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1st Draft - Supervisor District Boundaries, 3 options to review

59 Registered Responses



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59 registered responses

How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?

Draft Plan A - Whole County
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 18.4% 9
2. Does not represent my community well 59.2% 29
3. Represents my community adequately 10.2% 5
4. Represents my community very well 12.2% 6

How well does “Draft Plan A, District A” represent your community?

Draft Plan A, District A
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 60.4% 29
2. Does not represent my community well 22.9% 11
3. Represents my community adequately 8.3% 4
4. Represents my community very well 8.3% 4

What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District A"?


What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District A"?


How well does “Draft Plan A, District B” represent your community?

Draft Plan A, District B
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 81.3% 39
2. Does not represent my community well 6.3% 3
3. Represents my community adequately 8.3% 4
4. Represents my community very well 4.2% 2

What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District B"?


What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District B"?


How well does “Draft Plan A, District C” represent your community?

Draft Plan A, District C
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 42.9% 21
2. Does not represent my community well 46.9% 23
4. Represents my community very well 10.2% 5

What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District C"?


What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District C"?


How well does “Draft Plan A, District D” represent your community?

Draft Plan A, District D
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 46.9% 23
2. Does not represent my community well 40.8% 20
3. Represents my community adequately 6.1% 3
4. Represents my community very well 6.1% 3

What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District D”?


What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District D”?


How well does “Draft Plan A, District E” represent your community?

Draft Plan A, District E
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 64.6% 31
2. Does not represent my community well 20.8% 10
3. Represents my community adequately 8.3% 4
4. Represents my community very well 6.3% 3

What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District E”?


What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District E”?


Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan A" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.


How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?

Draft Plan B - Whole County
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 21.4% 9
2. Does not represent my community well 50.0% 21
3. Represents my community adequately 19.0% 8
4. Represents my community very well 9.5% 4

How well does “Draft Plan B, District A” represent your community?

Draft Plan B, District A
Response Percent Response Count
1. This is not my community 51.2% 22
2. Does not represent my community well 34.9% 15
3. Represents my community adequately 11.6% 5
4. Represents my community very well 2.3% 1

What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District A”?

Name not shown inside district 5
October 14, 2021, 10:53 PM
  • How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
    • Draft Plan A - Whole County - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • How well does “Draft Plan A, District A” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan A, District A - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District A"?

    This alignment crosses multiple watershed drainages, and bisects communities. The District representation would be bound by each of the other four Districts. This alignment is too expansive and has too many different communities. This alignment doesn't follow a logical alignment of interests such as river drainages which is a logical delineation of political boundaries to reflect watershed boundaries when at all possible.

  • What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District A"?

    Start District A on the top of the Wildcats to the South of Fortuna and add the coastal area to the ridgeline of the Eel River Valley.

  • How well does “Draft Plan A, District B” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan A, District B - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District B"?

    This alignment crosses multiple watershed drainages. This alignment is block shaped and doesn't follow a logical alignment of interests such as river drainages which is a logical delineation of political boundaries to reflect watershed boundaries when at all possible.

  • What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District B"?

    I would match the ridgeline with District A - District B would encompass the Eel River watershed and would release the Mad River watershed to District E

  • How well does “Draft Plan A, District C” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan A, District C - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • What would you change about "Draft Plan A, District C"?

    The south side of the Mad River should be included in District C as well as the eastern side of Humboldt Bay to encompass the smaller watersheds of Jacoby Creek all the way to Faye Slough - this would extend eastward for quite some distance until intersecting with the Mad River drainage

  • What would you keep about "Draft Plan A, District C"?

    The entire northern Humboldt Bay and Harbor - everything that is shown

  • How well does “Draft Plan A, District D” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan A, District D - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
    Bisecting the community of Eureka is not a good idea. Release the area north of Faye slough to the northern District C
  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District D”?
    The focus on Eureka
  • How well does “Draft Plan A, District E” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan A, District E - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan A, District E”?

    Expand District E to include Mad River watershed boundaries and Trinity River boundaries

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan A, District E”?

    Keep the rest and add in Mad and Trinity River boundaries

  • Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan A" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.

    District A's expansiveness is way overreaching and mixes interests across the whole County. I fully reject Draft Plan A, it does not reflect the best interest of these communities.

  • How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
    • Draft Plan B - Whole County - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • How well does “Draft Plan B, District A” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan B, District A - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District A”?

    This alignment crosses multiple watershed drainages, and bisects communities. The District representation would be bound by each of the other four Districts. This alignment is too expansive and has too many different communities. This alignment doesn't follow a logical alignment of interests such as river drainages which is a logical delineation of political boundaries to reflect watershed boundaries when at all possible.

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District A”?

    I would start on the top of the Wildcats to the South of Fortuna and add the coastal area to the ridgeline of the Eel River Valley.

  • How well does “Draft Plan B, District B” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan B, District B - 2. Does not represent my community well
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District B”?

    This alignment crosses multiple watershed drainages. This alignment is block shaped and doesn't follow a logical alignment of interests such as river drainages which is a logical delineation of political boundaries to reflect watershed boundaries when at all possible.

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District B”?

    I would match the ridgeline with District A - District B would encompass the Eel River watershed and would release the Mad River watershed to District E

  • How well does “Draft Plan B, District C” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan B, District C - 3. Represents my community adequately
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District C”?
    No response.
  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District C”?

    The entire northern Humboldt Bay and Harbor - everything that is shown

  • How well does “Draft Plan B, District D” represent your community?
    No response.
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District D”?

    The south side of the Mad River should be included in District D as well as the eastern side of Humboldt Bay to encompass the smaller watersheds of Jacoby Creek all the way to Faye Slough - this would extend eastward for quite some distance until intersecting with the Mad River drainage.

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District D”?

    The Northern Humboldt Bay focus

  • How well does “Draft Plan B, District E” represent your community?
    No response.
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan B, District E”?

    Expand District E to include Mad River watershed boundaries and Trinity River boundaries - including Blue Lake and Willow Creek in this District; release the south side of the Mad River to District D

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan B, District E”?

    Keep the rest and add in Mad and Trinity River boundaries

  • Any other thoughts on "Draft Plan B" you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.

    District A's expansiveness is way overreaching and mixes interests across the whole County. I fully reject Draft Plan A, it does not reflect the best interest of these communities.

  • How well does the above draft map showing all proposed districts represent your community?
    • Draft Plan C - Whole County - 5
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District A”?

    Reduce the northern extent and widen the southern area of influence to the east until the ridgeline of the Eel River watershed

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District A”?

    Limited northern reach, consolidating the representation in the Fortuna and Wildcats

  • How well does “Draft Plan C, District B” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan C, District B - 5
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District B”?

    Release the coastal zone to District A, extend to the north to encompass more of the Eel River watershed, release the MAd River watershed to District E

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District B”?

    Eel River basin focus

  • How well does “Draft Plan C, District C” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan C, District C - 5
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District C”?

    Follow alignment in the south more closely along watershed boundaries; encompass more of Humboldt Bay

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District C”?

    most of it

  • How well does “Draft Plan C, District D” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan C, District D - 5
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District D”?

    Mostly good

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District D”?

    Keep most of it

  • How well does “Draft Plan C, District E” represent your community?
    • Draft Plan C, District E - 5
  • What would you change about “Draft Plan C, District E”?

    extend to the south to include all of the MAd River watershed

  • What would you keep about “Draft Plan C, District E”?

    most of it

  • Any other thoughts on “Draft Plan C” you would like to share? Please specify if it is the full county or a specific district you are commenting on.

    This is the best option that is being presented to allow for adequate representation of our communities with each supervisor.

  • Any other comments you would like to share with the Redistricting Advisory Commission?

    Please allow the Districts to follow watershed boundaries and please limit a District shape that crosses multiple communities, watersheds and intersects with each other District such as is proposed in Plan A and Plan B.

    Plan C is the logical best choice from these options.

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1. This is not my community
2. Does not represent my community well
3. Represents my community adequately
4. Represents my community very well
Draft Plan A - Whole County

1. This is not my community
2. Does not represent my community well
3. Represents my community adequately
4. Represents my community very well
Draft Plan A, District A

1. This is not my community
2. Does not represent my community well
3. Represents my community adequately
4. Represents my community very well
Draft Plan A, District B

1. This is not my community
2. Does not represent my community well
3. Represents my community adequately
4. Represents my community very well
Draft Plan A, District C

1. This is not my community
2. Does not represent my community well
3. Represents my community adequately
4. Represents my community very well
Draft Plan A, District D

1. This is not my community
2. Does not represent my community well
3. Represents my community adequately
4. Represents my community very well
Draft Plan A, District E
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