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What feedback do you have on the W & P Pop-Up Pilot Bike Lane?

186 registered responses

What is your age?

Response Percent Response Count
15 - 30 years old 18.3% 34
30 - 45 years old 38.7% 72
45 – 60 years old 23.7% 44
60+ years old 18.3% 34
I prefer not to answer 1.1% 2

Choose the answer that best describes you (choose one):

Response Percent Response Count
I am a resident of the Northside Neighborhood 3.2% 6
I am a resident of the Vine Neighborhood 19.4% 36
I am a resident in Downtown 7.5% 14
I am a resident of the City of Kalamazoo (not a resident in Northside, Vine, Downtown) but I travel Westnedge and/or Park Street 50.0% 93
I am not a resident of the City of Kalamazoo, but I travel Westnedge and/or Park Street 19.4% 36
I prefer not to answer 0.5% 1

Check all that apply to you:

Response Percent Response Count
Biking is my primary form of transportation 9.7% 18
I occasionally bike as my mode of transportation 34.4% 64
I bike for exercise or as a hobby 55.9% 104
N/A 24.2% 45

Check all that apply to you:

Response Percent Response Count
I drive along Westnedge and Park 95.2% 177
I bike along Westnedge and Park 36.6% 68
I walk along Westnedge and Park 44.6% 83

I use the pilot bike lane:

Response Percent Response Count
1 day per week 8.1% 15
2 - 3 days per week 14.0% 26
4 – 5 days per week 4.8% 9
6 – 7 days per week 3.2% 6
I do not use the pilot bike lane 67.2% 125
I prefer not to answer 2.7% 5

How has the pilot bike lane changed your level of comfort as a bicyclist, driver, and pedestrian on Westnedge and Park?

Response Percent Response Count
Increased Comfort 32.8% 61
Remained the same 19.9% 37
Decreased Comfort 29.0% 54
I prefer not to answer 18.3% 34
Response Percent Response Count
Increased Comfort 14.0% 26
Remained the same 23.7% 44
Decreased Comfort 60.2% 112
I prefer not to answer 2.2% 4
Pedestrian / Walker
Response Percent Response Count
Increased Comfort 16.7% 31
Remained the same 40.3% 75
Decreased Comfort 28.0% 52
I prefer not to answer 15.1% 28

How likely are you to use the pilot bike lane in the Fall? In the Winter? In the Spring? What would impact your usage?


Is there anything else you would like to share with us about using the pop-up bike lane on Westnedge and/or Park?


If you wish to stay connected to this project and other transportation related projects, please leave us your email address (this is optional and voluntary)
