What is your primary mode of transportation to/from Downtown Norfolk?
Car or motorcycle
What are the average number of days per week that you bike or scooter to/from Downtown Norfolk?
I do not bike or scooter
If you bike, what is the average distance (in miles) of your bike rides to Downtown Norfolk (one way)?
Less than 2
If you scooter, what is the average distance (in miles) of your scooter rides to Downtown Norfolk (one way)?
Less than 1
What prevents you from biking or scootering to/from Downtown Norfolk as a primary mode of transportation? (Check all that apply)
Inclement weather
Do not want to arrive sweaty
Fear of vehicle collisions or riding in traffic
Lack of comfortable route
Do you currently:
No response.
Would you prefer to have a more direct route to Downtown if it felt comfortable/safe?
Rate these questions:
I would ride a bike or scooter to/from Downtown more often if it felt safe & comfortable. - Somewhat agree
Downtown Norfolk is a good place to bicycle with children. - Strongly disagree
I am satisfied with the convenience & quality of bike/scooter parking in Downtown Norfolk - Strongly disagree
I am satisfied with the convenience & quality of on-street bicycle/scooter lanes in Downtown Norfolk. - Strongly disagree
If you commute by a bus-bike combination, are you satisfied with the current feasibility of commuting with a combination of bicycling and public transportation? - Strongly disagree
Did you ride a bike or scooter in the dedicated bike-bus-scooter lane on the test day?
Age Range
How comfortable did you feel while riding in the bus-bike-scooter lane?
No response.
Do you ride your bike to work?
Would you ride to work if this bus-bike-scooter lane were in place?
Do you ride Downtown for fun?
Would you ride Downtown for fun if this bus-bike-scooter lane were in place?
Do you ride the bus to get to Downtown?
Which of the above street configurations would you prefer if you lived or owned a business near Boush Street?
Bus-bike-scooter lane between City Hall Ave. & Brambleton Ave. (no on-street parking)
Which of the above street configurations would you prefer as someone who rides bicycles or scooters to/from Downtown Norfolk?
Bus-bike-scooter lane between City Hall Ave. & Brambleton Ave. (no on-street parking
Which of the above street configurations would you prefer if you were to cross Boush Street on foot to get to work, shopping, or dining?
Bus-bike-scooter lane between City Hall Ave. & Brambleton Ave. (no on-street parking
Please provide any comments you would like us to know.
I live in the Ingleside area and work in downtown. In my opinion, Downtown Norfolk is not bike/scooter friendly for more reasons than just lacking bike lanes. My commute is short enough to be bikeable, but there is not a good, safe route between my neighborhood and downtown. In addition to this, downtown is lacking in access to convenient grocery stores for residents of downtown. In most major cities, those who choose to live downtown can offset the cost by the fact that they do not need a car in their daily lives. That is simply not the case in downtown Norfolk; even if you live and work here, you still need a car to get to a grocery store unless you live within a few select blocks in Ghent. In short, this is a much bigger issue than simply providing bike lanes.
Let’s Talk Norfolk is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Let’s Talk Norfolk is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Where do you live?
Where do you work?
What is your primary mode of transportation to/from Downtown Norfolk?
What are the average number of days per week that you bike or scooter to/from Downtown Norfolk?
If you bike, what is the average distance (in miles) of your bike rides to Downtown Norfolk (one way)?
If you scooter, what is the average distance (in miles) of your scooter rides to Downtown Norfolk (one way)?
What prevents you from biking or scootering to/from Downtown Norfolk as a primary mode of transportation? (Check all that apply)
Do you currently:
No response.Would you prefer to have a more direct route to Downtown if it felt comfortable/safe?
Rate these questions:
Did you ride a bike or scooter in the dedicated bike-bus-scooter lane on the test day?
Age Range
How comfortable did you feel while riding in the bus-bike-scooter lane?
No response.Do you ride your bike to work?
Would you ride to work if this bus-bike-scooter lane were in place?
Do you ride Downtown for fun?
Would you ride Downtown for fun if this bus-bike-scooter lane were in place?
Do you ride the bus to get to Downtown?
Which of the above street configurations would you prefer if you lived or owned a business near Boush Street?
Which of the above street configurations would you prefer as someone who rides bicycles or scooters to/from Downtown Norfolk?
Which of the above street configurations would you prefer if you were to cross Boush Street on foot to get to work, shopping, or dining?
Please provide any comments you would like us to know.
I live in the Ingleside area and work in downtown. In my opinion, Downtown Norfolk is not bike/scooter friendly for more reasons than just lacking bike lanes. My commute is short enough to be bikeable, but there is not a good, safe route between my neighborhood and downtown. In addition to this, downtown is lacking in access to convenient grocery stores for residents of downtown. In most major cities, those who choose to live downtown can offset the cost by the fact that they do not need a car in their daily lives. That is simply not the case in downtown Norfolk; even if you live and work here, you still need a car to get to a grocery store unless you live within a few select blocks in Ghent. In short, this is a much bigger issue than simply providing bike lanes.