What are your thoughts about the Department of Health & Human Services, and what characteristics do you want to see in the next director?
Welcome to Humboldt County’s DHHS Community Input Survey:
The County of Humboldt invites community members to participate in the following survey and give input related to the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) and the ideal characteristics the community would like to have in their next DHHS director.
The county’s current director of DHHS, Phillip Crandall, has announced his intention to retire in January 2016. Director Crandall has served the county for over 30 years and has been the department head since the establishment of Health & Human Services as an integrated agency in 2001. DHHS is a statewide model for integration of services and is recognized nationally for the provision of services, including rural health/mental health services and services to transition-age youth exiting the foster care system.
In preparation for the recruitment of a new director the county has selected professional consultants W. Brown Creative Partners (WBCP) to conduct an organizational assessment and job analysis for the position of director of DHHS. WBCP are consultants with over 100 years of combined county experience focused in health and human services and includes executive management, fiscal and program staff, and executive recruitment professionals.
WBCP is seeking input from stakeholders, clients, staff and the general public. You can provide input via the following online survey, and you can attend a community meeting:
June 23, 5 – 6:30 p.m.
Humboldt County Agricultural Center
5650 South Broadway, Eureka
The responses you submit can be made anonymously, or you can choose to include your name and/or district where you live. It's your choice.
Thank you for your time to provide your input, which will help Humboldt County assure the Department of Health & Human Service remains the premier agency in the region and continues to serve the residents in Humboldt County with the utmost respect and care, and delivery of quality services.
Questions can be directed to: Wendi Brown: 866-929-WBCP (9227), or [email protected]
This topic has 520 visitors and 81 responses: 12 registered responses and 69 unregistered responses.
That's 4.1 hours of public comment @ 3 minutes per response.