Do you love where you live? Tell us about your neighborhood.
The neighborhood in which you live can have a huge impact on your life. In fact, a community's quality of life is highly dependent on the quality of its neighborhoods: How safe is it? Do residents have the places and spaces they need to thrive? Do people feel connected to each other, or do they just live there? As we continue through the CIty Modern master planning process, we want to know how 'livable' our neighborhoods are - and who better to hear it from than the people who live in them.
In this survey, you'll be asked to share information about your family, your neighborhood, and your opinions on both what your neighborhood currently has and what it needs to be a great place to live. Questions will gather feedback on how well you know your neighbors, how you feel about where you live, and more. There are no wrong answers, so please be honest!
Results from this survey will be used by City staff and the Planning Commission to help update the City of Midland Master Plan as it relates to neighborhoods and livability.
The deadline to participate in this survey is Saturday, July 31 at midnight.