How safe do you feel walking alone during the day in your immediate neighborhood? - Not Safe
How safe do you feel walking alone at night in your immediate neighborhood? - Not Safe
How safe do you feel walking at night in downtown Norfolk? - Safe
Do you think crime in Norfolk has increased, decreased, or remained the same over the last 12 months?
In the last year, have you limited, changed, or curtailed your activities in Norfolk because you are concerned about crime?
Do you feel that crime is such an issue in Norfolk that you have considered moving?
Have you had contact with the Norfolk Police Department in the past three years?
If so, did our staff treat you professionally, and with dignity and respect?
If you called the Norfolk Police Department for any reason in the past three years, how quickly did our officers respond?
Never arrived
Have you found the Norfolk Police Department responsive to your needs?
Would you hesitate to call the Norfolk Police Department for assistance?
If yes, what would concern you?
The police can offer little protection before you are actually hurt. Workman next door had been trespassing on my property attempting to put a fence on my side of the property line. I was harrased and threatened by the workman for the rental property nextdoor. I interfered with the handyman attempts to complete tasks assigned to him by the owner of the rental property. The workman stalked me and threatened to physically hurt me. Many inappropriate sexual advanced were made in the week leading up to police being called. When I did contact the owner I was told he had no control over the man and hoped I got hurt. Offered to buy my house for 25k if I was unhappy.
When police did come I was assumed to be a renter and told to take up issues with my landlord. I had to prove I was the property owner to get taken seriously. I was also told that the unwelcome sexual advances and the threat were his right as freedom of speach.
Police did not have authority or interest in protecting me or stopping the increasing shooting deaths around me.
I actually did move and walked away from the home (property value had dropped below outstanding mortgage) I owned because Norfolk had disinvested in my neighborhood. When I bought the home in 2007 they were pushing revitalization. After the housing bubble popped they lost interest in restoration of homes in the Kensington community. The push is to have the area either acquired by ODU or plowed for redeveooment.
It became increasingly dangerous as they allowed most of the homes to be bought by a particular slumlord and rented out as illegal rooming houses.
Overall, how well do you feel the Norfolk Police Department does in providing services to the community?
What would you do to improve service delivery?
Freedom of speach should not include stalking or verbal threats of physical violence.
A friend of mine was a Norfolk detective at the time of these events. He finally persuaded me to leave rather than continue to invest in a home that was unsafe. Where I would only receive police protection after I had already been seriously hurt or killed.
What is your age?
What is your race?
What is your gender?
What is your employment status?
How many years have you lived in Norfolk?
Do you own or rent?
What is your zip code?
How many people reside in your household?
Are there any children under 18 living in your home?
If yes, please list their ages.
No response.
Let’s Talk Norfolk is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Let’s Talk Norfolk is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Section I: Are you a resident of Norfolk?
How safe do you consider yourself in Norfolk?
Do you think crime in Norfolk has increased, decreased, or remained the same over the last 12 months?
In the last year, have you limited, changed, or curtailed your activities in Norfolk because you are concerned about crime?
Do you feel that crime is such an issue in Norfolk that you have considered moving?
Have you had contact with the Norfolk Police Department in the past three years?
If so, did our staff treat you professionally, and with dignity and respect?
If you called the Norfolk Police Department for any reason in the past three years, how quickly did our officers respond?
Have you found the Norfolk Police Department responsive to your needs?
Would you hesitate to call the Norfolk Police Department for assistance?
If yes, what would concern you?
The police can offer little protection before you are actually hurt. Workman next door had been trespassing on my property attempting to put a fence on my side of the property line. I was harrased and threatened by the workman for the rental property nextdoor. I interfered with the handyman attempts to complete tasks assigned to him by the owner of the rental property. The workman stalked me and threatened to physically hurt me. Many inappropriate sexual advanced were made in the week leading up to police being called. When I did contact the owner I was told he had no control over the man and hoped I got hurt. Offered to buy my house for 25k if I was unhappy.
When police did come I was assumed to be a renter and told to take up issues with my landlord. I had to prove I was the property owner to get taken seriously. I was also told that the unwelcome sexual advances and the threat were his right as freedom of speach.
Police did not have authority or interest in protecting me or stopping the increasing shooting deaths around me.
I actually did move and walked away from the home (property value had dropped below outstanding mortgage) I owned because Norfolk had disinvested in my neighborhood. When I bought the home in 2007 they were pushing revitalization. After the housing bubble popped they lost interest in restoration of homes in the Kensington community. The push is to have the area either acquired by ODU or plowed for redeveooment.
It became increasingly dangerous as they allowed most of the homes to be bought by a particular slumlord and rented out as illegal rooming houses.
Overall, how well do you feel the Norfolk Police Department does in providing services to the community?
What would you do to improve service delivery?
Freedom of speach should not include stalking or verbal threats of physical violence.
A friend of mine was a Norfolk detective at the time of these events. He finally persuaded me to leave rather than continue to invest in a home that was unsafe. Where I would only receive police protection after I had already been seriously hurt or killed.
What is your age?
What is your race?
What is your gender?
What is your employment status?
How many years have you lived in Norfolk?
Do you own or rent?
What is your zip code?
23503How many people reside in your household?
Are there any children under 18 living in your home?
If yes, please list their ages.
No response.