Please submit your comments on the Garberville Complete Streets Project as a whole.
No response.
Please submit your comments on the Gateway/Welcome Plaza.
Not really understanding where there would be parking in this area. I like the idea of the signage, but the parking situation seems difficult to accomplish
Please submit your comments on A - Parallel Parking Section.
Parallel parking is questionable, as less cars will fit in town, as the angled parking spaces allow for several more cars than front to back would. Since we lost all the parking in the area of the town square, we need more parking, not less. Have you ever tried to park anywhere on locust or even anywhere in town on Friday? It’s near impossible to find a space as it is.
Please submit your comments on B - Angled Parking Section
Devils advocate? I’m confused how this area doesn’t have a bike lane but the parallel parking area does? So what happens to the bike lane mid town it just disappears? What happens to the semis that usually pull into the center of the lanes to unload? Where is their space?
Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection with Transition Plaza.
Definite improvement for pedestrians
Please submit your comments on the Mid-Block Crosswalk section.
I have crossed the street here countless times. Seems necessary.
Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection.
Will there be lights that flash when someone is using the southern crosswalk? Maybe more street lighting? That south crosswalk is hard to see people in at night
Open Humboldt is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Humboldt is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Please submit your comments on the Garberville Complete Streets Project as a whole.
No response.Please submit your comments on the Gateway/Welcome Plaza.
Not really understanding where there would be parking in this area. I like the idea of the signage, but the parking situation seems difficult to accomplish
Please submit your comments on A - Parallel Parking Section.
Parallel parking is questionable, as less cars will fit in town, as the angled parking spaces allow for several more cars than front to back would. Since we lost all the parking in the area of the town square, we need more parking, not less. Have you ever tried to park anywhere on locust or even anywhere in town on Friday? It’s near impossible to find a space as it is.
Please submit your comments on B - Angled Parking Section
Devils advocate? I’m confused how this area doesn’t have a bike lane but the parallel parking area does? So what happens to the bike lane mid town it just disappears? What happens to the semis that usually pull into the center of the lanes to unload? Where is their space?
Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection with Transition Plaza.
Definite improvement for pedestrians
Please submit your comments on the Mid-Block Crosswalk section.
I have crossed the street here countless times. Seems necessary.
Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection.
Will there be lights that flash when someone is using the southern crosswalk? Maybe more street lighting? That south crosswalk is hard to see people in at night