Please provide your feedback on the Facilities Master Plan.
Humboldt County is making strong efforts to improve resident services, reduce facility operations costs and improve the overall condition of facilities owned by the county. One of these efforts has involved developing what we're calling the Facilities Master Plan, which contains an analysis of all county facilities and a series of proposed investments that are designed to meet current and future needs of the community.
Humboldt County is seeking input from the community regarding new construction and facility improvements. The Facilities Master Plan document includes proposed renovation and new construction projects, and responses will allow the planning team to better align the Facility Master Plan with community goals. Please click the "take the survey" button below to provide your feedback.
Over the course of 18 months county staff worked with an outside firm to conduct an analysis of more than 100 facilities that are either owned or leased by the county. This process led to a detailed plan and series of potential investments that include both renovation and new construction projects. The criteria for location, number, size and condition of work environments and public facilities was defined in the plan, and opportunities for physical improvements took into consideration a wide range of planning factors.
The majority of county services are located centrally to the county population withiin Eureka city limits. Among the services the county provides to the public are: infrastructure management, parks, social services including temporary assistance, benefits and building permits. Limited services are provided in various smaller communities.
The analysis described above concluded that facilities owned and operated by the county are generally in poor condition. County facilities are at various levels of deterioration largely due to general decay as well as Humboldt County’s harsh environmental conditions. The proposed projects presented as solutions were planned with the goal of providing a future for Humboldt County that is aligned with government operations and obligations for physical changes to better serve public needs. The condition of county facilities will continue to deteriorate and while existing facilities may be able to serve the county for the next 5 to 10 years, eventually new construction will be required.
Click the image below to review the facilities master plan.
Additional Considerations:
Projects outlined in the Facilities Master Plan would require large expenditures by the county. The average year-to-year inflation of the construction industry is just under 4% per year. The county will save a considerable amount of money building new and renovating facilities if properly planned and scheduled so as to not increase design and construction times past reasonable amounts.
Staffing Needs
The Facilities Master Plan will require additional county staff and consultant staff to implement. The county currently employs fewer than five architectural and engineering professionals as part of Public Works Facilities Management Division. These positions will be required to maintain their current professional roles and take on new responsibilities throughout the implementation of the Facilities Master Plan. Additional dedicated professionals hired on a contract basis would provide necessary project management services and other assistance.
Goals and Implementation
The Facilities Master Plan will require additional county staff and consultant staff to implement. The county currently employs fewer than five architectural and engineering professionals as part of Public Works Facilities Management Division. These positions will be required to maintain their current professional roles and take on new responsibilities throughout the implementation of the Facilities Master Plan. Additional dedicated professionals hired on a contract basis would provide necessary project management services and other assistance.
County Campus
A county campus or campuses consisting of a similar county functions is a concept that staff have discussed as part of the Facilities Master Plan. County campuses would allow for increased work efficiency for employees and improved access to services for members of the public. The formation of a county campus or campuses may require the county to rearrange land use designations or purchase additional land. At this time, definite functions to be combined at a county campus have not been finalized.
Creative Solutions
Humboldt County, and Eureka in particular, does not have a large inventory of greenfield sites for major new development. Implementing certain proposals in the draft Facilities Master Plan may require creative solutions, including short-term leasing of swing space, use of the county leasing corporation to generate revenue and control costs, and expanding project delivery methods through an update of the county purchasing policy.
Humboldt County Public Property Leasing Corporation
Humboldt County Board of Supervisors Resolution 85-115 on Dec. 10, 1985, formed the Humboldt County Public Property Leasing Corporation (HCPPLC). The HCPPLC is a nonprofit public benefit corporation and is not organized for the private gain of any person. The HCPPLC is organized under the Nonprofit Public Benefit Corporation Law for public purposes. The specific and primary purpose for which the HCPPLC is formed is to provide assistance to the County of Humboldt by acquiring, constructing, improving, remodeling, and equipping, or providing for the acquisition, construction, improvement, remodeling and equipping, of real and personal property of any kind or nature whatsoever and by making such property available, by lease or otherwise, to the county for use by the county in performing the county's governmental functions.
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