1st Draft - Supervisor District Boundaries, 3 options to review
59 registered responses
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How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
How well does “Draft Plan A, District A” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District A"?
No response.What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District A"?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District B"?
No response.What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District B"?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District C"?
This District C version is very upsetting to me. I Live in Eureka and my community concerns are focused on Eureka. I in no way identify with the college town dynamics represented by the City of Arcata into which my voice would now be lumped. This breaks up the City of Eureka, which is now starting to turn a corner and develop a healthy identity, and splits it between more affluent areas and renter dominated areas, which creates a distinct disconnect within the city.
What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District C"?
I do not think the Draft Plan A District C should be considered further.
How well does “Draft Plan A, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
This needs to include more of the City of Eureka, and should not have an artificial divide through the center of town. See above comment.What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District E”?
No response.Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan A" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
Draft Plan A includes gerrymandering that unnecessarily divides the City of Eureka. Draft plan A should not be considered further on account of the District C and District D redrawing.
How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
How well does “Draft Plan B, District A” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District A”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District A”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District B”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District B”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District C”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District C”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District D”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District D”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District E”?
No response.Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan B" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
No response.How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District A”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District A”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District B”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District B”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District C”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District C”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District D”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District D”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District E”?
No response.Any other thoughts on “Draft Plan C” you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
No response.Any other comments you would like to share with the Redistricting Advisory Commission?
No response.