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Name not shown inside City Boundary January 23, 2025, 2:03 PM
Of the following CDBG-eligible areas, which do you believe has the greatest need in our community? Public facilities (e.g. streets, sidewalks, water/sewer infrastructure, etc.)
In the past, CDBG funds have traditionally been used to meet community needs City-wide. Should the City: Target specific neighborhoods where needs exist
If CDBG funds were used to satisfy needs in specific areas of the City, which area(s) should be targeted? Select all that apply. Bay City Road corridor
Using the list below, please rank the expenditure categories for housing-related CDBG activities completed during the current Consolidated Plan.* Begin by clicking the "most important" service, then the second "most important" service, etc Senior housing facility repairs & updates, Land acquisition to allow future development of affordable housing, Homeowner rehabilitation
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Disagree
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland are available at a reasonable monthly rate. Disagree
The existing affordable housing units available for purchase in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is reasonable. Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too high. Agree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too low. Strongly Disagree
There is currently _________ housing for low-income residents in the City of Midland. Not at all enough
There is currently _________ housing for seniors (55+) in the City of Midland. Slightly not enough
There is currently _________ housing for families with children in the City of Midland. Just the right amount
There is currently _________ housing for students in the City of Midland. Slightly not enough
There is currently _________ housing for persons with disabilities in the City of Midland. Slightly not enough
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase. Condominiums costing $100K-$150K
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase.
Condominiums with 2 bedroom
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for rent. Apartments (multi-family housing) with 1 bedroom
In your opinion, what effect do ZONING ORDINANCES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? A significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do BUILDING CODES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Somewhat a barrier
In your opinion, what effect do LAND USE CONTROLS have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do PROPERTY TAXES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Not a barrier
In your opinion, what effect do STORMWATER FEES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Significant barrier
Do you perceive any other regulatory barriers to affordable housing not listed in the questions? If so, what are they? The City's stormwater management ordinance is too restrictive and cost-burdening to new development (driving up housing costs), the City requires too many parking spaces for housing developments (driving up housing costs), and the City has too much single-family-only zoned areas and should focus on adding in appropriate density across most neighborhoods.
Do you perceive any non-regulatory barriers to affordable housing availability in the City of Midland? If so, what are they? Lack of investment in fixed-route public transportation and historic (and current) City policy that does not support dense, walkable, well-rounded neighborhoods is closely related to housing affordability. Most of the existing income-based housing developments in the city are spaced out far from businesses, schools, etc. and this distance results in expensive household costs to cover transportation, leaving less budget for housing. Lack of fixed-route public transit leaves only DART, walking, or biking, as an alternative. While Midland has adequate sidewalk coverage, the sidewalks become impassable most of the year due to snow coverage. Most studies conclude that DART-styled transit does not appeal to the masses as it requires individuals having to continually schedule rides rather than relying on a service that is consistent, frequent, reliable, and able to plan around.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? YOUTH CENTERS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? CHILDCARE CENTERS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? SENIOR CENTERS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? HEALTH FACILITIES Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FIRE STATIONS Medium
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public facilities in the City of Midland? The City has adequate facilities of the types mentioned above (other than proper fire coverage on the northern portions of the city); however, continued investment in these facilities are required. One obstacle to proper investment is looking only at one-off, immediate budget needs rather than thinking about long term sustainability. One idea is endowed maintenance funds that could be held at the Midland Area Community Foundation - many public facilities have this kind of endowment fund but not all of them do. Establishing endowment funds for public facilities that don't have them should be a higher priority. Additionally, the City should think about ways to add additional money into these funds; currently, the City does not do a very good job building awareness, adding additional dollars, or fundraising for these funds.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? MEN WITH CHILDREN Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONICALLY HOMELESS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? SEVERELY MENTALLY ISS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONIC SUBSTANCE ABUSE Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VETERANS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? PERSONS WITH AIDS/HIV & THEIR FAMILIES Low
Are there any other homeless populations not listed above whom you perceive have a need for housing facilities in the City of Midland? If yes, please list them below. No other populations but more concerted effort is needed to broaden awareness of the resources that already exist.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? STREET IMPROVEMENTS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? FLOOD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? PARKING FACILITIES Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? TREE PLANTING Medium
Which of the following public improvements do you believe are currently under served? (Please select all that apply.) Sidewalk improvements
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public improvements in the City of Midland? Inequitable policy on how streets and utility projects are funded verses how sidewalks and other walkability improvements are funded. The City needs to rethink how sidewalk extensions are funded as special assessments on property owners are inequitable when compared to how new streets are constructed or how street improvements are funded. Also, sidewalk improvements should focus on widening to improve connections as opposed to just extending new ones where sidewalks do not currently exist.
Using the list below, please rank the public service needs in the City of Midland. Begin by clicking the "highest needed" service, then the second "highest needed" service, etc. Transportation, Childcare services, Substance abuse services
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public services in the City of Midland? A big obstacle is how City Council sets out their budget priorities for the year. The retreat that happens on one Saturday in January is not adequate enough to create a true strategic budget/plan that addresses existing and future public service needs. City Council needs to conduct true strategic planning to better align the City's budget with other community initiatives working to address needs.
Please check any of the following which describe you: Advocate for persons with disabilities, Business professional, Government professional, Interested individual
Please select your area of residency. City of Midland
Please identify your ethnicity: White
Do you own or rent your home? Own
What is your homeless situation? Have never been homeless
Please provide your contact information:
Email Grant Murschel [email protected]
Name not shown inside City Boundary January 22, 2025, 7:43 AM
Of the following CDBG-eligible areas, which do you believe has the greatest need in our community? Public facilities (e.g. streets, sidewalks, water/sewer infrastructure, etc.)
In the past, CDBG funds have traditionally been used to meet community needs City-wide. Should the City: Target specific neighborhoods where needs exist
If CDBG funds were used to satisfy needs in specific areas of the City, which area(s) should be targeted? Select all that apply. No preference
Using the list below, please rank the expenditure categories for housing-related CDBG activities completed during the current Consolidated Plan.* Begin by clicking the "most important" service, then the second "most important" service, etc Homeowner rehabilitation, Roofing repairs, Accessibility-focused rehabilitation, Senior housing facility repairs & updates, Land acquisition to allow future development of affordable housing, Fair housing testing
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Disagree
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland are available at a reasonable monthly rate. Disagree
The existing affordable housing units available for purchase in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is reasonable. Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too high. Agree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too low. Disagree
There is currently _________ housing for low-income residents in the City of Midland. Slightly not enough
There is currently _________ housing for seniors (55+) in the City of Midland. Just the right amount
There is currently _________ housing for families with children in the City of Midland. Slightly not enugh
There is currently _________ housing for students in the City of Midland. No opinion
There is currently _________ housing for persons with disabilities in the City of Midland. Slightly not enough
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase. Single family detached housing costing $100K-$150K
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase.
Single family detached housing with 3 bedrooms
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for rent. Apartments (multi-family housing) with 3 bedrooms
In your opinion, what effect do ZONING ORDINANCES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Not a barrier
In your opinion, what effect do BUILDING CODES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Not a barrier
In your opinion, what effect do LAND USE CONTROLS have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Not a barrier
In your opinion, what effect do PROPERTY TAXES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Somewhat a barrier
In your opinion, what effect do STORMWATER FEES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? No opinion
Do you perceive any other regulatory barriers to affordable housing not listed in the questions? If so, what are they? No, regulatory barriers can easily be, and have been, changed to allow more housing being built.
Do you perceive any non-regulatory barriers to affordable housing availability in the City of Midland? If so, what are they? Yes. Everyone wants and supports more affordable housing up until they realize it will be in their back yard. Then they turn on it, saying it will bring in crime, increased traffic, reduced safety, etc. I'd probably feel the same way too.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? YOUTH CENTERS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? CHILDCARE CENTERS High
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? SENIOR CENTERS No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? HEALTH FACILITIES Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FIRE STATIONS High
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public facilities in the City of Midland? Mostly space. Not a lot of open space within in the city that is easily accessible to all.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? MEN WITH CHILDREN High
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONICALLY HOMELESS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? SEVERELY MENTALLY ISS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONIC SUBSTANCE ABUSE Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VETERANS High
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? PERSONS WITH AIDS/HIV & THEIR FAMILIES No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? STREET IMPROVEMENTS High
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS High
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? FLOOD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? PARKING FACILITIES Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? TREE PLANTING Low
Which of the following public improvements do you believe are currently under served? (Please select all that apply.) Street improvements, Water/sewer improvements
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public improvements in the City of Midland? Funding. Many roads are bad, and are not currently on the list for replacement.
Using the list below, please rank the public service needs in the City of Midland. Begin by clicking the "highest needed" service, then the second "highest needed" service, etc. Childcare services, Services for abused & neglected children, Service for abused spouses, Housing counseling, Services for the homeless, Employment training, Transportation, Substance abuse services, Services for young persons (18 and under), Services for young adults (18-30), Services for disabled persons, Legal services, Crime awareness/prevention, Services for seniors (55+), Fair housing activities, Services for persons with AIDS/HIV & their families
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public services in the City of Midland? Funding. All of these items cost money, but obtaining additional funding sources can be difficult, especially in poor economies.
Please check any of the following which describe you: Business professional, Community volunteer, Interested individual
Please select your area of residency. City of Midland
Please identify your ethnicity: White
Do you own or rent your home? Own
What is your homeless situation? Have never been homeless
Name not shown inside City Boundary January 20, 2025, 9:09 AM
Of the following CDBG-eligible areas, which do you believe has the greatest need in our community? Housing (e.g. housing rehabilitation programs)
In the past, CDBG funds have traditionally been used to meet community needs City-wide. Should the City: Continue to use funds City-wide where needs exist
If CDBG funds were used to satisfy needs in specific areas of the City, which area(s) should be targeted? Select all that apply. No preference
Using the list below, please rank the expenditure categories for housing-related CDBG activities completed during the current Consolidated Plan.* Begin by clicking the "most important" service, then the second "most important" service, etc Senior housing facility repairs & updates, Land acquisition to allow future development of affordable housing, Accessibility-focused rehabilitation, Homeowner rehabilitation, Roofing repairs, Fair housing testing
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Strongly Disagree
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland are available at a reasonable monthly rate. Disagree
The existing affordable housing units available for purchase in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Strongly Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is reasonable. Strongly Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too high. Strongly Agree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too low. Strongly Disagree
There is currently _________ housing for low-income residents in the City of Midland. Not at all enough
There is currently _________ housing for seniors (55+) in the City of Midland. Slightly not enough
There is currently _________ housing for families with children in the City of Midland. Not at all enough
There is currently _________ housing for students in the City of Midland. Not at all enough
There is currently _________ housing for persons with disabilities in the City of Midland. Not at all enough
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase. Single family detached housing costing $100K-$150K
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase.
Single family detached housing with 2 bedrooms
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for rent. Apartments (multi-family housing) with 2 bedrooms
In your opinion, what effect do ZONING ORDINANCES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? A significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do BUILDING CODES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do LAND USE CONTROLS have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do PROPERTY TAXES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do STORMWATER FEES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? No opinion
Do you perceive any other regulatory barriers to affordable housing not listed in the questions? If so, what are they? If not zoning issues, then state funding barriers.(red tape for developers to receive the funding)
Do you perceive any non-regulatory barriers to affordable housing availability in the City of Midland? If so, what are they? Community not being supportive of new development of rentals. Perceive lower income level people with having issues in a neighborhood.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? YOUTH CENTERS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? CHILDCARE CENTERS High
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES Not a priority
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES Not a priority
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? SENIOR CENTERS Not a priority
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? HEALTH FACILITIES Not a priority
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FIRE STATIONS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? MEN WITH CHILDREN No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONICALLY HOMELESS High
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? SEVERELY MENTALLY ISS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONIC SUBSTANCE ABUSE Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VETERANS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? PERSONS WITH AIDS/HIV & THEIR FAMILIES No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? STREET IMPROVEMENTS Low
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? WATER/SEWER IMPROVEMENTS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? FLOOD DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENTS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? PARKING FACILITIES Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? TREE PLANTING Low
Which of the following public improvements do you believe are currently under served? (Please select all that apply.) Sidewalk improvements
Using the list below, please rank the public service needs in the City of Midland. Begin by clicking the "highest needed" service, then the second "highest needed" service, etc. Transportation, Childcare services, Services for the homeless, Services for disabled persons, Housing counseling, Legal services
Please check any of the following which describe you: Senior (55+)
Please select your area of residency. Other - Jerome
Please identify your ethnicity: White
Do you own or rent your home? Own
What is your homeless situation? Have never been homeless
Stephen Hocquard inside City Boundary January 18, 2025, 6:02 PM
Of the following CDBG-eligible areas, which do you believe has the greatest need in our community? Public services (e.g. fair housing for protected classes, services for youth/senior/special needs individuals, employment assistance, transportation services, substance abuse services, etc.)
In the past, CDBG funds have traditionally been used to meet community needs City-wide. Should the City: Continue to use funds City-wide where needs exist
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Disagree
The current rental housing units available in the City of Midland are available at a reasonable monthly rate. No Opinion
The existing affordable housing units available for purchase in the City of Midland meet the needs of the population. Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is reasonable. Disagree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too high. Agree
The purchase price for new houses being constructed in the City of Midland is too low. Disagree
There is currently _________ housing for low-income residents in the City of Midland. Not at all enough
There is currently _________ housing for seniors (55+) in the City of Midland. Slightly not enough
There is currently _________ housing for families with children in the City of Midland. Not at all enough
There is currently _________ housing for students in the City of Midland. No opinion
There is currently _________ housing for persons with disabilities in the City of Midland. No opinion
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase. Single family detached housing costing $100K or less
There is a need in the City of Midland for more ______ available for purchase.
Single family detached housing with 2 bedrooms
In your opinion, what effect do ZONING ORDINANCES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? A significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do BUILDING CODES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Somewhat a barrier
In your opinion, what effect do LAND USE CONTROLS have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? Significant barrier
In your opinion, what effect do PROPERTY TAXES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? No opinion
In your opinion, what effect do STORMWATER FEES have on the availability of affordable housing in the City of Midland? No opinion
Do you perceive any other regulatory barriers to affordable housing not listed in the questions? If so, what are they? I believe that single family housing zoning should be changed, There should be allowed ADUs and splitting of larger homes into two ownerships. Currently, only renting is available to any people. Small units would be easier for them to buy instead of rent with a landlord.
Do you perceive any non-regulatory barriers to affordable housing availability in the City of Midland? If so, what are they? Construction costs are high. Skilled labor is in demand and short of what is needed. I also think that there are many people in need of good jobs, This requires training. If an organization was established that would serve people who have a need for construction training but can't find a suitable job because they have a history of problems with drug issues of problems with the law this could provide a place for training these folks to be able to help them overcome their ability to engage in society in a decent manner. There are many people in our community who are in need of this type of help. Vacant housing or buildings could be upgraded for less money. Small homes or ADUs could be built in a facility to provide housing or public or private use of housing and facilities that are not available now. One company that operates here in Midland, and other nearby towns, is Skills For Tomorrow. However, this company mostly just does roofing and siding. They have to lays people off in the winter and they do not have training for skilled trades of many types that could lead to the ability to obtain journeyman's license or useful skills in various trades such as electricians, plumbers, carpentry, painting, etc. Such a program would help people in need and help provide more housing and the ability for more people to afford housing. Another company that operates using much of the techniques described above except this is for older children who have not finished high school is in Saginaw. This organization is called Saginaw County Youth Development Corporation.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? YOUTH CENTERS No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? CHILDCARE CENTERS No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? NEIGHBORHOOD FACILITIES No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FACILITIES FOR PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? SENIOR CENTERS No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? HEALTH FACILITIES No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for the following types of public facilities in the City of Midland? FIRE STATIONS No opinion
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public facilities in the City of Midland? Midland
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? MEN WITH CHILDREN Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland?
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONICALLY HOMELESS No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? SEVERELY MENTALLY ISS Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? CHRONIC SUBSTANCE ABUSE Medium
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VETERANS No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? VICTIMS OF DOMESTIC VIOLENCE No opinion
In your opinion, what is the level of need for facilities to house the following homeless populations in the City of Midland? PERSONS WITH AIDS/HIV & THEIR FAMILIES No opinion
Are there any other homeless populations not listed above whom you perceive have a need for housing facilities in the City of Midland? If yes, please list them below. People who have had drug or issues with the law.
In your opinion, what is the level of need for public improvements for the following infrastructure in the City of Midland? SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENTS Low
Which of the following public improvements do you believe are currently under served? (Please select all that apply.) No opinion
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public improvements in the City of Midland? Midland
Using the list below, please rank the public service needs in the City of Midland. Begin by clicking the "highest needed" service, then the second "highest needed" service, etc. Substance abuse services, Legal services, Employment training, Fair housing activities
What do you perceive to be obstacles to meeting the need for public services in the City of Midland? The City provides good services in general. I am just trying to promote another service.
Please check any of the following which describe you: Senior (55+), Interested individual
Please select your area of residency. City of Midland
Please identify your ethnicity: White
Do you own or rent your home? Own
What is your homeless situation? Have never been homeless
Please provide your contact information:
Email Stephen Hocquard 1209 Crestwood Court Midland MI 48640 [email protected]
Name not shown inside City Boundary October 24, 2024, 6:23 PM
Loved being able to drive through back in the late 60's/early 70's, it was a great time being able to drive through to see/visit people parked on the side. (Yes, also made it easier for some to escape the cops.) Midland (people) just isn't the same anymore & times have changed. I personally don't see this type of entry/exit working again unless you build some sort of Rail Trail ramp that goes up & over the park entry & bridge traffic. The plan this way is asking for trouble in so many ways.
Name not shown inside City Boundary October 24, 2024, 5:45 PM
Love the idea of a close rest area & entrance to the rail trail in an additional area.
Carol Brown inside City Boundary October 22, 2024, 4:57 PM
None of the trees in the park should be taken down!!!
Carol Brown inside City Boundary October 22, 2024, 4:47 PM
I do not support a 2nd entrance to is difficult enough to cross main at Revere. I live on Ellsworth and have walked Emerson for 30+ years.
I wish for the park to remain a quiet, walkable park.
We have a perfectly good dog park in chippewassee park. I think it's unnecessary to add another at Emerson.
Name not shown inside City Boundary October 18, 2024, 9:14 PM
Why change the access to the South Parking lot?
Name not shown inside City Boundary October 18, 2024, 9:07 PM
What is the expected use for the Grand Lawns? The few large events held in Emerson now are mostly held north of the parking lots to take advantage of the shade provided by the large trees, but that area will be used for other purposes under this plan. Trees are needed in the Grand Lawns.