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What improvements would you like to see to Southbridge Park?

42 registered responses

How many children live in your household?

Response Percent Response Count
0/not applicable 31.0% 13
1 11.9% 5
2 42.9% 18
3+ 14.3% 6

Is Southbridge Park within walking distance of your home?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 90.5% 38
No 9.5% 4

How often do you visit Southbridge Park (pick one)?

Response Percent Response Count
1-5 times per year 11.9% 5
6-10 times per year 4.8% 2
More than 10 times per year 71.4% 30
I don’t visit the park 11.9% 5

How do you typically travel to Southbridge Park (pick one)

Response Percent Response Count
Drive 7.3% 3
Bike 7.3% 3
Walk 75.6% 31
Not applicable 9.8% 4

Until this survey, were you aware of Southbridge Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 92.9% 39
No 7.1% 3

What activities do you do at Southbridge Park (Mark all that apply)?

Response Percent Response Count
To use the ballfield or multi-purpose fields 45.2% 19
To use the basketball court 26.2% 11
To use the playground area 66.7% 28
To use the pavilion area 45.2% 19
Walking or biking on the trail 78.6% 33
To use the grass field area 71.4% 30
I don’t visit the park 11.9% 5

Do the current park features provide value to the community?

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly agree 59.5% 25
Agree 26.2% 11
Neutral 14.3% 6

If you don’t visit Southbridge Park, what prevents you from doing so?


Are there any park features that you would like to see added to Southbridge Park?


New play structures for children ages 2-5 & 5-12 years are being proposed. Which playground equipment option do you prefer?

Response Percent Response Count
Option 1 28.9% 11
Option 2 71.1% 27

Are there any park features that you think should be left as they are?


If you would like to receive updates on the Southbridge Park redevelopment project, provide your contact information: Email address, First and Last Name, Mailing Address

Charles St John inside Patrol 5
January 4, 2021, 9:42 AM
  • How many children live in your household?
    • 0/not applicable
  • Is Southbridge Park within walking distance of your home?
    • Yes
  • How often do you visit Southbridge Park (pick one)?
    • 1-5 times per year
  • How do you typically travel to Southbridge Park (pick one)
    • Walk
  • Until this survey, were you aware of Southbridge Park?
    • Yes
  • What activities do you do at Southbridge Park (Mark all that apply)?
    • To use the ballfield or multi-purpose fields
    • Walking or biking on the trail
    • To use the grass field area
  • Do the current park features provide value to the community?
    • Agree
  • If you don’t visit Southbridge Park, what prevents you from doing so?

    I don't frequently visit the park because there is not a lot of athletic use for me. I usually only visit as part of coming back to my house from a loop on the highline trail.

  • Are there any park features that you would like to see added to Southbridge Park?

    I would like to see a natural movement, parkour, ninja warrior, and calisthenics area. These type of structures have a broad appeal, and are used not only by children and pre-teens, but also teenagers and adults. These activities are also very popular for kids.

    Having been living in Southbridge for almost 30 years, I have seen how the neighborhood has grown. There are many more adult-only household, and a wide variety of children and teens living in the neighborhood. I think adding park features that also appeal to this wider demographic that is more reflective of the community will increase usage and interest in the park.

    Here are examples of the parks I am referring to:

    Thank you for your consideration.

  • New play structures for children ages 2-5 & 5-12 years are being proposed. Which playground equipment option do you prefer?
    No response.
  • Are there any park features that you think should be left as they are?
    No response.
  • If you would like to receive updates on the Southbridge Park redevelopment project, provide your contact information: Email address, First and Last Name, Mailing Address

    [email protected]

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