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What do you think about the different pieces of the proposed Garberville Complete Streets Project?

7 registered responses

Please submit your comments on the Garberville Complete Streets Project as a whole.


Please submit your comments on the Gateway/Welcome Plaza.


Please submit your comments on A - Parallel Parking Section.


Please submit your comments on B - Angled Parking Section


Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection with Transition Plaza.


Please submit your comments on the Mid-Block Crosswalk section.


Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection.

Richard Thompson inside district 2
June 11, 2019, 2:48 PM
  • Please submit your comments on the Garberville Complete Streets Project as a whole.

    Generally a good idea, but I think they should have done a traffic survey before the conceptual design. Big question--who maintains the landscaping and hardscaping?

  • Please submit your comments on the Gateway/Welcome Plaza.

    Where's parking for any who want to read the info?

  • Please submit your comments on A - Parallel Parking Section.

    No need for a bike lane since there's not one in the rest of Redwood Dr. Where are the buses going to park at the So end of town?

  • Please submit your comments on B - Angled Parking Section

    Where are the delivery trucks going to park, they now park on C/L. There are food & beverage deliveries, FedEx, UPS, fuel tankers, ?. Also, trucks need to be able to turn L and R onto Sprowel Cr Rd, as well as entering and exiting some side streets.

  • Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection with Transition Plaza.

    Turning room for semi-truck & trailers? Looks like it will improve entering Getti-Up, but what does it do for those exiting Getti-Up/Johnson's Motel next to Miclette Ins?

  • Please submit your comments on the Mid-Block Crosswalk section.

    This is part of the area delivery trucks park to deliver to Shell Gas!

  • Please submit your comments on the Enhanced Intersection.

    You're making it difficult to get into Redwood Dr Center. How do fuel tankers access Patriot Gas? What about semi-trucks entering/exiting Maple Lane?

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This survey is looking for community input on the Garberville Complete Streets Projects. The survey is 7 questions in total. First we'll ask about your feedback on this project as a whole. Details on each section will follow in questions below. Some of the images may be difficult to see during the survey. We've provided additional links so you can inspect each of the elements a little more closely. Feel free to refer back to the image immediately below to see where a section of the project fits in to the bigger picture.

Garberville Complete Streets map with detail

Click here to view image in a new window.

Legend for mapLegend formap

Legend for map


- Gateway Signage

- Visitor Information Kiosk (Map, Local Businesses, Lodging, Restaurants, Etc.)

- Short-Term Parking

Welcome Plaza Entrance Gateway Exit

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