Please give us your input.
This topic has 276 visitors and 87 responses: 30 registered responses and 57 unregistered responses.
That's 4.4 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.
The Norfolk Public Library’s mission is to provide equal opportunity access to information, high quality book and multimedia materials, programs, exhibits, and online resources to meet the needs of our diverse community for lifelong learning, cultural enrichment, and intellectual stimulation. To fulfill its mission, the library employs a knowledgeable, well-trained staff committed to excellent service and civility. The Strategic Directions are a list of ways that the library seeks to fulfill its mission. We are asking for your assessment on the success of these Strategic Directions. Please take the survey here.
This topic has 276 visitors and 87 responses: 30 registered responses and 57 unregistered responses.
That's 4.4 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.