Share your input on traffic calming in the Oakland/Winchell neighborhood
The Oakland/Winchell Neihgborhood Plan notes traffic calming throuhgout the neighborhood as a priority. Since the adoption of the neighborhood plan, the City of Kalamazoo has completed the following projects in the Oakland Drive Winchell Neighborhood:
Installation of speed radar signs on Winchell Avenue which alert drivers of their speeds and records that data so projects such as this have support and modifications can be made as necessary
Changed yield signs to stop signs, and added additional stop signs at specific intersection per Safe Routes to Schools
Oakland Drive non-motorized transportation improvements between Howard Street and Parkview Avenue
New pedestrian crosswalks on Oakland Drive at Maple Street, Chevy Chase Blvd., and an entrance into the Oakwood Plaza
Addition of a pedestrian refuge island at Oakland Drive and Maple Street
Repaired existing sidewalks in Oakland Drive Winchell Neighborhood
New sidewalks on Rambling Road and Waite Avenue
The next project underway includes traffic calming throuhgout the neighborhood by specifically focusing on increasing traffic safety, intersection safety, and non-motorized connectivity. By calming traffic, beginning with Winchell Avenue, we create streets that support all users to travel safely and comfortably through the neighborhood.
To learn more about this project visit