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What steps should we be taking this year to make our community a better place?

20 Registered Responses



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20 registered responses

How would you expect to be better served by combining the offices of the Treasurer-Tax Collector and the Auditor-Controller?


What improvements would you like to see made in our permitting process?


If a local excise tax is passed on the cultivation of medical marijuana, what are your priorities for those funds?


From question on Page 4: How have you seen Measure Z improve your community?


What parts of the county government do you want to know more about?


What local issues do you care about most?


What would you like to see more or less of at this meeting?

Name not shown more than 2 miles
March 3, 2016, 3:00 PM
  • If a local excise tax is passed on the cultivation of medical marijuana, what are your priorities for those funds?
    Change your IT set up - i've lost 30 min data input evid by trying to correct/clarify prev typed info. so now this is rougher grammer: (1) Fund inspection/monitor/enforcement team that have to incl LE, pre-permit + post onsite - regs are meaningless otherwise. Teams should also visit known grow sites that are not even bothering to permit. (2) under Medical mj regs, it should only be Medical varieties - so that also needs monitor. 30% THC is not Medical it is Recreational - stop lying. Intoxicant MJ draws ripoffs & other violence that affects entire community. (3) Fund public ed & treatment for Drugs - incl intoxicant MJ & it is not the 60's where green/white are separate; grower-dealers are polysubstance. Meth in particular needs mega pub ed & treatment - it has horrible tragic significant "costs" to entire community on all levels of issues. (4) Fund public programs for educ & skills for non-drug deStress, including FUN public activities/recreation like dance/sports/music. (5) Research & public ed funds on truly Medical MJ use. There are truly health-giving medical uses, mostly of the high anti inflam CBD MJ & we voted support for that, plus there can be some profitable businesses that will need start up funds with this & legal advice. (6) Fund public ed on legalese for neighbors & landlords re MJ grows/dealers. It is not benign in neighborhoods or to property owners of leased sites & the laws are conflicting/confusing. (7) Fund county counsel atty's for impacted neighbors/landlords to consult or handle cases.
  • What parts of the county government do you want to know more about?
    No response.
  • What local issues do you care about most?
    Format & IT on this site needs improvement - not all pages even have input location for topic & your Q are too limiting. Measure Z had no input place - but articles read show these funds are also going to overly broad def of Safety when truly immediate Safety issues have not resolved yet. Grower Tax can fund stuff like roads, as growers did not pay their share in past & most are not going to come into permiting process anyway. (2) SAFE communities - fund a Neighborhood Problem Resolution infrastructure - maybe could be sited at schools or at Grange Halls - pay them rent, to provide support/mediation etc for residents impacted by drug-related issues, such as theft, breakins, domestic violence, welfare of minors, specific target teen boys who get drawn into drug industry for status/$$ & do not pursue careers beyond this, both Trades & secondary Educat. These young men also at risk for intergenerational violence/deadbeat dad abandonment of their bio kids. (3) way big community campaign against Meth use - just huge problem ramifications & success depends on community engagement & social pressure & cultural regulation - use churches, use secular community groups - any community infrastructure that exists & willing to help. (4) Individuals who stand up against drug use/dealers etc Will be at risk for retaliation violence, so there needs to be some sort of protection program - have no idea of logistics to accomplish, as I am selling my place cuz of related problems & Neighborhood Watch relies on parcel layout where neighbors have Visibility, which is not the only category of parcel layout in Humb. Same isolation dynamic in Humb also impacts domestic violence & child welfare. There's only so much time to input, espec after losing input twice so stopping
  • What would you like to see more or less of at this meeting?
    No response.
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Did you know that our Treasurer-Tax Collector’s Office manages more than $1.4 billion each year? This includes investing, receiving and disbursing (paying out) money for most local government agencies in the county, like local schools, special districts and county departments. On average, this office transacts more than $5 million per day. It makes sure that each agency has enough cash on-hand for its daily operations, while investing the rest to help it grow. This office also prepares and distributes tax bills, and collects property taxes, which is more than $60 million each year. All of this work is completed by a staff of just nine people.

The Treasurer-Tax Collector works closely with the Auditor-Controller when it comes to preparing property tax bills. To determine your property tax rate, the Auditor-Controller matches up your property with the appropriate taxes, taking in to account factors like exemptions, school bonds, street lighting, fire protection, and other charges that are specific to your property. This office also is responsible for many more functions. The Auditor-Controller distributes tax revenue, prepares financial reports, processes payroll for more than 2,000 employees and processes claims for payment, among other duties. Their staff is made up of just 12 employees.

Having such a small staff in each of these departments poses problems. It is especially difficult to provide back-up coverage and plan for the future as individual employees move on. In several other counties around the state these two offices are combined into a Finance Department. If we were to combine the Auditor-Controller and Treasurer-Tax Collector, how would you expect to be served better? Please note that this issue is not related to the County Assessor’s Office.

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