Provide your input on zoning & streets for the east end of the Northside neighborhood.
The City of Kalamazoo is working to update its Zoning Ordinance to align development regulations with the 2025 Master Plan, particularly with Neighborhood Plans. This project is focusing on a review of the Manufacturing Zoning (M1) located in the east end of the Northside Neighborhood, generally South of Paterson, West of Walbridge/Verburg Park, North of North, and East of Edwards. The proposed review and update to the Zoning Map for this area is intended to remove barriers to infill and rehab development that supports the neighborhood vision.
Specifically, the proposed update will:
Remove the limits on new housing found in the existing Manufacturing Zone.
Allow a mix of uses to support a wide range of businesses, housing opportunities, and walkable development.
Guide new buildings to fit with the size and scale of the neighborhood.
We are currently seeking input from residents on proposed zoning updates in this area as well as priorities for street improvements. Please review this presentation for more background information on this project and then click "Take the Survey" to share your input. You can also share your thoughts by calling and leaving a message on the Engagement Hotline at (269) 226-6524 or by emailing [email protected]. Additional information on this project is also available at