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Open Humboldt

During the 2018 Budget Roadshow, the community shared a wide variety of services it deemed valuable, and others that should be improved. Please help the county narrow down this list of priorities so that we can begin to address them and track their progress over the 2018-19 Fiscal Year.

131 registered responses

Please rank your TOP 5 (FIVE) services/areas of interest in order of importance to you.

Average priorities over 131 responses
  1. Making it possible for affordable housing to be built in our community.

    Affordable Housing
  2. This includes job creation, tourism, a strong vibrant economy.

    Economic Development
  3. Treatment for children who have experienced trauma.

    Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma-informed care
  4. Fixing our county roads and building trails.

    Roads and trails
  5. Cannabis makes up a large part of Humboldt's economy. Ensuring its success is vital to our future.

    Ensuring success of cannabis industry
  6. Targeting hard drugs like meth and heroin in our community.

    Targeting hard drugs
  7. Partnering with non-profits, community agencies, neighborhood watch groups, etc.

    Community partnerships
  8. This would involve marijuana grows that are not going through the permit process.

    Addressing illegal marijuana grows
  9. Foot and car patrols in the rural areas of the county like Garberville, Willow Creek, McKinleyville, Orick and Bridgeville.

    Rural patrols
  10. Services aimed at helping incarcerated individuals re-enter society.

    Re-entry services
  11. Streamlining and making the building permit process more efficient.

    Building Permit Process
  12. Increasing the use and capacity of county buildings. Making them ADA compliant and more energy efficient.

    County facilities

Did you attend the Humboldt County Budget Roadshow? Let us know if you did and which stop(s) you attended.

Response Percent Response Count
Yes - I attended the Roadshow in McKinleyville 9.2% 12
Yes - I attended the Roadshow in Benbow 4.6% 6
Yes - I attended the Roadshow in Eureka 10.7% 14
Yes - I attended the Roadshow in Willow Creek 4.6% 6
No - I did not attend any of the Roadshow stops 74.8% 98

What did you like about the Budget Roadshow?


How could the county improve the Budget Roadshow?

Name not shown inside district 5
April 22, 2018, 9:16 PM
  • Please rank your TOP 5 (FIVE) services/areas of interest in order of importance to you.
    1. Making it possible for affordable housing to be built in our community.

      Affordable Housing
    2. Partnering with non-profits, community agencies, neighborhood watch groups, etc.

      Community partnerships
    3. This includes job creation, tourism, a strong vibrant economy.

      Economic Development
    4. Cannabis makes up a large part of Humboldt's economy. Ensuring its success is vital to our future.

      Ensuring success of cannabis industry
    5. Fixing our county roads and building trails.

      Roads and trails
    6. Treatment for children who have experienced trauma.

      Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and trauma-informed care
    7. Streamlining and making the building permit process more efficient.

      Building Permit Process
    8. Targeting hard drugs like meth and heroin in our community.

      Targeting hard drugs
    9. Foot and car patrols in the rural areas of the county like Garberville, Willow Creek, McKinleyville, Orick and Bridgeville.

      Rural patrols
    10. Increasing the use and capacity of county buildings. Making them ADA compliant and more energy efficient.

      County facilities
    11. Services aimed at helping incarcerated individuals re-enter society.

      Re-entry services
    12. This would involve marijuana grows that are not going through the permit process.

      Addressing illegal marijuana grows
  • Did you attend the Humboldt County Budget Roadshow? Let us know if you did and which stop(s) you attended.
    • No - I did not attend any of the Roadshow stops
  • What did you like about the Budget Roadshow?
    No response.
  • How could the county improve the Budget Roadshow?
    No response.
Open Humboldt is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Humboldt is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.

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Increasing the use and capacity of county buildings. Making them ADA compliant and more energy efficient.

This includes job creation, tourism, a strong vibrant economy.

Making it possible for affordable housing to be built in our community.

Services aimed at helping incarcerated individuals re-enter society.

Cannabis makes up a large part of Humboldt's economy. Ensuring its success is vital to our future.

Fixing our county roads and building trails.

Treatment for children who have experienced trauma.

Targeting hard drugs like meth and heroin in our community.

Streamlining and making the building permit process more efficient.

This would involve marijuana grows that are not going through the permit process.

Partnering with non-profits, community agencies, neighborhood watch groups, etc.

Foot and car patrols in the rural areas of the county like Garberville, Willow Creek, McKinleyville, Orick and Bridgeville.

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