 12

How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your financial situation?

Response Percent Response Count
Major impact on my financial situation 26.5% 39
Minor impact on my financial situation 40.1% 59
No impact on my financial situation 33.3% 49

How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your employment status?

Response Percent Response Count
No Change: Fully Employed, working from office/on-site 12.2% 18
No Change: Fully Employed, working from home 31.3% 46
My hours have been reduced, working from office/on-site 5.4% 8
My hours have been reduced, working from home 8.8% 13
I have been furloughed 2.7% 4
My job has been cut (I am unemployed) 6.8% 10
Not applicable: I am retired/not working 23.1% 34
Other 9.5% 14

How many persons in your household have become unemployed since the shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic began?

Response Percent Response Count
0 - No one has become unemployed 67.3% 99
1 29.3% 43
2 2.7% 4
5 0.7% 1

For the unemployed members of your household, what was the approximate combined monthly income lost?

Response Percent Response Count
None 59.2% 87
$1-$999 8.8% 13
$1,000-$1,999 8.8% 13
$2,000-$2,999 6.1% 9
$3,000-$3,999 2.0% 3
$4,000-$4,999 2.0% 3
$5,000-$5,999 2.0% 3
$6,000-$6,999 0.7% 1
$9,000-$9,999 0.7% 1
$10,000 or more 3.4% 5
I'm not sure 3.4% 5
Prefer not to say 2.7% 4

For landlords/property managers only: How many rental units do you have?


For landlords/property managers only: How many of your rental units are occupied by tenants? XX of how many?


For landlords/property managers only: Have any of your tenants contacted you with concerns about being unable to pay at least a month's rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, please provide a ratio: XX of how many?


For landlords/property managers only: How many of your tenants have been unable to pay at least a month's rent since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic? XX of how many?

Name not shown in Ward 2
May 21, 2020, 12:36 PM
  • What is your age?
    • 35-44
  • As a resident, what needs do you have right now as a result of the COVID-19 crisis? Check all that apply.
    • None
  • What need is your most critical right now? Choose one.
    • None
  • What housing-related challenge are you experiencing as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? Choose the option that mostly closely describes your situation.
    • I am not experiencing any housing related challenges.
  • If you chose, "I have already lost my home and am either homeless or staying with others," is this the first time that you have lost your housing?
    No response.
  • What types of housing assistance do you currently need? Choose all that apply.
    • None
  • If you are facing eviction or foreclosure, what is the last date for assistance that would help prevent you from losing your housing? Please enter in date format, XX/XX/20XX.
    No response.
  • What types of assistance are you currently using/receiving? Choose all that apply.
    • None
  • What other resources do you think would be helpful in your recovery from the COVID-19 pandemic?
    No response.
  • How many people live in your household?
    • 1
  • What was your approximate total yearly household income in 2019?
    • $40,000-$59,999
  • Select all the sources of income in your household.
    • Employed
  • How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your financial situation?
    • Minor impact on my financial situation
  • How has the coronavirus pandemic affected your employment status?
    • No Change: Fully Employed, working from home
  • How many persons in your household have become unemployed since the shutdown caused by the COVID-19 pandemic began?
    • 0 - No one has become unemployed
  • For the unemployed members of your household, what was the approximate combined monthly income lost?
    • None
  • For landlords/property managers only: How many rental units do you have?
    No response.
  • For landlords/property managers only: How many of your rental units are occupied by tenants? XX of how many?
    No response.
  • For landlords/property managers only: Have any of your tenants contacted you with concerns about being unable to pay at least a month's rent as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic? If so, please provide a ratio: XX of how many?
    No response.
  • For landlords/property managers only: How many of your tenants have been unable to pay at least a month's rent since the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic? XX of how many?
    No response.
  • What are your thoughts about actions the City of Norfolk should take to address the COVID-19 crisis?

    I am not worried about the actions now, I am worried about the budget for the future. I teach with Norfolk Public Schools and I worry about my students and about my future income. I also worry about a reduction in city services in the future because of this pandemic.

  • Are you the owner of a microbusiness/microenterprise, defined as five or fewer employees including the owner?
    • No
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