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Let’s Talk Norfolk

Please give us your input.

287 registered responses


Response Percent Response Count
18-24 0.7% 2
25-34 7.7% 22
35-44 21.3% 61
45-54 15.7% 45
55-64 21.6% 62
65-74 26.5% 76
75-84 6.6% 19


Response Percent Response Count
Male 31.0% 89
Female 67.9% 195
Non-binary 0.7% 2
Prefer not to say 0.3% 1

Are you a Norfolk resident?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 99.7% 285
No 0.3% 1

Zip Code


Are you a parent or guardian?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 64.0% 183
No 36.0% 103

1. Do you or someone in your household use the current Norfolk Fitness & Wellness Center?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 53.7% 154
No 46.3% 133

2. How often do you or someone in your household use the current facility?

Response Percent Response Count
Weekly 28.6% 82
Monthly 5.9% 17
Infrequently 65.5% 188

3. How do you or someone in your household get to the current facility?

Response Percent Response Count
Walk 10.5% 30
Bike 4.2% 12
Drive 63.8% 183
Bus 0.7% 2
N/A 20.9% 60

4. What do you or someone in your household use the Norfolk Fitness & Wellness Center for? (Click while holding ctrl to select multiple answers)

Response Percent Response Count
Basketball (indoor) 4.2% 12
Cardio Training Rm 32.4% 93
Circuit Training Rm 21.6% 62
Fitness Room 36.9% 106
Gym 20.9% 60
Lacrosse 1.0% 3
Meeting Rooms 11.1% 32
Multipurpose Room 9.1% 26
Playground 14.3% 41
Pool 49.1% 141
Racketball 3.1% 9
Sauna 11.5% 33
Soccer 0.7% 2
Soccer Field(s) 3.8% 11
Tennis 4.5% 13
Wallyball Court 1.0% 3
Weight Room 18.1% 52
Other 27.2% 78

5. How often do you or someone in your household utilize Norfolk Public libraries?

Response Percent Response Count
Weekly 17.4% 50
Monthly 33.4% 96
Infrequently 49.1% 141

6. Which is your household’s primary library?

Response Percent Response Count
Barron F. Black - 6700 E Tanners Creek Dr 0.7% 2
Blyden - 879 E Princess Anne Rd 0.3% 1
Janaf - 124 Janaf Shopping Ctr 0.7% 2
Jordan-Newby Anchor Branch at Broad Creek - 1425 Norchester Ave 1.4% 4
Lafayette - 1610 Cromwell Dr 15.3% 44
Larchmont - 6525 Hampton Blvd 17.8% 51
Little Creek - 7853 Tarpon Pl 3.5% 10
Mary D. Pretlow Anchor - 111 W Ocean View Ave 29.6% 85
Park Place - 620 W 29th St 2.1% 6
Richard A. Tucker Memorial - 2350 Berkley Ave Ext 0.3% 1
Van Wyck - 1368 DeBree Ave 6.3% 18
Digital Library/online 4.5% 13
Mobile Delivery Service or Bookmobile 0.3% 1
Slover Library - 235 E Plume St 12.9% 37
Other 4.2% 12

7. Are there other libraries you visit?


8. What do you or someone in your household typically do or utilize?

Response Percent Response Count
Borrow materials 45.6% 131
Use public computers 1.7% 5
Study 2.8% 8
Read 5.6% 16
Conduct research 3.1% 9
Ask for information, reading recommendations, or help from staff 1.4% 4
Photocopier 0.3% 1
Attend a class or program 4.9% 14
Library KidZone or Playscape 5.9% 17
Attend meetings 4.9% 14
Read magazines or newspapers 2.1% 6
Meet with others to collaborate or playdate 2.1% 6
Work 1.7% 5
Use wi-fi 2.4% 7
Use library databases/library-provided online classes while in the library 2.1% 6
Borrow library eBooks, downloadable video and Audiobooks while in the library 13.2% 38

9. How often would your household use the following features?

Aerobics/Fitness/Gymnastics space
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 43.2% 124
A few times/month 23.3% 67
At least once/month 8.0% 23
Less than once/month 6.3% 18
Seldom/Never 12.9% 37
Don't Know 6.3% 18
Lap lanes for swim lessons, exercise swimming
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 36.2% 104
A few times/month 23.7% 68
At least once/month 9.4% 27
Less than once/month 4.9% 14
Seldom/Never 17.8% 51
Don't Know 8.0% 23
Lanes for recreational swimming
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 32.4% 93
A few times/month 21.3% 61
At least once/month 11.1% 32
Less than once/month 12.5% 36
Seldom/Never 16.0% 46
Don't Know 6.6% 19
Aquatic areas for therapeutic purposes, aqua-fitness classes, aqua walking, hot tub
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 31.0% 89
A few times/month 20.2% 58
At least once/month 8.7% 25
Less than once/month 8.4% 24
Seldom/Never 21.6% 62
Don't Know 10.1% 29
Splashpad / water playground
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 11.8% 34
A few times/month 14.6% 42
At least once/month 8.0% 23
Less than once/month 7.3% 21
Seldom/Never 45.3% 130
Don't Know 12.9% 37
Running/walking track
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 32.8% 94
A few times/month 22.6% 65
At least once/month 9.8% 28
Less than once/month 9.1% 26
Seldom/Never 18.1% 52
Don't Know 7.7% 22
Sports courts (handball, racquetball, squash)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 5.2% 15
A few times/month 9.8% 28
At least once/month 10.1% 29
Less than once/month 12.9% 37
Seldom/Never 50.5% 145
Don't Know 11.5% 33
Multi-purpose courts for basketball, volleyball, etc
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 5.2% 15
A few times/month 7.7% 22
At least once/month 8.7% 25
Less than once/month 15.3% 44
Seldom/Never 49.8% 143
Don't Know 13.2% 38
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 8.4% 24
A few times/month 9.4% 27
At least once/month 9.4% 27
Less than once/month 7.3% 21
Seldom/Never 44.6% 128
Don't Know 20.9% 60
Weight room (Free Weights)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 24.7% 71
A few times/month 20.6% 59
At least once/month 13.6% 39
Less than once/month 8.4% 24
Seldom/Never 25.4% 73
Don't Know 7.3% 21
Weight Room (Hydraulic & Machine)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 29.3% 84
A few times/month 23.3% 67
At least once/month 10.8% 31
Less than once/month 9.4% 27
Seldom/Never 19.9% 57
Don't Know 7.3% 21
Cardiovascular equipment area
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 36.6% 105
A few times/month 26.5% 76
At least once/month 7.7% 22
Less than once/month 7.3% 21
Seldom/Never 15.7% 45
Don't Know 6.3% 18
Youth exercise area (0-16)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 8.7% 25
A few times/month 10.8% 31
At least once/month 5.2% 15
Less than once/month 8.0% 23
Seldom/Never 45.6% 131
Don't Know 21.6% 62

If other please explain.


How often would your household use the following features?

Checking out books and print material
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 8.5% 24
A few times/month 34.5% 98
At least once/month 19.4% 55
Less than once/month 15.1% 43
Seldom/Never 16.9% 48
Don't Know 4.6% 13
Reading Nooks and Quiet Zone
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 3.5% 10
A few times/month 15.8% 45
At least once/month 14.4% 41
Less than once/month 12.7% 36
Seldom/Never 41.9% 119
Don't Know 7.0% 20
Study/ Collaborative rooms (1-4 people)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 3.5% 10
A few times/month 6.7% 19
At least once/month 4.9% 14
Less than once/month 18.0% 51
Seldom/Never 49.6% 141
Don't Know 9.9% 28
After School Programs
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 4.2% 12
A few times/month 4.9% 14
At least once/month 3.9% 11
Less than once/month 4.9% 14
Seldom/Never 64.1% 182
Don't Know 11.6% 33
Playscape (0-3)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 4.6% 13
A few times/month 4.9% 14
At least once/month 3.9% 11
Less than once/month 3.9% 11
Seldom/Never 67.3% 191
Don't Know 8.5% 24
KidZone (3-6)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 4.9% 14
A few times/month 7.7% 22
At least once/month 4.9% 14
Less than once/month 3.9% 11
Seldom/Never 62.7% 178
Don't Know 9.5% 27
School Age Zone (7-12)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 3.5% 10
A few times/month 7.0% 20
At least once/month 4.2% 12
Less than once/month 5.3% 15
Seldom/Never 63.0% 179
Don't Know 10.6% 30
Teen lounge areas
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 1.8% 5
A few times/month 4.2% 12
At least once/month 4.6% 13
Less than once/month 4.6% 13
Seldom/Never 66.5% 189
Don't Know 12.0% 34
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 3.2% 9
A few times/month 2.5% 7
At least once/month 3.2% 9
Less than once/month 1.1% 3
Seldom/Never 25.7% 73
Don't Know 25.4% 72

If other please explain.


How often would your household use the following features?

Commercial / Demonstrational Kitchen
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 1.4% 4
A few times/month 5.9% 17
At least once/month 5.6% 16
Less than once/month 15.7% 45
Seldom/Never 48.6% 139
Don't Know 18.5% 53
Meeting room (75-100 people)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 0.7% 2
A few times/month 3.5% 10
At least once/month 9.4% 27
Less than once/month 23.8% 68
Seldom/Never 43.4% 124
Don't Know 16.1% 46
Auditorium available for rent (100-200 people)
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 0.3% 1
A few times/month 1.4% 4
At least once/month 3.1% 9
Less than once/month 21.3% 61
Seldom/Never 50.0% 143
Don't Know 18.5% 53
Senior services and programs/senior resources
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 11.5% 33
A few times/month 12.2% 35
At least once/month 12.2% 35
Less than once/month 11.9% 34
Seldom/Never 40.6% 116
Don't Know 10.1% 29
Youth counseling services
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 2.4% 7
A few times/month 3.1% 9
At least once/month 2.4% 7
Less than once/month 3.8% 11
Seldom/Never 69.6% 199
Don't Know 12.9% 37
Game rooms
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 7.7% 22
A few times/month 5.6% 16
At least once/month 9.4% 27
Less than once/month 10.1% 29
Seldom/Never 48.6% 139
Don't Know 13.6% 39
E-gaming / Lounging space
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 5.2% 15
A few times/month 4.2% 12
At least once/month 7.3% 21
Less than once/month 7.3% 21
Seldom/Never 57.7% 165
Don't Know 12.2% 35
Computer Lab
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 4.5% 13
A few times/month 6.3% 18
At least once/month 7.3% 21
Less than once/month 10.5% 30
Seldom/Never 55.6% 159
Don't Know 11.5% 33
Maker Space
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 7.0% 20
A few times/month 10.1% 29
At least once/month 11.2% 32
Less than once/month 12.9% 37
Seldom/Never 37.1% 106
Don't Know 16.1% 46
Art Studio
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 6.6% 19
A few times/month 14.7% 42
At least once/month 14.0% 40
Less than once/month 15.0% 43
Seldom/Never 31.8% 91
Don't Know 12.2% 35
Public Art and Gallery
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 5.6% 16
A few times/month 11.5% 33
At least once/month 18.9% 54
Less than once/month 18.9% 54
Seldom/Never 26.6% 76
Don't Know 13.6% 39

If other please explain.


How often would your household use the following features?

Community Garden space
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 10.6% 30
A few times/month 14.4% 41
At least once/month 17.3% 49
Less than once/month 14.8% 42
Seldom/Never 27.8% 79
Don't Know 12.7% 36
Fitness equipment, Exercise Area, Obstacle Course
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 23.2% 66
A few times/month 26.8% 76
At least once/month 18.3% 52
Less than once/month 12.7% 36
Seldom/Never 12.7% 36
Don't Know 5.3% 15
Multi-use courts
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 6.0% 17
A few times/month 10.9% 31
At least once/month 16.5% 47
Less than once/month 16.9% 48
Seldom/Never 33.8% 96
Don't Know 11.6% 33
Nature Explorium
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 8.8% 25
A few times/month 20.1% 57
At least once/month 20.4% 58
Less than once/month 13.4% 38
Seldom/Never 24.3% 69
Don't Know 10.2% 29
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 8.8% 25
A few times/month 8.1% 23
At least once/month 9.2% 26
Less than once/month 9.2% 26
Seldom/Never 41.5% 118
Don't Know 19.4% 55
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 13.4% 38
A few times/month 11.3% 32
At least once/month 8.8% 25
Less than once/month 9.2% 26
Seldom/Never 44.4% 126
Don't Know 9.2% 26
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 43.0% 122
A few times/month 27.5% 78
At least once/month 11.3% 32
Less than once/month 5.3% 15
Seldom/Never 8.1% 23
Don't Know 3.5% 10
Splashpad / water playground
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 14.8% 42
A few times/month 14.4% 41
At least once/month 6.7% 19
Less than once/month 6.0% 17
Seldom/Never 41.5% 118
Don't Know 12.3% 35
Walking track / trail
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 35.9% 102
A few times/month 25.0% 71
At least once/month 14.4% 41
Less than once/month 10.2% 29
Seldom/Never 8.1% 23
Don't Know 4.6% 13
Rentable Picnic Space
Response Percent Response Count
Several times/week 3.9% 11
A few times/month 7.0% 20
At least once/month 13.4% 38
Less than once/month 23.6% 67
Seldom/Never 31.7% 90
Don't Know 16.5% 47
Name not shown in Ward 1
March 14, 2022, 6:31 PM
  • Age
    • 65-74
  • Gender
    • Female
  • Are you a Norfolk resident?
    • Yes
  • Zip Code
  • Are you a parent or guardian?
    • Yes
  • 1. Do you or someone in your household use the current Norfolk Fitness & Wellness Center?
    • Yes
  • 2. How often do you or someone in your household use the current facility?
    • Weekly
  • 3. How do you or someone in your household get to the current facility?
    • Drive
  • 4. What do you or someone in your household use the Norfolk Fitness & Wellness Center for? (Click while holding ctrl to select multiple answers)
    • Cardio Training Rm
    • Pool
    • Sauna
  • 5. How often do you or someone in your household utilize Norfolk Public libraries?
    • Infrequently
  • 6. Which is your household’s primary library?
    • Mary D. Pretlow Anchor - 111 W Ocean View Ave
  • 7. Are there other libraries you visit?
  • 8. What do you or someone in your household typically do or utilize?
    • Borrow library eBooks, downloadable video and Audiobooks while in the library
  • 9. How often would your household use the following features?
    • Aerobics/Fitness/Gymnastics space - Seldom/Never
    • Lap lanes for swim lessons, exercise swimming - Several times/week
    • Lanes for recreational swimming - Several times/week
    • Aquatic areas for therapeutic purposes, aqua-fitness classes, aqua walking, hot tub - Several times/week
    • Splashpad / water playground - Seldom/Never
    • Running/walking track - Seldom/Never
    • Sports courts (handball, racquetball, squash) - Seldom/Never
    • Multi-purpose courts for basketball, volleyball, etc - Seldom/Never
    • Pickleball - Seldom/Never
    • Weight room (Free Weights) - Seldom/Never
    • Weight Room (Hydraulic & Machine) - Seldom/Never
    • Cardiovascular equipment area - Less than once/month
    • Youth exercise area (0-16) - Seldom/Never
  • If other please explain.
    No response.
  • How often would your household use the following features?
    • Checking out books and print material - Seldom/Never
    • Reading Nooks and Quiet Zone - Seldom/Never
    • Study/ Collaborative rooms (1-4 people) - Seldom/Never
    • After School Programs - Seldom/Never
    • Playscape (0-3) - Seldom/Never
    • KidZone (3-6) - Seldom/Never
    • School Age Zone (7-12) - Seldom/Never
    • Teen lounge areas - Seldom/Never
    • Other - At least once/month
  • If other please explain.
  • How often would your household use the following features?
    • Commercial / Demonstrational Kitchen - Seldom/Never
    • Meeting room (75-100 people) - Less than once/month
    • Auditorium available for rent (100-200 people) - Less than once/month
    • Senior services and programs/senior resources - Several times/week
    • Youth counseling services - Seldom/Never
    • Game rooms - Seldom/Never
    • E-gaming / Lounging space - Seldom/Never
    • Computer Lab - Seldom/Never
    • Maker Space - Seldom/Never
    • Art Studio - Several times/week
    • Public Art and Gallery - Seldom/Never
  • If other please explain.
    No response.
  • How often would your household use the following features?
    • Community Garden space - Less than once/month
    • Fitness equipment, Exercise Area, Obstacle Course - Less than once/month
    • Multi-use courts - Seldom/Never
    • Nature Explorium - Less than once/month
    • Pickleball - Seldom/Never
    • Playground - Seldom/Never
    • Pool - Several times/week
    • Splashpad / water playground - Seldom/Never
    • Walking track / trail - Less than once/month
    • Rentable Picnic Space - At least once/month
  • If other please explain.
    No response.
  • 10. Are there other uses or activities that should be considered?
    Before and after school programs with transportation
  • 11. Name and contact for future updates (optional)
    Cheryl Simpson
Let’s Talk Norfolk is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Let’s Talk Norfolk is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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* required

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Let’s Talk Norfolk has two participation channels:

  • The Registered Channel: Sign in before or just after you submit your response. Either way, Community Feedback will show your response on this website.
  • The Unregistered Channel: Don't sign in and remain anonymous. Community Feedback will just share your response with Norfolk staff.

Note: The first time you sign in, you'll need to register (establish an account on Let’s Talk Norfolk). Registration is free.

The City of Norfolk has contracted with Community Feedback to monitor responses shown on this website.

  • To prevent any single user from dominating the forum, the City of Norfolk restricts the number of responses any one user can post on selected topics. Registration helps Community Feedback enforce this restriction.
  • Users, staff and government leaders often want to know the neighborhood from which a response is posted. Community Feedback uses registration to show the neighborhood next to each response (not the address).
  • If a user posts a response that does not meet the City of Norfolk guidelines for civility, Community Feedback uses the user's email address to invite the user to resolve the issue.

Community Feedback will get your contact information. The company is under contract with the City of Norfolk to hold it in strict confidence per their privacy policy.

  • Since you'll see your own response on Let’s Talk Norfolk, you'll be able to confirm that your response was posted as you intended.
  • You'll be able to change and/or delete your response as long as the topic is open.

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While no authentication procedure can perfectly detect every fraudulent registration, Community Feedback is able to secure the registered channel against systematic fraud: cases where users submit enough statements with fraudulent registrations to sway the overall interpretation of the feedback.

Community Feedback is unable to secure the unregistered channel against systematic fraud, because unregistered users are anonymous.

Neither the registered nor the unregistered channel represent a certified voting system or ballot box - and that caveat is footnoted on every page of feedback. Instead, both are additional channels for feedback to government.

Users can participate on the registered channel (by signing in) or on the unregistered channel (by remaining anonymous). The City of Norfolk offers both channels in order to broaden participation and maximize decision makers' insights.

The registered channel enables users to assure decision makers that their feedback comes from a real person in a specific neighborhood. It also enables users to participate in a public discussion on the website, as well as manage their own response after posting it.

The unregistered channel is for users who want to provide quick feedback without registering, and/or whose privacy concerns would prevent them from participating if required to register. Because many users with valuable insights will only share them anonymously, this channel gives decision makers the option to consider those insights in their deliberations.

OpenGov is a non-partisan company whose mission is to broaden civic engagement and build public trust in government. The City of Norfolk has contracted with OpenGov to administer Let’s Talk Norfolk.

Demographic Information

Current Facilities Use

Norfolk Fitness & Wellness Center

* required
* required
* required
Choose between 1 and 16 options
* required


* required
* required
* required
* required

Proposed Facilities – Detailed Questions

Fitness & Wellness

Several times/week
A few times/month
At least once/month
Less than once/month
Don't Know
Aerobics/Fitness/Gymnastics space
Lap lanes for swim lessons, exercise swimming
Lanes for recreational swimming
Aquatic areas for therapeutic purposes, aqua-fitness classes, aqua walking, hot tub
Splashpad / water playground
Running/walking track
Sports courts (handball, racquetball, squash)
Multi-purpose courts for basketball, volleyball, etc
Weight room (Free Weights)
Weight Room (Hydraulic & Machine)
Cardiovascular equipment area
Youth exercise area (0-16)
* required


Several times/week
A few times/month
At least once/month
Less than once/month
Don't Know
Checking out books and print material
Reading Nooks and Quiet Zone
Study/ Collaborative rooms (1-4 people)
After School Programs
Playscape (0-3)
KidZone (3-6)
School Age Zone (7-12)
Teen lounge areas

Shared Spaces

Several times/week
A few times/month
At least once/month
Less than once/month
Don't Know
Commercial / Demonstrational Kitchen
Meeting room (75-100 people)
Auditorium available for rent (100-200 people)
Senior services and programs/senior resources
Youth counseling services
Game rooms
E-gaming / Lounging space
Computer Lab
Maker Space
Art Studio
Public Art and Gallery

Outdoor Activities

Several times/week
A few times/month
At least once/month
Less than once/month
Don't Know
Community Garden space
Fitness equipment, Exercise Area, Obstacle Course
Multi-use courts
Nature Explorium
Splashpad / water playground
Walking track / trail
Rentable Picnic Space
* required
Check out our guidelines for civility

Fields marked with * are required

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