How concerned are you about wildfire in Humboldt County
Moderately concerned
Have you ever experienced a loss from wildfire?
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, tell us what you lost.
No response.
In relation to wildfire, I believe Humboldt County in general is:
Adequately prepared for wildfire, but would like to see more being done
In relation to wildfire, I believe my property and family are
Adequately prepared for wildfire, but could be better prepared
Reducing wildfire risk to my family, home, and property is:
Please indicate which, if any, of the following actions you have taken to manage the vegetation around your home:
Removed dead or dying vegetation around my home - Have done within the past 6 months
Removed “ladder fuels.” (Low-level vegetation that allows fire to climb trees or structures.) - Have done within the past 6 months
Trimmed tree canopies to keep their branches a minimum of 10 feet from structures or other trees around my home. - Have done in over 2 years or not at all
Removed leaf litter (dry leaves/needles) from yard, roof, and rain gutters. - Have done within the past 6 months
Removed combustible material and vegetation from around and under decks. - Have done within the past 6 months
Chipped or burned vegetation on the property. - Have done within the past 6 months
Removed all combustible materials within 5 feet of my home. - Have done within the past 6 months
Removed or pruned vegetation under roof vents. - Have done within the past 6 months
Have you had a Defensible Space Inspection or Wildfire Risk Assessment at your home or property?
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, please let us know who conducted the inspection. Answers could include your local fire protection agency (please include name); CAL FIRE; federal fire protection agency (include name); local fire safe council (name); insurance company; or did it myself.
I am a Fieldbrook Vol. Fire Dept member and do it myself
The following statements reflect reasons why someone may or may not prepare their home or property to reduce the risks of wildfire. Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements as they relate to why you have or have not mitigated your wildfire risk.
I know how to manage the vegetation around my home to reduce wildfire risks. - Agree
I know how to make structural changes to my home to reduce wildfire risks. - Agree
The recommended changes to my home or property interfere with how I want my property to be. - Neither Agree or Disagree
The cost of preparing my home or property to reduce wildfire risks prevents me from taking action. - Neither Agree or Disagree
There is no need to prepare my home or property because I have insurance that will cover any potential damage. - Strongly Disagree
While I would like to make changes, at least I have insurance to cover a loss from fire. - Strongly Disagree
My physical abilities make it difficult to prepare my home or property to reduce wildfire risk. - Strongly Disagree
It is difficult to find the time to prepare my home or property to reduce wildfire risk. - Strongly Disagree
I’m concerned about impacting my view or privacy screening. - Strongly Disagree
It is difficult to dispose of the vegetation once I have removed it. - Strongly Disagree
Regulatory requirements or permitting prevent me from taking action to reduce my wildfire risk. - Strongly Disagree
Neighborhood rules or programs require me to prepare my home or property to reduce wildfire risk. - Strongly Disagree
How important is it to you to receive information on the following topics in relation to the wildfire risk in Humboldt County?
Fire hazards or other fuel-related concerns - Somewhat Important
Air quality from wildfire or prescribed burning - Not Important
Evacuation planning - Somewhat Important
Hazardous fuel reduction on nearby public lands - Somewhat Important
Fire protection/fire fighting in my community - Somewhat Important
Defensible space around homes and neighborhoods - Somewhat Important
Fire safe construction or retrofitting (hardened homes) - Somewhat Important
How to prepare water systems for efficient fire fighting access. - Somewhat Important
Fire safe councils or Firewise - Somewhat Important
Grant funding to assist me or my community to prepare for wildfire - Important
Water supply improvements - Somewhat Important
What other topics related to wildfire risk would you like to receive information about?
No response.
Prescribed fire and/or controlled burning is an important tool in Humboldt County to reduce the risk of larger wildfires.
Strongly Agree
Recognizing there are trade-offs in what can be accomplished given existing resources, how high a priority do you put on addressing the following concerns in relation to reducing losses from wildfire?
Vegetation management/fuel breaks on public lands (in general). - High Priority
Vegetation management: Mechanical thinning - Medium Priority
Improving fire department response time. - High Priority
Improving water supply for fire fighting. - High Priority
Creating defensible space on private, residential property. - High Priority
Receiving air quality information regarding smoke from wildfires and/or prescribed fires. - Low Priority
Protecting residents from smoke. - Medium Priority
Improving one-way in and out roads for evacuation. - Medium Priority
Addressing narrow roads for evacuation. - Medium Priority
Improving evacuation route signage. - Medium Priority
Improving large animal evacuations (horses, cattle, etc.) - Medium Priority
Improving small animal evacuations. - Low Priority
Planning for local evacuations. - Medium Priority
Improving other evacuation issues. (Follow-up question below) - Medium Priority
Protecting environmentally sensitive areas from wildfire. - Low Priority
Protecting historic structures from wildfire. - Medium Priority
Protecting critical infrastructure from wildfire - High Priority
Protecting specific values other than homes from wildfire. (Follow up question below) - Medium Priority
Reducing fire risks from indoor marijuana cultivation. - Not Important
What other local evacuation issues should be improved, and what level of priority would you give it?
Advance warning and fire service systems. Some fire service systems have very poor transmittion power/reception in even some of our established unincorporated commmunities. This is 21st century!!
Other than homes, what specific values should we protect from wildfire, and what level of priority would you give it?
No response.
Have you heard of or participated in the Humboldt County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)?
Yes, I have heard of the CWPP
Would you be interested in attending a community workshop on the Humboldt County Community Wildfire Protection Plan at one of the locations below?
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, please indicate which workshop(s) you would like to attend.
No response.
Please check any of the assistance and/or educational programs that you would like to see offered in your community. Select all that apply. If you are interested in information not listed, please describe in the "other" text box.
Assistance with Defensible Space
Other - Access to large (4'x8') Defensible Space signage with reasonable installatoin design recommendations (including streamlined County approval/permit process) that agencies/groups can place in neighborhoods etc
Is there another wildfire concern in your community that you think needs more attention? If yes, please describe.
Defensible Space signage and grants for suggested clearing of public areas and qualified hardship private areas.
Would you like to be contacted by your local fire department about volunteering or supporting them to help protect your community? You can enter your contact information at the end of this survey.
No response.
Are you aware of the existence of fire safe councils and/or Firewise Communities in Humboldt County? If so, please name the ones you are familiar with.
Willow Creek
Are you a member of a fire safe council or Firewise Community? If so, please let us know which one(s).
No response.
Would you like to be contacted by your local fire safe council and/or Firewise Community about fire safety measures for your home and property? You can leave your contact information at the end of this survey.
Would you like to be contacted about doing a wildfire hazard assessment on your property?
Where do you live? Check all that apply.
Are you a member, employee, or otherwise work with an organization responsible for fire protection and/or fire management in Humboldt County? If yes, with which organization do you work?
Fieldbrook VFD
Open Humboldt is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Humboldt is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
How concerned are you about wildfire in Humboldt County
Have you ever experienced a loss from wildfire?
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, tell us what you lost.
No response.In relation to wildfire, I believe Humboldt County in general is:
In relation to wildfire, I believe my property and family are
Reducing wildfire risk to my family, home, and property is:
Please indicate which, if any, of the following actions you have taken to manage the vegetation around your home:
Have you had a Defensible Space Inspection or Wildfire Risk Assessment at your home or property?
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, please let us know who conducted the inspection. Answers could include your local fire protection agency (please include name); CAL FIRE; federal fire protection agency (include name); local fire safe council (name); insurance company; or did it myself.
I am a Fieldbrook Vol. Fire Dept member and do it myselfThe following statements reflect reasons why someone may or may not prepare their home or property to reduce the risks of wildfire. Please rate to what extent you agree or disagree with each of the following statements as they relate to why you have or have not mitigated your wildfire risk.
How important is it to you to receive information on the following topics in relation to the wildfire risk in Humboldt County?
What other topics related to wildfire risk would you like to receive information about?
No response.Prescribed fire and/or controlled burning is an important tool in Humboldt County to reduce the risk of larger wildfires.
Recognizing there are trade-offs in what can be accomplished given existing resources, how high a priority do you put on addressing the following concerns in relation to reducing losses from wildfire?
What other local evacuation issues should be improved, and what level of priority would you give it?
Advance warning and fire service systems. Some fire service systems have very poor transmittion power/reception in even some of our established unincorporated commmunities. This is 21st century!!Other than homes, what specific values should we protect from wildfire, and what level of priority would you give it?
No response.Have you heard of or participated in the Humboldt County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP)?
Would you be interested in attending a community workshop on the Humboldt County Community Wildfire Protection Plan at one of the locations below?
If you answered 'yes' to the question above, please indicate which workshop(s) you would like to attend.
No response.Please check any of the assistance and/or educational programs that you would like to see offered in your community. Select all that apply. If you are interested in information not listed, please describe in the "other" text box.
Is there another wildfire concern in your community that you think needs more attention? If yes, please describe.
Defensible Space signage and grants for suggested clearing of public areas and qualified hardship private areas.Would you like to be contacted by your local fire department about volunteering or supporting them to help protect your community? You can enter your contact information at the end of this survey.
No response.Are you aware of the existence of fire safe councils and/or Firewise Communities in Humboldt County? If so, please name the ones you are familiar with.
Willow CreekAre you a member of a fire safe council or Firewise Community? If so, please let us know which one(s).
No response.Would you like to be contacted by your local fire safe council and/or Firewise Community about fire safety measures for your home and property? You can leave your contact information at the end of this survey.
Would you like to be contacted about doing a wildfire hazard assessment on your property?
Where do you live? Check all that apply.
Are you a member, employee, or otherwise work with an organization responsible for fire protection and/or fire management in Humboldt County? If yes, with which organization do you work?
Fieldbrook VFD