How would you expect to be better served by combining the offices of the Treasurer-Tax Collector and the Auditor-Controller?
I'm not sure we would be better served by combining. That may simply involve more position cuts for "efficiency". Tax collecting is very important, and will be more important as the new legal situation regarding production of marijuana progresses. There are a lot of unknowns. What do we know about the successes and failures of how other counties have used the combination? there was no info on that in your intro.
What improvements would you like to see made in our permitting process?
What you need is gatekeeper function, who can simply provide applicants with appropriate directions and strategies, timeline, etc for the different permitting. Perhaps a simple brochure with a flow chart would suffice, along with phone support.
If a local excise tax is passed on the cultivation of medical marijuana, what are your priorities for those funds?
since the state covers a lot of other aspects, and lacks money for enforcement of environmental regulations, I believe that enforcement of environmental regulations should be funded locally by the excise tax until the state comes to grips with those costs.
What parts of the county government do you want to know more about?
It will vary year by year. Right now I would like to have more transparency in county election funding information, to start with.
What local issues do you care about most?
Routing of roads and care of dikes in the face of global warming and sea level rise; also, environmental effects of pot production, and keeping big corporate growers on less sensitive ground than forested hills. We need bottomland for food production in the even of earthquake (another one: earthquake preparedness) Finally, heroin and meth addiction
What would you like to see more or less of at this meeting?
Have been unable to attend. I don't know.
Open Humboldt is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Humboldt is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
How would you expect to be better served by combining the offices of the Treasurer-Tax Collector and the Auditor-Controller?
I'm not sure we would be better served by combining. That may simply involve more position cuts for "efficiency". Tax collecting is very important, and will be more important as the new legal situation regarding production of marijuana progresses. There are a lot of unknowns. What do we know about the successes and failures of how other counties have used the combination? there was no info on that in your intro.What improvements would you like to see made in our permitting process?
What you need is gatekeeper function, who can simply provide applicants with appropriate directions and strategies, timeline, etc for the different permitting. Perhaps a simple brochure with a flow chart would suffice, along with phone support.If a local excise tax is passed on the cultivation of medical marijuana, what are your priorities for those funds?
since the state covers a lot of other aspects, and lacks money for enforcement of environmental regulations, I believe that enforcement of environmental regulations should be funded locally by the excise tax until the state comes to grips with those costs.What parts of the county government do you want to know more about?
It will vary year by year. Right now I would like to have more transparency in county election funding information, to start with.What local issues do you care about most?
Routing of roads and care of dikes in the face of global warming and sea level rise; also, environmental effects of pot production, and keeping big corporate growers on less sensitive ground than forested hills. We need bottomland for food production in the even of earthquake (another one: earthquake preparedness) Finally, heroin and meth addictionWhat would you like to see more or less of at this meeting?
Have been unable to attend. I don't know.