What developments along the corridors of Santa Fe, Broadway, Littleton Boulevard, and Belleview Avenue would you like to see?
23 registered responses
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Should the zoning along Littleton Boulevard be changed due to the character of this corridor?
Along Littleton Boulevard, should all redeveloped or new business and commercial uses place the building at or near the street, with parking only to the rear?
Should drive‐through uses be permitted within the Neighborhood Business (NB) district?
Should properties along Broadway that directly abut single‐family be rezoned to Transition Residential (TR) or Neighborhood Business (NB) instead of General Business (GB)?
How should industrially zoned land within the Corridor Mixed Use (CMU) boundary be handled?
What is the greatest concern with the location of industrial districts within the Corridor Mixed SUe (CMU) area?
What is the most important regulation for best managing industrial uses?
What is the greatest value of Planned Development (PD) districts?
How might Planned Development (PD) districts be managed most efficiently?
Which frontage types are best along the Littleton Boulevard Corridor? (Check all that apply)
No response.Which frontage types are best along the Belleview Corridor? (Check all that apply)
No response.Which frontage types are best along the Broadway Corridor? (Check all that apply)
No response.Which frontage types are best along the S. Santa Fe Corridor? (Check all that apply)
No response.How important are pitched roofs to the character of Littleton?
Sloped roofs are most important along which of the following corridors? (Choose all that apply)
Is there anything else that you would like to add?
If you want public opinion then you need to write these questions in a way that someone who is not a public planner can understand. B-1, B-2 properties? Frontage types? That is very hard to understand. Bottom line as a resident of Littleton, is that it is a community with a lot o unrealized potential that needs to rezone, find revenue and make it a community with character. Right now, littleton is a pass through community that no one wants to give their discrecenary income to , because there is no place to do that and the run down strip malls, litany of gas stations and car dealers don't encourage any development that would address the issues that this community faces.