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What are your thoughts about the Department of Health & Human Services, and what characteristics do you want to see in the next director?

12 registered responses

1. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest strengths


2. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest weaknesses.


3. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest opportunities to improve during this transition.


4. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest barriers to success.


5. DHHS provides culturally competent services to diverse Humboldt County populations.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 16.7% 2
Disagree 41.7% 5
Neutral 25.0% 3
Agree 16.7% 2

6. DHHS provides seamless delivery of services in the most effective and efficient manner.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 63.6% 7
Disagree 9.1% 1
Neutral 27.3% 3

7. DHHS regularly communicates with the community to improve programs, services and client outcomes.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 50.0% 6
Disagree 16.7% 2
Neutral 16.7% 2
Agree 16.7% 2

8. DHHS shares data that helps me understand how our community is doing to improve the wellbeing of our community.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 33.3% 4
Disagree 41.7% 5
Neutral 16.7% 2
Strongly Agree 8.3% 1

9. DHHS client services are easily accessible.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 25.0% 3
Disagree 25.0% 3
Neutral 33.3% 4
Agree 16.7% 2

10. DHHS focuses on improving client outcomes.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 8.3% 1
Disagree 25.0% 3
Neutral 41.7% 5
Agree 16.7% 2
Strongly Agree 8.3% 1

11. The existing structure of DHHS promotes the integration of mental health, public health and social service programs in order to provide comprehensive, client centered services.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 25.0% 3
Disagree 58.3% 7
Neutral 8.3% 1
Agree 8.3% 1

Please provide a short comment regarding question 11.


12. DHHS provides appropriate services to their clients to make the reentry program successful.

Response Percent Response Count
Strongly Disagree 16.7% 2
Disagree 58.3% 7
Neutral 25.0% 3

13. Select ONLY the top FIVE characteristics you would like to have in your next Director of Health and Human Services for Humboldt County:

Response Percent Response Count
Accessible 25.0% 3
Accountable 33.3% 4
Action-oriented 25.0% 3
Collaborative 33.3% 4
Communicator/listener 16.7% 2
Creative/innovative 50.0% 6
Culturally competent 16.7% 2
Decision maker 8.3% 1
Drives for results 16.7% 2
Empowers employees - delegates 41.7% 5
Ethics/integrity 25.0% 3
Fair/equitable treatment of staff 16.7% 2
Financially/fiscally astute 25.0% 3
Innovative 16.7% 2
Inspirational/motivating 8.3% 1
Intelligent 8.3% 1
Leadership skills 8.3% 1
Professional 8.3% 1
Relationship-builder 8.3% 1
Responsive 8.3% 1
Solution-oriented 8.3% 1
Strategist - Strategic thinker 8.3% 1
Supportive of staff 25.0% 3
Supports work-life balance 8.3% 1
Team builder 16.7% 2
Transparent 8.3% 1
Visionary 25.0% 3

Other skills (please specify)

Name not shown inside district 3
June 24, 2015, 8:07 PM
  • 1. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest strengths
    service providers
  • 2. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest weaknesses.
    leadership; communication
  • 3. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest opportunities to improve during this transition.
    change the culture; simplify management
  • 4. Please provide DHHS’ two greatest barriers to success.
    longstanding culture of fear; disregard for employees and the community
  • 5. DHHS provides culturally competent services to diverse Humboldt County populations.
    • Strongly Disagree
  • 6. DHHS provides seamless delivery of services in the most effective and efficient manner.
    • Strongly Disagree
  • 7. DHHS regularly communicates with the community to improve programs, services and client outcomes.
    • Strongly Disagree
  • 8. DHHS shares data that helps me understand how our community is doing to improve the wellbeing of our community.
    • Disagree
  • 9. DHHS client services are easily accessible.
    • Strongly Disagree
  • 10. DHHS focuses on improving client outcomes.
    • Disagree
  • 11. The existing structure of DHHS promotes the integration of mental health, public health and social service programs in order to provide comprehensive, client centered services.
    • Strongly Disagree
  • Please provide a short comment regarding question 11.
    services are administration centered with little regard to clients
  • 12. DHHS provides appropriate services to their clients to make the reentry program successful.
    • Disagree
  • 13. Select ONLY the top FIVE characteristics you would like to have in your next Director of Health and Human Services for Humboldt County:
    • Accountable
    • Collaborative
    • Communicator/listener
    • Empowers employees - delegates
    • Ethics/integrity
  • Other skills (please specify)
    No response.
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