Do you have any comments regarding the FY2024 CIP Discussion?
I would love to see the mid island tract project funding be approved, and hope that I can be a part of maintaining and developing the disc golf park. Out of the $70 million + projected expenses the disc golf course is an extremely small portion of that. Possible for a temporary course to be installed until work starts.
Do you have any comments regarding the Parks and Recreation Commission 2023 Work Plan?
Yes! I love our towns parks and beautiful outdoor spaces. We live in a beautiful area. I am an island resident for the past 6 years and have been coming here all my life. I am the owner of a small start up disc golf business, Beat Disc Golf. I set up temporary disc golf courses at our towns parks for our small club. I take my baskets out there weekly set up and break down. Park goers love to see us out using the parks and always ask about the activity and generally have a positive outlook towards it. I am able to fund raise for the baskets that usually cost around $300-500 a piece. I am asking for the town and parks and recreation permission to install disc golf baskets in our parks in such a way that the areas are still available for mixed use, and will encourage more people to get out and enjoy our islands parks. I am willing to work with the town in anyway needed to help maintain and promote positive action in our parks. Disc golf is the fastest growing sport in the nation behind pickleball, and can be enjoyed in many different settings. It would be amazing to see our towns parks promote the growth of the sport and outdoors by allowing me to install baskets in Jarvis creek park and MAINLY crossings park in the wooded area where the bike trails are. The baskets would be placed in such a way that they are off the path, and all disc golfers would yield to trail users. Please consider my request and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Truly grateful to live in such a beautiful place, Disc golf needs to be apart of it. I have tourists contact me weekly about where to play on this island when they come to visit on vacation.
Open Town Hall HHI is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open Town Hall HHI is voluntary. The comments in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
Brandon BeatDo you have any comments regarding the FY2024 CIP Discussion?
I would love to see the mid island tract project funding be approved, and hope that I can be a part of maintaining and developing the disc golf park. Out of the $70 million + projected expenses the disc golf course is an extremely small portion of that. Possible for a temporary course to be installed until work starts.
Do you have any comments regarding the Parks and Recreation Commission 2023 Work Plan?
Yes! I love our towns parks and beautiful outdoor spaces. We live in a beautiful area. I am an island resident for the past 6 years and have been coming here all my life. I am the owner of a small start up disc golf business, Beat Disc Golf. I set up temporary disc golf courses at our towns parks for our small club. I take my baskets out there weekly set up and break down. Park goers love to see us out using the parks and always ask about the activity and generally have a positive outlook towards it. I am able to fund raise for the baskets that usually cost around $300-500 a piece. I am asking for the town and parks and recreation permission to install disc golf baskets in our parks in such a way that the areas are still available for mixed use, and will encourage more people to get out and enjoy our islands parks. I am willing to work with the town in anyway needed to help maintain and promote positive action in our parks. Disc golf is the fastest growing sport in the nation behind pickleball, and can be enjoyed in many different settings. It would be amazing to see our towns parks promote the growth of the sport and outdoors by allowing me to install baskets in Jarvis creek park and MAINLY crossings park in the wooded area where the bike trails are. The baskets would be placed in such a way that they are off the path, and all disc golfers would yield to trail users. Please consider my request and I look forward to hearing from you soon. Truly grateful to live in such a beautiful place, Disc golf needs to be apart of it. I have tourists contact me weekly about where to play on this island when they come to visit on vacation.