Approximately how often would you or members of your family be likely to visit an improved Magnolia Park?
Currently, Magnolia Park is substantially unimproved and contains stands of eucalyptus trees, open areas, and some community-created bike and walking trails. What do you like about the current state of Magnolia Park?
Bike trails
How would you get to Magnolia Park?
What access improvements would you like to see?
Bike racks
What site improvements would you like to see at Magnolia Park?
Picnic and gathering spaces including tables/seating
Bike trails
Improvement of Magnolia Park is intended to get the greatest benefit of from this site and increase public use and enjoyment of the space. Do you have concerns about potential impacts of its development and future public use regarding:
For any concerns noted in the previous question, please share your suggestions for how those impacts might best be managed or avoided.
No response.
The Half Moon Bay Parks Master Plan envisions Magnolia Park for a range of uses, including a community garden. Which of these statements reflects your views of a potential future community garden at Magnolia Park:
I support including a community garden, but would not participate in its use
Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for how to make the Magnolia Park master plan great?
No response.
Open City Hall is not a certified voting system or ballot box. As with any public comment process, participation in Open City Hall is voluntary. The responses in this record are not necessarily representative of the whole population, nor do they reflect the opinions of any government agency or elected officials.
What neighborhood do you live in?
Approximately how often would you or members of your family be likely to visit an improved Magnolia Park?
Currently, Magnolia Park is substantially unimproved and contains stands of eucalyptus trees, open areas, and some community-created bike and walking trails. What do you like about the current state of Magnolia Park?
How would you get to Magnolia Park?
What access improvements would you like to see?
What site improvements would you like to see at Magnolia Park?
Improvement of Magnolia Park is intended to get the greatest benefit of from this site and increase public use and enjoyment of the space. Do you have concerns about potential impacts of its development and future public use regarding:
For any concerns noted in the previous question, please share your suggestions for how those impacts might best be managed or avoided.
No response.The Half Moon Bay Parks Master Plan envisions Magnolia Park for a range of uses, including a community garden. Which of these statements reflects your views of a potential future community garden at Magnolia Park:
Do you have any other ideas or suggestions for how to make the Magnolia Park master plan great?
No response.