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Let’s Talk Norfolk

Please give us your feedback.

137 registered responses

Buildings/sites are considered historic if they are 50 years old or older. What Norfolk buildings, sites or monuments do you consider historic? (pick all that apply)

Response Percent Response Count
Babette Hall, Norfolk State University 29.9% 41
Batten Arts and Letters Building, Old Dominion University 32.8% 45
St. John’s AME Church 89.1% 122
St. Piux X Church 48.9% 67
The Hermitage 94.2% 129
The Scope 56.9% 78
West Point Cemetery 81.8% 112
Other 38.0% 52

What is your favorite building or site in Norfolk?


Do you think your neighborhood, or the neighborhood you grew up in, is historic?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 56.5% 74
No 32.8% 43
Other 10.7% 14

Are there any homes or buildings in your neighborhood that have historic significance to you or your community?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 56.7% 72
No 43.3% 55

If yes, please explain.


Are there any buildings or sites that you feel have been left out or forgotten in the Norfolk history books?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 43.0% 55
No 35.2% 45
Other 21.9% 28

Do you feel like there are buildings or areas of the city where historic structures are threatened and could be lost?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 66.1% 84
No 33.9% 43

If yes, where?


The SurveyNFK lists the following historic “themes” for Norfolk to explore. Rank them in importance to you:

Average priorities over 137 responses
  1. Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Movements

    Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Movements
  2. Military/Defense

  3. Ethnic Heritage

    Ethnic Heritage
  4. Education

  5. Post-World Wars Residential and Commercial Development

    Post-World Wars Residential and Commercial Development
  6. Tourism/Social/Recreation

  7. Transportation

  8. Industry

  9. Annexations and Associated Development

    Annexations and Associated Development
  10. Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGTBQ) Heritage

    Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender (LGTBQ) Heritage
  11. Funerary

  12. Other


Are there any other themes you think are important for SurveyNFK to capture? If so, provide examples of buildings/sites.


The following resources are available for historic site research. Check all that you have used or that you are aware of:

Response Percent Response Count
Harrison B. Wilson Archives at the Lyman Beecher Books Library (NSU) 9.9% 13
Historic preservation staff in the Department of City Planning 26.7% 35
Norfolk AIR 52.7% 69
Norfolk Redevelopment Housing Authority (NRHA) photo collection (internet only) 33.6% 44
Perry Library Special Collections and Archives (ODU) 24.4% 32
Pilot Newspaper Archives (Norfolk Public Library Website) 55.0% 72
Sanborn Maps (Norfolk Public Library Website) 20.6% 27
Sergeant Historical Collection at the Slover Library 55.0% 72
Virginia Department of Historic Resources VCRIS system 16.8% 22
None 10.7% 14

There are three levels of historic designation: local, state, and national. Do you know if your property is listed on a local, state, or national register?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 26.1% 35
No 73.9% 99

If it is listed, are you aware that you may be eligible for state and federal tax credits for substantial renovations to the building?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 32.5% 39
No 67.5% 81

How did you hear about this survey?

Response Percent Response Count
Website 28.7% 39
Facebook 6.6% 9
Twitter 0.7% 1
Nextdoor 5.1% 7
Other 58.8% 80

Do you have suggestions for how SurveyNFK can improve its reach?

Name not shown in Ward 5
May 30, 2021, 8:34 PM
  • Buildings/sites are considered historic if they are 50 years old or older. What Norfolk buildings, sites or monuments do you consider historic? (pick all that apply)
    • Babette Hall, Norfolk State University
    • Batten Arts and Letters Building, Old Dominion University
    • St. John’s AME Church
    • St. Piux X Church
    • The Hermitage
    • The Scope
    • West Point Cemetery
    • Other - Ocean View
  • What is your favorite building or site in Norfolk?
    Ocean View beach and area
  • Do you think your neighborhood, or the neighborhood you grew up in, is historic?
    • Yes
  • Are there any homes or buildings in your neighborhood that have historic significance to you or your community?
    • Yes
  • If yes, please explain.
    Unfortunately it’s hard to say but someone who knows historical value should look around Ocean View. I do know the area churches and old schools, some homes and apartment buildings. I think old restaurants and other bldgs and areas of Ocean View. Unfortunately, some of the areas and bldgs are gone now.
  • Are there any buildings or sites that you feel have been left out or forgotten in the Norfolk history books?
    • Yes
  • Do you feel like there are buildings or areas of the city where historic structures are threatened and could be lost?
    • Yes
  • If yes, where?
    Many areas. Especially a long and near the Ocean View beach areas and further inland. I’ve noticed also areas further a long in Norfolk. One is the Bon Secours DePaul Hospital completely closed and some churches for sal
  • The SurveyNFK lists the following historic “themes” for Norfolk to explore. Rank them in importance to you:
    1. Other

    2. Transportation

    3. Military/Defense

    4. Post-World Wars Residential and Commercial Development

      Post-World Wars Residential and Commercial Development
    5. Education

    6. Annexations and Associated Development

      Annexations and Associated Development
    7. Industry

    8. Tourism/Social/Recreation

    9. Ethnic Heritage

      Ethnic Heritage
    10. Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Movements

      Civil Rights and Women’s Rights Movements
  • Are there any other themes you think are important for SurveyNFK to capture? If so, provide examples of buildings/sites.
    Areas and bldgs established for all peoples
  • The following resources are available for historic site research. Check all that you have used or that you are aware of:
    • Norfolk Redevelopment Housing Authority (NRHA) photo collection (internet only)
    • Virginia Department of Historic Resources VCRIS system
  • There are three levels of historic designation: local, state, and national. Do you know if your property is listed on a local, state, or national register?
    • No
  • If it is listed, are you aware that you may be eligible for state and federal tax credits for substantial renovations to the building?
    • No
  • How did you hear about this survey?
    • Other - Representative Elaine Luria email newsletter
  • Do you have suggestions for how SurveyNFK can improve its reach?
    Unfortunately I can’t edit the part out do I ration in my statement so please disregard that part. I ment to say the movie that was made in 4K of the Chesapeake Bay from Maryland to about Norfolk area, aerial views also. Thank you! :)! A lot of Ocean View”s history is unfortunately disappearing. Just like the movie do I ration of the Chesapeake Bay sometime last year or the year before, Ocean View needs such documentation and more before it’s too late if not already. And part of our history is not just military but , we aren’t to far from Wallops Island and NASA. I believe OV”s past and present are and will always be a huge part of everyone’s future, not just Norfolk, but everywhere. Ocean View has a beautiful beach also come sunrise to sunset!
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