Do you have any comments or suggestions about the Palmer Simmons Appeal of Removal from the Planning Commission?
Do you have any comments or suggestions about the discussion of Proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Budget?
I do not think we need to spend an excessive amount on PR for the island. We have plenty of tourists now, this island is getting very crowded. We even had tourists during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. I understand Steven Baer has written a letter to the board regarding this. I urge you to read this as it makes several valid points, and is an excellent representation of how the majority of residents feel. I think the Island is straying too far from its initial idea. I have only been a resident for 3 years, but I have spent a lot of time here for the past 33 years. What I love and loved here was the respect for nature, the quiet lifestyle, less crowds than other Beaches, and the beauty. I think some of that is gong away, which is too bad.
As seen in the recent months, we need more of a police presence to ensure our Island is respected.
Do you have any comments or suggestions about the discussion of Beach and Park Access?
I want to express my sincere gratitude for the Board finally recognizing that the residents do matter and were able to see fit to give us access to Islanders Beach. I am especially thankful for the official presence at the park. However, Memorial Day weekend, there was illegal parking happening. There were cars with no passes parked in the resident spaces. I love the fact it is again blocked off to non-pass holder’s — could this be the way all the time? There is not enough parking for pass holders during summer. Why not put some of your fiscal budget toward expanding resident parking at Islanders Beach. I was there this past weekend and once again, cars had to be turned away. Why are we collecting money for beach passes that cannot be used? The town does not appear to be keeping up with our growing resident base. Time to start allocating monies to improve residents lifestyle. Honestly, 90% of US is well aware of Hilton Head Island.
Do you support the Recommendation from the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee for the Chamber of Commerce Visitor and Convention Bureau's proposed 2020-21 Marketing Plan?
Do you have any comments or suggestions about the Recommendation from the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee for the Chamber of Commerce Visitor and Convention Bureau's proposed 2020-21 Marketing Plan?
No more marketing is necessary. See above comments.
Open Town Hall HHI is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall HHI is voluntary. The comments in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Kendall FranzenAddress
No response.Do you have any comments or suggestions about the Palmer Simmons Appeal of Removal from the Planning Commission?
Do you have any comments or suggestions about the discussion of Proposed Fiscal Year 2021 Budget?
I do not think we need to spend an excessive amount on PR for the island. We have plenty of tourists now, this island is getting very crowded. We even had tourists during the height of the COVID-19 pandemic. I understand Steven Baer has written a letter to the board regarding this. I urge you to read this as it makes several valid points, and is an excellent representation of how the majority of residents feel. I think the Island is straying too far from its initial idea. I have only been a resident for 3 years, but I have spent a lot of time here for the past 33 years. What I love and loved here was the respect for nature, the quiet lifestyle, less crowds than other Beaches, and the beauty. I think some of that is gong away, which is too bad.
As seen in the recent months, we need more of a police presence to ensure our Island is respected.
Do you have any comments or suggestions about the discussion of Beach and Park Access?
I want to express my sincere gratitude for the Board finally recognizing that the residents do matter and were able to see fit to give us access to Islanders Beach. I am especially thankful for the official presence at the park. However, Memorial Day weekend, there was illegal parking happening. There were cars with no passes parked in the resident spaces. I love the fact it is again blocked off to non-pass holder’s — could this be the way all the time? There is not enough parking for pass holders during summer. Why not put some of your fiscal budget toward expanding resident parking at Islanders Beach. I was there this past weekend and once again, cars had to be turned away. Why are we collecting money for beach passes that cannot be used? The town does not appear to be keeping up with our growing resident base. Time to start allocating monies to improve residents lifestyle. Honestly, 90% of US is well aware of Hilton Head Island.
Do you support the Recommendation from the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee for the Chamber of Commerce Visitor and Convention Bureau's proposed 2020-21 Marketing Plan?
Do you have any comments or suggestions about the Recommendation from the Accommodations Tax Advisory Committee for the Chamber of Commerce Visitor and Convention Bureau's proposed 2020-21 Marketing Plan?
No more marketing is necessary. See above comments.