Do you have comments regarding the review of last meeting's actions agenda item?
No response.
Do you have comments regarding the review of the Draft Request for Qualification (RFQ) Scope of Work?
Here are 8 Key Elements that Should be in the Town’s RFQ/SOW*
1 - Scope - From Moss Creek lights to efficient Interfaces with Cross Island Parkway and Local 278 at Wilborn Road.
2 - Alternatives - Fresh thinking - Include all options without footprint or other constraint: e.g. - overpasses, underpasses, bypass, new bridge, etc. to address congestion, bridge, safety and other problems. Consultant urged to suggest alternatives of their own.
3 - Traffic Methodology - end – end traffic simulation** in each direction, including compound interactions of all traffic lights, merges, splits, unsignalized feeds and turns, not just adding them up one at a time. Data produced should include peak: end-end travel time, speed, LOS.
4 - Community and Environmental Impacts - Include mitigation, offsets, esthetics, etc.
5 - Safety including bridge inspection reports, safety impacts on people, community, vehicles. Include enforceability of speed limits, pedestrian crossings, unsignalized turns, merges. Consult with Sherriff’s Dept.
6 - Metrics and Comparisons of Alternatives - Compare options using metrics: throughput, people and environmental impacts, costs, extra costs, safety, pros/cons for each option.
7 - Early Intervention - Recommend opportunities for short term fixes.
8 - Transparency – All meetings and reviews should be open to the public and recorded. Pre-distribution of materials, and public comment periods required.
For 3 years, Beaufort County has blocked scientific study of this project, while ramrodding through an incomplete plan that has not been proven to solve our problems. The original SOW you were given is almost 100% identical to the County SOW which fails in most criteria above. It will put blinders on the Town’s Due Diligence to search for new options over the actual scope of our problem area. The best way to accelerate and guarantee that this project will meet our needs is to build a proper SOW including the elements above.
*SOW = Statement of Work
**There is no use in doing visual simulation for PR purposes when numeric data is really needed.
Open Town Hall HHI is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall HHI is voluntary. The comments in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Steven BaerDo you have comments regarding the review of last meeting's actions agenda item?
No response.Do you have comments regarding the review of the Draft Request for Qualification (RFQ) Scope of Work?
Here are 8 Key Elements that Should be in the Town’s RFQ/SOW*
1 - Scope - From Moss Creek lights to efficient Interfaces with Cross Island Parkway and Local 278 at Wilborn Road.
2 - Alternatives - Fresh thinking - Include all options without footprint or other constraint: e.g. - overpasses, underpasses, bypass, new bridge, etc. to address congestion, bridge, safety and other problems. Consultant urged to suggest alternatives of their own.
3 - Traffic Methodology - end – end traffic simulation** in each direction, including compound interactions of all traffic lights, merges, splits, unsignalized feeds and turns, not just adding them up one at a time. Data produced should include peak: end-end travel time, speed, LOS.
4 - Community and Environmental Impacts - Include mitigation, offsets, esthetics, etc.
5 - Safety including bridge inspection reports, safety impacts on people, community, vehicles. Include enforceability of speed limits, pedestrian crossings, unsignalized turns, merges. Consult with Sherriff’s Dept.
6 - Metrics and Comparisons of Alternatives - Compare options using metrics: throughput, people and environmental impacts, costs, extra costs, safety, pros/cons for each option.
7 - Early Intervention - Recommend opportunities for short term fixes.
8 - Transparency – All meetings and reviews should be open to the public and recorded. Pre-distribution of materials, and public comment periods required.
For 3 years, Beaufort County has blocked scientific study of this project, while ramrodding through an incomplete plan that has not been proven to solve our problems. The original SOW you were given is almost 100% identical to the County SOW which fails in most criteria above. It will put blinders on the Town’s Due Diligence to search for new options over the actual scope of our problem area. The best way to accelerate and guarantee that this project will meet our needs is to build a proper SOW including the elements above.
*SOW = Statement of Work
**There is no use in doing visual simulation for PR purposes when numeric data is really needed.
Steven Baer [email protected]