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What are your priorities for Measure S, the commercial cannabis cultivation tax that was passed by voters in November?

155 registered responses

After reading the details above, which two Public Safety strategies are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Cannabis permit enforcement 37.4% 58
Create a sobering facility 31.0% 48
Data-driven crime analysis 10.3% 16
Deputy Sheriff team with Mental Health 41.3% 64
Mental Health Services for probationers 49.7% 77
Other 30.3% 47

After reading the details above, which two Job Creation strategies are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Expand work training, work placement 70.3% 109
Nursing program, recruit health care workers and doctors 81.3% 126
Cannabis marketing, branding campaign 14.2% 22
One-stop business support resource 14.2% 22
Other 20.0% 31

After reading the details above, which two Crime Investiagation and Prosecution strategies are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Pre-Trial diversion program 50.3% 78
Investigate illegal cannabis business 38.7% 60
Seek payments for environmental cleanup and mitigation 77.4% 120
Sheriff's Office detective assigned to organized crime 17.4% 27
Other 16.1% 25

After reading about the selections above, which two Environmental Cleanup & Restoration strategies are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Code enforcement officer(s) 47.1% 73
Spill response 30.3% 47
Environmental cleanup and restoration funds 69.7% 108
Enforcement via the Environmental Task Force 40.6% 63
Other 12.3% 19

After reading the details above, which two Children & Family Mental Health Services strategies are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) 47.7% 74
Family Resource Center mental health clinicians 49.7% 77
Youth treatment programs 41.3% 64
Fund metal health counseling/services that are not covered by Medi-Cal or other insurance 51.0% 79
Other 10.3% 16

After reading the details above, which two Drug Rehabilitation services are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Detox and residential drug treatment services 62.6% 97
Funding for transitional housing 52.3% 81
Increase substance use services in Jail 19.4% 30
Dual diagnosis facility 53.5% 83
Other 12.3% 19

After reading the details above, which two Other Services are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Permit processing 21.9% 34
Recruit mental health practitioners 60.6% 94
Roads 42.6% 66
Rehabilitate homes and rent to low-income or homeless families 60.0% 93
Other 14.8% 23

Now that you have learned about the strategies that make up each service, please let us know which two broad service categories are most important to you?

Response Percent Response Count
Public Safety 14.8% 23
Job Creation 18.1% 28
Crime Investigation and Prosecution 11.0% 17
Environmental Cleanup and Restoraction 34.2% 53
Children and Family Mental Health Services 62.6% 97
Drug Rehabilitation 27.1% 42
Other County Services 32.3% 50
Name not shown inside district 3
April 3, 2017, 3:19 PM
  • After reading the details above, which two Public Safety strategies are most important to you?
    • Deputy Sheriff team with Mental Health
    • Mental Health Services for probationers
  • After reading the details above, which two Job Creation strategies are most important to you?
    • Expand work training, work placement
    • Nursing program, recruit health care workers and doctors
  • After reading the details above, which two Crime Investiagation and Prosecution strategies are most important to you?
    • Pre-Trial diversion program
    • Seek payments for environmental cleanup and mitigation
  • After reading about the selections above, which two Environmental Cleanup & Restoration strategies are most important to you?
    • Spill response
    • Enforcement via the Environmental Task Force
  • After reading the details above, which two Children & Family Mental Health Services strategies are most important to you?
    • Prevention of Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
    • Family Resource Center mental health clinicians
  • After reading the details above, which two Drug Rehabilitation services are most important to you?
    • Detox and residential drug treatment services
    • Increase substance use services in Jail
  • After reading the details above, which two Other Services are most important to you?
    • Recruit mental health practitioners
    • Rehabilitate homes and rent to low-income or homeless families
  • Now that you have learned about the strategies that make up each service, please let us know which two broad service categories are most important to you?
    • Children and Family Mental Health Services
    • Drug Rehabilitation
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1. Cannabis permit enforcement

Dedicated deputy sheriffs to pursue environmentally damaging illegal marijuana farms within county

2. Create sobering facility

Create a sobering facility to direct habitual addicts to post law enforcement contact prior to arrest

3. Data-driven crime analysis

Collecting and analyzing comprehensive crime information that can aid in crime prevention strategies, organizational structure/deployment, and solution based law enforcement practices. Data Driven crime analysis is essential to the Sheriff’s approach to community based policing and crime reduction. 

4. Deputy Sherff team with Mental Health

Deputy Sheriffs dedicated to crisis response/intervention team with Mental Health – respond, follow up on cases of criminally mentally ill, marry them up with DHHS

5. Mental Health services for probationers

People on adult/juvenile Probation and pretrial release in the community could also benefit from MH services that are not currently being provided – to stabilize them so that they don’t end up in crisis, having to utilize the County’s most expensive services (the emergency room or jail).  This is a preventative program.

6. Other Services

These are services that were brought up during the small table discussions, report out, or other services not described above.

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