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As the City of Littleton works to create a plan for the Belleview Avenue corridor, city staff are seeking feedback from the public. Your feedback will be used to shape the draft plan.

9 registered responses

How well do the issues and opportunities identified for each topic reflect your impressions of the Belleview Avenue corridor? For each topic, are there other issues and/or opportunities you would add? If so, please explain.


Do you have comments/suggestions related to the inventory maps provided on the boards? If so, please document on a sticky note and place in on the applicable map. Feel free to make additional notes in the space provided below.


How well do the vision and principles align with your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change?


How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 1: CREATE A DISTINCT IDENTITY FOR BELLEVIEW AVENUE


How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 2: IMPROVE MOBILITY AND SAFETY


How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 3: PROTECT AND REINVEST IN CORRIDOR NEIGHBORHOODS


How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 4: SUPPORT EXISTING RETAIL AND REVITALIZE UNDERUTILIZED PROPERTIES


How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 5: CREATE MORE PLACES FOR PEOPLE


Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?


As this site redevelops over time, what would you like to see?


Do you have other comments on this opportunity area you would like to share?


Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?


Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?


Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?


What opportunities would you like to see explored for these sites?


Are there other opportunity areas you would like to see considered?




Please use the space below to provide comments, questions, or other feedback to the project team. If you are using this space as extra space for another question or questions, please indicate the corresponding question # somewhere near your response so we know which question your answer goes with.

Name not shown inside Patrol 1
February 17, 2018, 1:18 PM
  • How well do the issues and opportunities identified for each topic reflect your impressions of the Belleview Avenue corridor? For each topic, are there other issues and/or opportunities you would add? If so, please explain.

    I find the depiction of amenities overly optimistic. Including the river and it's greenway is misleading as most of it within a mile of Belleview is full of floodplain development, including gated communities. And while a golf course can be considered open space, it is not available for general use.

  • Do you have comments/suggestions related to the inventory maps provided on the boards? If so, please document on a sticky note and place in on the applicable map. Feel free to make additional notes in the space provided below.

    The items on retail demand contradict from one page to another. Is retail built out or not? I have seen the ESRI market analysis and find it old-fashioned and out of touch. Considering either Belleview or Federal major arteries is misleading in that both dead-end in this very broadly defined corridor. I do not believe there is revived interest in underutilized sites. If there was there are enough vacancies on both sides of the corridor that would already be filled. Pedestrian safety is basically a joke and there have been fatalities at Belleview/Federal. Access management is also a joke in that there is only one safe way to get to King Soopers if driving east and no safe way to exit either the grocers or Home Depot if going west. The entire traffic pattern needs to be redesigned. I suspect multimodal is not going to happen so significant improvements need to be made for more cars and parking needs. There is a significant lack of green space on the actual corridor. Perhaps the City needs to develop better regulatory tools and ways to work with multiple jurisdictions.

  • How well do the vision and principles align with your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change?

    I fail to understand how some of these are grounded in reality. It seems artificially imposing an identity to meet or justify some planning principle--similar to how Denver developers are trying to transform Curtis Park, a true historic district, into the trendy RINO. With the exception of Arapaho Hills, this is a very mid to low mid neighborhood. Without the racetrack it lost any specific identity. That said, better and safer transportation options are very much needed, as is an effort to revitalize what already exists and providing better green spaces.

  • How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 1: CREATE A DISTINCT IDENTITY FOR BELLEVIEW AVENUE
    • I support using urban design to tie retail and any new multi-family housing together, STARTING with the principles of low impact development to protect the environment, the river and reduce the heat island effect of more impervious surfaces and automobiles. Unfortunately, it appears the City has few tools to do this. I do not think one can create an identity for what has become a long strep mall leading up to a not very large residential frontage.
  • How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 2: IMPROVE MOBILITY AND SAFETY

    Sidewalks with landscape buffers [preserving visibility for drivers and peds] would help with heat islands, general appearance, possibly some needed green space. Transit would be great but unlikely as it hasn't happened in 60 years and Littleton/Englewood are not prepared to develop their own system. Probably need more and safer crossings on Belleview. It would be nice if Englewood would work with King Soopers to improve both access and parking.

  • How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 3: PROTECT AND REINVEST IN CORRIDOR NEIGHBORHOODS

    I find it discouraging that Goddard neighborhood [a good half mile from Belleview] is protected but not Centennial Acres, which is most vulnerable to impacts from multi-family development that impacts traffic, parking, and schools. There has to be a way to address this and it is left OUT of the principles. I do think neighborhood resources needs to better publicized. Again, I suspect the City needs more tools to actually protect existing neighborhoods.

  • How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 4: SUPPORT EXISTING RETAIL AND REVITALIZE UNDERUTILIZED PROPERTIES

    My research leads me to believe that retailer incentives rarely work. I would rather the City work with existing retailers to make sure they are getting the assistance needed...specifically individually owned shops in the area on Lowell leading to Belleview. These are not glamorous shops but are useful neighborhood shops that are locally owned. I think member of the Planning Commission and Community Development staff needs to drive on Irving at various times of the day, especially after a snow storm. You will find that the existing multi-family housing already significantly affects traffic on Irving and the shadows impact iciness. There is not room for more overflow parking without making Irving unsafely narrow. Site visitiations, many of them, are needed.

  • How well do the goals and preliminary policies align with support your vision for the Belleview Avenue corridor? Is there anything specific you would add or change? PRINCIPLE 5: CREATE MORE PLACES FOR PEOPLE

    The most logical place for people is already off the table--Columbine Square. Harlow Park may be getting improvement but in fact it is NOT a park, it is athletic fields and a swimming pool with tennis courts. The only non playing field park is the narrow Berry Park that, for some reason, is usually being watered in the middle of summer days. Incorporating outdoor gathering spaces in existing or planned hardscapes may fail as the summers get ever hotter and the heat island effect intensifies temperatures. As for parking lots, the Mary Carter Greenway should be out of discussion for the Belleview Corridor. It's not close, it will never be easily accessible, the two closest parking ares off Belleview and Bowles are basically always full. I would encourage staff to spend some days and evenings on the west side of the river checking things out.

  • Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?

    First, Columbine Square for years was a thriving shopping destination that seemed to have sufficient "visibility" to attract and maintain customers. It should not be considered for urban renewal funds since the area was deliberately blighted by the owners. It is unlikely to me that any redevelopment will contribute any significant tax revenues to the City but is more likely to add to the burdens on the local school, police and fire services. It was certainly a more appropriate site for King Soopers in terms of available space. but now there are few options. And there should be because of potential good access from three directions.

  • As this site redevelops over time, what would you like to see?

    I would at a minimum like to see the most current design principles in terms of water quality, heat islands and other environmental impacts addressed. The City further needs tools to ensure that there is a minimum of 2 parking spaces for each bedroom because of roommates in the rental market. Clearly this area is at grade with the surrounding neighborhood, unlike the apartments to the south. That means that 3 stories, for most of the property, is inappropriate for the character of the neighborhood of one story homes and no more than two story retai/office buildings.

  • Do you have other comments on this opportunity area you would like to share?

    Focus your eyes on Belleview from Santa Fe to Irving. Do you see anything green? Do you see anything inviting? This area was the ONLY one with a few, mostly now dead trees.

  • Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?

    This in Englewood and they haven't done a things since the bottom of the L was destroyed by fire. I wonder what the new owner actually plans if said owner was the one who let the fabric store [a regional desitination] get away. What the entire area needs is a way to create better and smarter parking for King Soopers, including ONE WAY aisles since the existing lot aisles are not actually wide enough for two cars.

  • Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?

    This site is a classic example of failed market analyses. I used the now defunct Office Depot when those store still had merchandise in a brick and mortar store. Now there are stores without much in them. Everything has to be ordered online and, if lucky, you can see a sample of whatever it is. That said, I find parking to be difficult when I go to the gym so am not sure what is underutlized. Certainly any river view, but that is a failure in planning at every level. Like most shopping areas in the corridor, you can get in fine, but you can only get out going one way unless you know the back way. Maybe this is where signage would help stangers. What we don't need are more chain restaurants.

  • Are there other issues you would add? What opportunities would you like to see explored for this site?

    This has been so neglected. There are several small shops that struggle with parking because Walters and the drive in liquor store take up so much. But both the barber and hair salon carry on a tradition that goes back to 1957 and that should be honored. Pedestrian access along Lowell would certainly be helpful. I support anything possible to help the existing business [but shut down the drive in window on the liquor store]. These are the types of businesses that serve a neighborhood and deserve assistance. Too bad the grocers have killed the small florist business.

  • What opportunities would you like to see explored for these sites?

    This is almost ridiculous. You are talking multiple political jurisdictions, dangerous old landfills, and long-established industry. I would love to see all that moved away from the river but since the flood didn't do it probably nothing will.

  • Are there other opportunity areas you would like to see considered?

    Speaking of the River. Littleton and Englewood have allowed way too much housing development in the flood plain. And there is way too much retail without proper storm drainage to protect the river's water quality. I would like to see those issue revisited on a long-term planning basis for when any future redevelopment might occur [perhaps when there is another flood].

    No response.
  • Please use the space below to provide comments, questions, or other feedback to the project team. If you are using this space as extra space for another question or questions, please indicate the corresponding question # somewhere near your response so we know which question your answer goes with.

    I do not think the Belleview Corridor extends all the way to Bowles. That just dodges the question about what to do about Bowles. I am not sure what can actually be done without more and better tools and a lot more long-range planning. What's done is done and without better tools I am not sure improvement will happen.

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Opportunity Area #1: Columbine Square Shopping Center

Opportunity Area #2: Centennial Square Shopping Center

Opportunity Area #3: Riverside Downs

Opportunity Area #4: Belleview and Lowell Shops

Opportunity Areas #5-9: Long-Term Opportunity Areas

Other Opportunity Areas


Physical improvements are both necessary and important to enhance pedestrian safety and connectivity throughout the Belleview Corridor. These physical improvements may include infill of sidewalks, enhancements to intersections, new pedestrian crossings and signage, and any other improvements to the current infrastructure that will make all modes of travel safer and more comfortable. This exercise is intended to capture your thoughts and ideas on what types of physical improvements are most needed in the Belleview Corridor.

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2 Click where you would like to place the pin

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