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Dave Melchior inside Patrol 2 September 18, 2024, 6:10 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 4. Lake Avenue and Sterne Parkway/Spotswood Street and Lake Avenue - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? Much worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? Much less
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? Waste of money - looks like a rat maze - can’t get my truck and pontoon boat through it - how about fixing the potholes on Spotswood St
Name not available inside Patrol 4 September 18, 2024, 3:33 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 8. Sterne Parkway and Little's Creek Park - 2023 Pilot Enhancement/Enhanced Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Car
What is your age? 19-35
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? A little better
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? Needs a goose crossing sign around the park. Geese, speeding cars, and the unhoused are the main safety concerns here (in that order).
Name not available inside Patrol 1 September 17, 2024, 11:50 AM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 9. Irving Street, Belleview Avenue to Berry Avenue - Buffered Bike Lane
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Bike
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Weekly
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? A little better
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? A little more
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? I think it's great the city is adding safety features around town to make it safer for cyclist and pedestrians. Maybe then people will get off of their sofas, leave their cars at home and enjoy the outdoors more! I'm surprised to not see any improvements along W. Berry near GMS. People drive way too fast up and down this street.
Name not available inside Patrol 3 September 15, 2024, 6:06 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 1. Prentice Avenue and Elmwood Street - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, Car
What is your age? 36-54
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Weekly
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? A little better
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? The cross walk and ramp is great but the posts in the side of the street make the street too narrow
Name not available inside Patrol 1 September 10, 2024, 7:16 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 9. Irving Street, Belleview Avenue to Berry Avenue - Buffered Bike Lane
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Car
What is your age? 19-35
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? No change
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? I love this project! I think it made it a lot better. But people still speed down the road - I would love to see speed bumps put in, especially with the school being right there. Also, widening the sidewalk on the west would be great!
Name not available inside Patrol 4 September 8, 2024, 7:20 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 4. Lake Avenue and Sterne Parkway/Spotswood Street and Lake Avenue - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, Car
What is your age? 36-54
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Weekly
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? No change
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? Idiotic waste of money that does nothing to improve safety. What clown justified their job with this project?
Name not available inside Patrol 4 September 7, 2024, 7:43 AM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 3. Shepperd Avenue and Gallup Street - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Bike, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? No change
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? This intersection is more difficult to navigate by car now. Parked cars are too close to intersection and with the new standing poles it’s very difficult to navigate.
Name not available inside Patrol 2 September 6, 2024, 3:29 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 4. Lake Avenue and Sterne Parkway/Spotswood Street and Lake Avenue - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking, Car
What is your age? 55+
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? Much worse
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? No change
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? I think the entire thing is a huge waste of money and unnecessary. Just because it has been funded by a grant doesn’t mean it doesn’t cost us taxpayers and it’s not a good use of our money. I have talked to neighbors who feel the same way. I believe it gives pedestrians a false sense of safety and it causes them to be a little less aware of vehicles when in reality it makes them less safe.
Name not available inside Patrol 1 September 4, 2024, 2:27 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 5. Lowell Boulevard and Arrowhead Road - 2023 Pilot Enhancement/Enhanced Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking
What is your age? 19-35
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? A little better
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? A little more
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? There needs to be LIGHTS added!! I drive and walk down here all the time since I live close. When I walk with my dog very few people respect the crosswalk. I have also witnessed kids on bikes almost get hit! Please add some sort of light to this as in my experience people ignore it 70% of the time.
Name not available inside Patrol 2 August 30, 2024, 2:07 PM
Which pilot project location are you providing feedback on? 4. Lake Avenue and Sterne Parkway/Spotswood Street and Lake Avenue - Littleton Linkages Trail Study Crossing
What mode(s) of travel have you used at this pilot project? Walking
What is your age? 19-35
How often have you traveled through this pilot project? Daily/Almost Daily
How has this pilot project impacted safety at this location? Much better
How will this pilot project affect how frequently you travel in this area? A little more
What comments would you like to add about this pilot project? This very minor change has made me feel MUCH safer crossing Lake & Sterne Pkwy -- just feel like its more obvious that I'm supposed to be crossing there and that drivers will see me. It's an awkward intersection with the parkway as kind of a diagonal. Would be great if we could do something like drought tolerant landscaping with the giant wasted space north of the townhomes that is a super wide street for some reason.