1st Draft - Supervisor District Boundaries, 3 options to review
59 registered responses
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How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
How well does “Draft Plan A, District A” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District A"?
South county and east county shouldn’t be represented in the same district. This is not “contiguous” or “compact” in any definition of redistricting.
What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District A"?
The southern extent should remain but the eastern extent should be revised.
How well does “Draft Plan A, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District B"?
No response.What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District B"?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District C"?
Arcata bottoms should be included within this District as it is an important resource for the associated Arcata community of interest. City of Eureka territory should be removed.
What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District C"?
Entire Samoa Peninsula should remain but not include Eureka side of the bay
How well does “Draft Plan A, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan A, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District E”?
No response.Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan A" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
No response.How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District A”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District A”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District B” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District B”?
This district should include entire Eel River Valley including Ferndale.
What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District B”?
No response.How well does “Draft Plan C, District C” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District C”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District C”?
I like how this district includes Arcata Bottoms, Old Arcata Road, Bayside and Blue Lake.
How well does “Draft Plan C, District D” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District D”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District D”?
Best option thus far for Eureka district, including Samoa Peninsula.
How well does “Draft Plan C, District E” represent your community?
What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District E”?
No response.What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District E”?
I like how it include tribal communities and 299 corridor.
Any other thoughts on “Draft Plan C” you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.
No response.Any other comments you would like to share with the Redistricting Advisory Commission?
So far Draft Plan C is the best.