What are your thoughts about housing in Littleton?
82 registered responses
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Do you spend more than 30% of your monthly income on rent and mortgage?
Do you spend more than 50% of your monthly income on rent and mortgage?
Which housing options would best support the needs of Littleton’s families, seniors, and young professionals? (choose all the apply)
No response.I support increasing housing options in Littleton by: (select all that apply)
Could a wider range of lot sizes, including smaller lots for smaller houses, be acceptable?
How should the City of Littleton address its responsibility to the regional housing crisis?
Littleton should take control of its situation buy emphasizing home ownership over rental property. Littleton should concentrate efforts on increasing quality of our housing stock, quality of the environment and financial security of Littleton and its residents. Fitting record numbers of people into Littleton’s limited area is not the answer, especially without FIRST improving infrastructure. Sadly, Littleton shall opt for short-term, misguided and dangerous solutions such as Tax increment Financing. Ask Englewood about their experience. And we homeowners won’t have anyone to hold accountable for the town’s decline.