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(You may be asked to solve a simple puzzle that is easy for humans but difficult for computers)
Historic District Standards and Guidelines Rewrite

What suggestions do you have for rewriting the Local Historic District Standards and Guidelines?

Bronson Boulevard

What preferences do you have for the redesign of Bronson Boulevard?

Lovell Street Cycle Track Pilot

What feedback do you have on the Lovell St Cycle Track Bike Wave Pilot?

Maple St Roadwork (Burdick St to Westnedge Ave)

Maple St Bike Lanes vs On-Street Parking

Inkster Avenue Bridge Reconstruction Input

Share your input on minor design elements for the Inkster Avenue Bridge Reconstruction.

West Main Hill Play Street Survey

Share your input on a play street in West Main Hill.

Street Design Concepts

Review and share your input on street design concepts.

Encuesta de Sostenibilidad y Cambio Climático

Comparta sus pensamientos para ayudar a informar el plan de la sostenibilidad de la Ciudad.

Sustainability & Climate Change Survey

Share your input to help inform the City's sustainability plan.

Future Bike Network Input

We need your input on what the future of our bike network should look like!

Kalamazoo Bike Survey

Please take this survey assessing the condition of a bicycle route you take.

DRAFT Master Plan Public Comment

What would you like the City of Kalamazoo to know about the DRAFT Master Plan?

DRAFT Strategic Vision Public Comment

What would you like the City of Kalamazoo to know about the DRAFT Strategic Vision?

IK 2025-Help us plan the future of Kalamazoo! WMU Students

Your ideas are wanted! We want to create a shared vision for Kalamazoo that improves the quality of life for all!

Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 - Neighborhood Mapping Exercise

When you think about your neighborhood, what would you consider the neighborhood center? What do you like or dislike about your neighborhood based on its feel or character?

Imagine Kalamazoo 2025 - Filling in the Gaps

What kinds of buildings and green spaces do you like in the following photos? What would you like to see in Kalamazoo?

Imagine Kalamazoo 2025- Help us plan the future of Kalamazoo!

Your ideas are wanted! We want to create a shared vision for Kalamazoo that improves the quality of life for all!

Imagine Kalamazoo- Plan It!

Your ideas are wanted! Help us plan the future of Kalamazoo!