Would you like to provide feedback on Princess Anne Rd. or skip directly to provide feedback to Virginia Beach Blvd?
Start with Princess Anne Rd (Church Street to Ballentine Boulevard)
1. Which best describes you (pick one)?
2. If you are a student, which school do you attend (pick one)?
Booker T. Washington High School
3. If you are a student, do you ride the school bus?
4. What time of day do you travel Princess Anne Rd? (Check all that apply)
Morning (before 10 AM)
Midday (10 AM to 2 PM)
Afternoon (2 PM to 7 PM)
Evening (After 7 PM)
5. How do you currently travel along Princess Anne Road (pick one)?
6. If you could choose any mode of transportation, how would you prefer to travel along Princess Anne Road? (pick one)?
7. As a pedestrian, where do you most frequently cross the street (pick one)?
At intersections without pedestrian accommodations (crosswalks or pedestrian signals)
7.a. Using Question 7, on a scale from 1 to 5, please rate how difficult it is to cross Princess Anne Road as a pedestrian (1 being Easy, 5 being Difficult).
At intersections without pedestrian accommodations (crosswalks or pedestrian signals) - 5
At intersections with pedestrian accommodations (crosswalks and pedestrian signals) - 3
Between intersections - 5
Other - 5
Specify the intersections where you typically cross the street.
929 Mapole ave
Optional: Please place a pin where you typically cross the street. Use the pin type to mark the type of crossing that you make. You can zoom in or out for more detail using the +/- button in the right corner.
A - This is where I cross the street
9. In which neighborhood does your commute typically begin?
Norfolk Civic League Not Identified
10. In which neighborhood does your commute typically end?
Norfolk Civic League
11. Do you currently take public transportation?
12. If you do take public transportation, what is your experience (pick one)?
13. If you do not take public transportation, why not? (check all that apply)
Not reliable
Routes not available close to me
14. Would you be more likely to use public transit if:
It was reliable - more likely
It was frequent - more likely
It traveled to proper destinations - more likely
It had longer service hours - more likely
It had weekend service - more likely
15. Please rank each of the following categories based on their level of importance to you.
Would you like to provide feedback on Virginia Beach Boulevard (Church Street to Ballentine Boulevard)?
1. Which best describes you: (pick one)?
2. If you are a student, which school do you attend (pick one)?
Booker T. Washington High School
3. If you are a student, do you ride the school bus?
4. What time of day do you travel Virginia Beach Boulevard? (Check all that apply)
Morning (before 10 AM)
Midday (10 AM to 2 PM)
Afternoon (2 PM to 7 PM)
Evening (After 7 PM)
5. How do you currently travel along Virginia Beach Boulevard (pick one)?
6. If you could choose any mode of transportation, how would you prefer to travel along Virginia Beach Boulevard? (pick one)?
Personal Vehicle
7. As a pedestrian, where do you most frequently cross the street (pick one)?
At intersections without pedestrian accommodations (crosswalks or pedestrian signals)
7.a. Using Question 7, on a scale from 1 to 5, please rate how difficult it is to cross Virginia Beach Boulevard as a pedestrian (1 being Easy, 5 being Difficult).
At intersections without pedestrian accommodations (crosswalks or pedestrian signals) - 5
At intersections with pedestrian accommodations (crosswalks and pedestrian signals) - 4
Between intersections - 3
Specify the intersections where you typically cross the street.
Optional: Please place a pin where you typically cross the street. Use the pin type to mark the type of crossing that you make. You can zoom in or out for more detail using the +/- button in the right corner.
A - This is where I cross the street
9. In which neighborhood does your commute typically begin?
Norfolk Civic League
10. In which neighborhood does your commute typically end?
Norfolk Civic League Not Identified
11. Is there sufficient on-street parking on Virginia Beach Boulevard between Church Street and Ballentine Boulevard?
12. Do you currently take public transportation?
13. If you do take public transportation, what is your experience (pick one)?
14. If you do not take public transportation, why not? (check all that apply)
Not reliable
Not frequent enough
Doesn’t travel to my destination
Routes not available close to me
15. Would you be more likely to use public transit if:
It was reliable - definitely
It was frequent - definitely
It traveled to proper destinations - definitely
It had longer service hours - definitely
It had weekend service - definitely
16. Please rank each of the following categories based on their level of importance to you. (1 Being the Highest Priority,
10 being the Lowest Priority)
Let’s Talk Norfolk is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Let’s Talk Norfolk is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Would you like to provide feedback on Princess Anne Rd. or skip directly to provide feedback to Virginia Beach Blvd?
1. Which best describes you (pick one)?
2. If you are a student, which school do you attend (pick one)?
3. If you are a student, do you ride the school bus?
4. What time of day do you travel Princess Anne Rd? (Check all that apply)
5. How do you currently travel along Princess Anne Road (pick one)?
6. If you could choose any mode of transportation, how would you prefer to travel along Princess Anne Road? (pick one)?
7. As a pedestrian, where do you most frequently cross the street (pick one)?
7.a. Using Question 7, on a scale from 1 to 5, please rate how difficult it is to cross Princess Anne Road as a pedestrian (1 being Easy, 5 being Difficult).
Specify the intersections where you typically cross the street.
Optional: Please place a pin where you typically cross the street. Use the pin type to mark the type of crossing that you make. You can zoom in or out for more detail using the +/- button in the right corner.
9. In which neighborhood does your commute typically begin?
10. In which neighborhood does your commute typically end?
11. Do you currently take public transportation?
12. If you do take public transportation, what is your experience (pick one)?
13. If you do not take public transportation, why not? (check all that apply)
14. Would you be more likely to use public transit if:
15. Please rank each of the following categories based on their level of importance to you.
Provide reliable and frequent transit service
Reduce truck traffic through corridor
Improve overall safety for all users
Reduce vehicle travel speeds
Improve bicycle connectivity and facilities
Reduce vehicle congestion
Wider sidewalks and/or more improved crosswalks or signalized crossings
Replacing bulbs or more light poles
Reduce travel time through corridor
Would you like to provide feedback on Virginia Beach Boulevard (Church Street to Ballentine Boulevard)?
1. Which best describes you: (pick one)?
2. If you are a student, which school do you attend (pick one)?
3. If you are a student, do you ride the school bus?
4. What time of day do you travel Virginia Beach Boulevard? (Check all that apply)
5. How do you currently travel along Virginia Beach Boulevard (pick one)?
6. If you could choose any mode of transportation, how would you prefer to travel along Virginia Beach Boulevard? (pick one)?
7. As a pedestrian, where do you most frequently cross the street (pick one)?
7.a. Using Question 7, on a scale from 1 to 5, please rate how difficult it is to cross Virginia Beach Boulevard as a pedestrian (1 being Easy, 5 being Difficult).
Specify the intersections where you typically cross the street.
Optional: Please place a pin where you typically cross the street. Use the pin type to mark the type of crossing that you make. You can zoom in or out for more detail using the +/- button in the right corner.
9. In which neighborhood does your commute typically begin?
10. In which neighborhood does your commute typically end?
11. Is there sufficient on-street parking on Virginia Beach Boulevard between Church Street and Ballentine Boulevard?
12. Do you currently take public transportation?
13. If you do take public transportation, what is your experience (pick one)?
14. If you do not take public transportation, why not? (check all that apply)
15. Would you be more likely to use public transit if:
16. Please rank each of the following categories based on their level of importance to you. (1 Being the Highest Priority, 10 being the Lowest Priority)
Roberto Lovick