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Check out some recent Registered Statements from forum participants

Dominic Zarrella inside Patrol 3 January 3, 2025, 3:42 PM

Student first and last name Dominic Zarrella
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Student's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 7032982620
Name of school attended Goddard Middle School
Grade level 7
Snowplow name Snowstradamus
Mini-plow name Blizzard of Oz

Name not available inside Patrol 2 January 3, 2025, 3:22 PM

Student first and last name George Richardson
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 4702628889
Name of school attended Euclid
Grade level 6
Snowplow name Snowless Joe
Mini-plow name Plowderhound

Name not available inside Patrol 2 January 3, 2025, 8:30 AM

Student first and last name Jameson Rembold
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Student's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 6317931207
Name of school attended RUNYON
Grade level 3
Snowplow name Snowdozer
Mini-plow name Snowy

Name not available inside Patrol 2 January 3, 2025, 8:19 AM

Student first and last name Harper Rembold
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Student's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 6317931207
Name of school attended Runyon Elementary
Grade level 4
Snowplow name Big Blizzard
Mini-plow name Mini Mittens

Name not available inside Patrol 4 January 2, 2025, 4:37 PM

Student first and last name Maris Rode
Parent or guardian's email Thomas Rode
Student's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 3035495745
Name of school attended Euclid Middle School
Grade level 8th
Snowplow name Snow Day Crusher
Mini-plow name Mike Waplowski

Name not available inside Patrol 4 January 2, 2025, 11:47 AM

Student first and last name Astrid Rode
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Student's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 303-909-5793
Name of school attended Euclid Middle School
Grade level 6
Snowplow name Winter Soldier
Mini-plow name Tiny Tim

Name not available outside Littleton Police Districts January 1, 2025, 7:08 PM

Student first and last name Olivia Lowicki
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 2246234021
Name of school attended Ute Meadows Elementary
Grade level 3rd
Snowplow name Awesome Rudolph
Mini-plow name Mini Santa's Sleigh

Name not available outside Littleton Police Districts January 1, 2025, 6:52 PM

Student first and last name Justin Lowicki
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 7209370297
Name of school attended Ute Meadows Elementary
Grade level 5th
Snowplow name Snow Force One
Mini-plow name Lil Salt Shaker

Name not available inside Patrol 2 December 31, 2024, 6:52 PM

Student first and last name Ellen Thompson
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 2482191405
Name of school attended Euclid
Grade level 8
Snowplow name Bratimus
Mini-plow name Bruh

Matt Renstrom inside Patrol 5 December 28, 2024, 3:06 PM

Student first and last name Carter Renstrom
Parent or guardian's email [email protected]
Parent or guardian's phone number 7203336079
Name of school attended Mark Hopkins Elementary School
Grade level Kindergarten
Snowplow name Snowzilla
Mini-plow name Snow Problem