1st Draft - Supervisor District Boundaries, 3 options to review
59 registered responses
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How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
How well does “Draft Plan A, District A” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District A"?
Try to take more of Eureka out of this district and make it more rural
What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District A"?
It is nice to have a rural district that represents the less populated areas. When the rural districts include "highly populated" city areas, the voices in those areas are disproportionately represented, this map gives rural areas a stronger voice.
How well does “Draft Plan A, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District B"?
No response.What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District B"?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District C"?
No response.What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District C"?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District E”?
No response.Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan A" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
It is refreshing to see looking at moving lines away from the status quo. This map allows for real change and real representation for like communities of interest. Shifting one block or two to the left or right doesn't allow for new thinking, changing communities, and like minded interests to be represented. It does allow for the people in power to maintain their holds on comfortable areas that they know they can win over and over again without ever listening to, in our particular case, "rural folks." In addition, the current break up of Eureka allows for the land owners to keep a grip on the renters. By putting the renters in a stronger community of interest it will give them more of a voice at the table. Don't forget about the people that rent spaces on boats.
How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
How well does “Draft Plan B, District A” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District A”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District A”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District B”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District B”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District C”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District C”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District D”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District D”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan B, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District E”?
No response.Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan B" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
No response.How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District A”?
Pretty much what we have now.... same old business as usual.
What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District A”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District B”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District B”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District C”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District C”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District D”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District D”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District E”?
No response.Any other thoughts on “Draft Plan C” you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
this is the same old, same old. Doesn't provide for strong rural representation.
Any other comments you would like to share with the Redistricting Advisory Commission?
No response.