What improvements would you like to see to Southbridge Park?
42 registered responses
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How many children live in your household?
Is Southbridge Park within walking distance of your home?
How often do you visit Southbridge Park (pick one)?
How do you typically travel to Southbridge Park (pick one)
Until this survey, were you aware of Southbridge Park?
What activities do you do at Southbridge Park (Mark all that apply)?
Do the current park features provide value to the community?
If you don’t visit Southbridge Park, what prevents you from doing so?
No response.Are there any park features that you would like to see added to Southbridge Park?
Rubberized playground floor. Hate the wood chips
New play structures for children ages 2-5 & 5-12 years are being proposed. Which playground equipment option do you prefer?
Are there any park features that you think should be left as they are?
Don't make the swings so low to the ground line writer's Vista. So hard for kids to swing.
If you would like to receive updates on the Southbridge Park redevelopment project, provide your contact information: Email address, First and Last Name, Mailing Address
No response.