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Help Enhance the Future of Air Service in Arcata/Eureka

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144 registered responses

Which airport comes to mind first when you are planning air travel?


What do you call the commercial service airport located in the Arcata-Eureka region?


Do you know the three-letter airport code for the commercial airport located in Arcata-Eureka?

Response Percent Response Count
Yes 92.1% 129
No 7.9% 11

If you answered 'yes' to question 3, what is the code?


In the past 12 month, approximately how many air round-trips have you made, regardless of your airport choice?

Response Percent Response Count
1-2 trips 31.4% 44
3-5 trips 35.7% 50
6-10 trips 15.0% 21
More than 10 trips 4.3% 6
I have not traveled by air at all in the last 12 months 13.6% 19

Of those trips in the last 12 month, how many have been for LEISURE purposes?

Response Percent Response Count
1-2 trips 41.7% 58
3-5 trips 32.4% 45
6-10 trips 5.0% 7
More than 10 trips 1.4% 2
I have not traveled by air for leisure at all in the last 12 months 19.4% 27

Of those trips in the last 12 months, how many have been for BUSINESS purposes?

Response Percent Response Count
1-2 trips 28.0% 40
3-5 trips 13.3% 19
6-10 trips 2.1% 3
10 or more trips 2.8% 4
I have not traveled by air for business at all in the last 12 months 53.8% 77

To the best of your knowledge, what airline(s) currently serve the commercial airport in in Arcata-Eureka?


Which of the following airport(s) have you flown from in the last 12 months? Select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
San Francisco International Airport (SFO) 64.3% 92
Del Norte County Regional Airport (CEC) 4.9% 7
California Redwood Coast - Humboldt County Airport (ACV) 59.4% 85
Sacramento International Airport (SMF) 23.1% 33
Charles M. Schulz - Sonoma County Airport (STS) 13.3% 19
None of these 13.3% 19
Other 32.2% 46

In the past 12 months, estimate the percentage of times that you have used the Arcata-Eureka airport (ACV) for your air travel needs, regardless of the purpose of the trip.

Response Percent Response Count
0% of my trips were from ACV 30.0% 42
Approximately 25% of my trips were from ACV 12.1% 17
Approximately 50% of my trips were from ACV 16.4% 23
Approximately 75% of my trips were from ACV 13.6% 19
All (100%) of the air trips I have taken in the last 12 months were from ACV. 27.9% 39

How would you describe your relationship with the airport in Arcata-Eureka (ACV)? Check all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
I advocate for the Airport, flying from it and recommending it to others 31.5% 45
I choose the Airport over others whenever possible 30.1% 43
I use the Airport only when it makes the most sense 41.3% 59
I often choose other airports 18.2% 26
I don't consider using the Airport 6.3% 9
Alternative C 2.8% 4
Other 23.8% 34

Please rank the importance of the following aspects of regional air service. Choose at least four (4). Click on an option for more information.

Average priorities over 144 responses
  1. Cost of flights

  2. Arrival departure times

    Flight schedule
  3. Ease of use and time spent

  4. Choice between airlines

    Airline choices
  5. A flight that does not require connections

    Nonstop destinations
  6. Your experience at the airport with all things considered

    Overall experience
  7. Including getting your boarding pass and getting through security

    Ease of check-in
  8. Short- and long-term parking

    Cost of parking
  9. Free wireless Internet

    Free Wi-fi
  10. Features at the airport that help you enjoy your experience while there

    Airport amenities

What are the main reasons you choose or would choose to fly to or from another airport instead of the airport in Arcata-Eureka (ACV)? Select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Airline loyalty or rewards program 7.0% 10
Lower fares 79.6% 113
More frequent flights or options 46.5% 66
More non-stop destinations 40.1% 57
More reliable service 55.6% 79
Preference for different airline 11.3% 16
Other 9.9% 14

What could be improved at the airport in Arcata-Eureka (ACV) to make you a more frequent flyer? Select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Customer service 2.1% 3
Food/Dining options 8.3% 12
Nonstop destinations offered 47.9% 69
Flight times to current destinations 34.7% 50
Cleanliness 2.8% 4
Affordability of fare 82.6% 119
Other 20.8% 30

What are the main reasons you choose or would choose to fly to or from the airport in Arcata-Eureka (ACV) instead of other area airports? Select all that apply.

Response Percent Response Count
Airline loyalty or rewards programs 10.5% 15
Convenience 74.1% 106
Cheaper parking 9.8% 14
Friendly staff 13.3% 19
Shorter drive from home to airport 75.5% 108
Nonstop service to SFO 16.8% 24
Small, easy to navigate terminal 35.7% 51
United Airlines 11.2% 16
Other 16.1% 23

What non-stop domestic air travel destination(s) would you frequently travel to if it were offered by the airport in Arcata-Eureka (ACV)? List up to 3


Which of the following best describes your age?

Response Percent Response Count
18 to 24 1.4% 2
15 to 34 8.4% 12
35 to 44 16.8% 24
45 to 54 28.7% 41
55 to 64 25.9% 37
65 or older 18.9% 27

What gender do you most identify with

Response Percent Response Count
Male 36.8% 53
Female 61.8% 89
Prefer not to say 1.4% 2

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Item Up Down Remove
Item Up Down Remove

Ease of use and time spent

A flight that does not require connections

Cost of flights

Free wireless Internet

Including getting your boarding pass and getting through security

Your experience at the airport with all things considered

Arrival departure times

Choice between airlines

Features at the airport that help you enjoy your experience while there

Short- and long-term parking

DEMOGRAPHICS - The following questions are for demographic analysis only

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