Please help us improve City of Norfolk parking operations by taking this short survey.
Greetings! Thank you for choosing to park with the City of Norfolk. We wish to ensure a high-quality experience for everyone who uses our parking facilities, from clean garages to easy-to-use payment methods to friendly customer service. Please help us improve our operations by taking this short survey.
Thanks to all who took our previous surveys in January 2021 and September 2020.
We take your feedback seriously, and we in Norfolk’s Parking Division examined all the results and read every word of your comments.
Your input has helped us improve parking operations.
Here’s what we have done so far based on your feedback:
- Customer service
All Parking Attendants took customer service training early in 2020 and will take another class in the next few months. Parking supervisors have reinforced our mission with all staff: Clean, safe, customer-focused.
The Parking Division has required staff members to become certified in customer service for its online payment portal to provide additional support and assistance to our customers.
Parking's customer service center at 222 E. Main Street is now open for customers. Call buttons at garages will remain staffed from the Waterside Office, and mobile customer service representatives with cell phones and stationed in cars will respond to requests in person as needed. This allows customer service representatives to provide faster response times while patrolling and monitoring garages.
- Elevators
Every city-owned garage contains at least two elevator cars. The Parking Division has increased signage in garages to provide clearer direction to all available elevators. A project to renovate the elevators in the Boush Street garage has begun.
- Lighting
Parking Division maintenance staff patrol every garage, every day, to identify lights that need replacement. Staff strives to replace lights within three business days of notification. We count on support from our customers to move vehicles parked under light fixtures scheduled for replacement – if the light is out, please park in another space! See a light out? Let us know through the Norfolk Cares app, available for iOS and Android, by filing online, or by calling Norfolk Cares at 664-6510.
The Parking Division has installed brighter, energy efficient LED lighting in Waterside, West Plume Street, York Street, MacArthur Center North and South, and Scope garages. A new LED lighting project is currently underway in the Freemason Street Garage. This project is scheduled to be completed in mid-November.
- Security
The Parking Division has contracted with a new security company, Allied Security, with patrols 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Security guards patrol each city garage every hour and walk the staircases in every garage. Additionally, the Parking Division has partnered with the Norfolk Police Department to provide additional security patrols in all garages and lots.
- Electric Vehicle Spaces
Norfolk’s Parking Division installed electric vehicle chargers in city garages including Waterside, MacArthur Center, Bank Street and Town Point garages. Click here for a complete map of garages with electric vehicle charging stations.
To ensure that these spaces remain reserved for use by electric vehicles, the Parking Division has installed regulatory signage for use only by electric vehicles when charging.
- Cleanliness
You gave us good scores for cleanliness, but we’re not done yet! The Parking Division continues to strive to provide our customers with the cleanest parking facilities possible. Division staff monitor and clean every level of every garage every day, including sweeping and trash collection. The Parking Division has also received heavy cleaning equipment – dirt-zapping Zambonis, so to speak – that will soon begin scrubbing and cleaning throughout city parking facilities.
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