In the fall of 2017, the City of Littleton, with support from a consultant team, embarked on a process to create a plan for the Belleview Avenue corridor. This process was initiated with the intent of:
• Engaging area stakeholders and the community at large in a facilitated discussion about the future of the Belleview Avenue corridor; and
• Establishing a vision and supporting policies/recommendations for the corridor as a tool to guide future development and reinvestment over the next five to ten years. The plan process is expected to be completed later this spring.
The Belleview Avenue Corridor Plan will serve as a reference for City staff, the Planning Commission, and City Council in the review and consideration of proposed improvements or development proposals in the corridor. In addition, the plan will serve as a reference for property owners and developers seeking an understanding of the types of uses and development characteristics the community would like to see in the corridor.
In October-November 2017, the City of Littleton conducted a series of initial community engagement activities to seek input from residents about the future of the Belleview Avenue corridor. Activities were facilitated as part of the City’s “Littleton Listens” program, as well as online through the “Open Littleton” portal. In all, nearly 90 people participated in these two initial events. This community input, coupled with a series of stakeholder interviews, an analysis of existing corridor conditions, and a review of related plans and studies have informed the preliminary draft material.