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Check out some recent Registered Statements from forum participants

Name not available September 21, 2022, 6:08 PM

From what viewpoint are you answering these questions? Start-Up or Potential New Business
What business assistance, services, resources would you like to see offered at Glenn Grows?  Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Workforce (e.g., recruitment, skills training, retention, workforce transition, etc.), Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition, Human Resources and Payroll, Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability, Infrastructure (e.g., site selection, broadband/IT, etc.)
What are your roadblocks or obstacles when starting your business or expanding your current business? Not really sure where to start, or whom to speak with about zoning areas, etc
How can Glenn Grows support existing businesses? Have an open communication via social media or thru surveys
How can Glenn Grows support start-up businesses? Offer services to help people figure out how to get started and what they need to do in order to move forward.
If Glenn Grows were to offer workshops, what topics or subjects would be most helpful to you/your business? Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition, Human Resources and Payroll, Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability, Infrastructure (e.g., site selection, broadband/IT, etc.)
Do you think Glenn Grows has helped improve the local economy? Other - Only recently heard about it

Name not available ½ to 1 mile September 19, 2022, 4:26 PM

1. Please enter your zip code. 95988
2. Which color scheme do you like best for the Annex Building? Option 1

Name not available September 16, 2022, 10:13 AM

From what viewpoint are you answering these questions? Resident Non-Business Owner
What business assistance, services, resources would you like to see offered at Glenn Grows?  Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Workforce (e.g., recruitment, skills training, retention, workforce transition, etc.), Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition, Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability, Infrastructure (e.g., site selection, broadband/IT, etc.)
What are your roadblocks or obstacles when starting your business or expanding your current business? I have a full-time job, but if i have family who would love to start some sort of small business here in Willows. I see the main obstacle is the many barriers to start a business in a small town. A few years ago, my dad wanted to open a tire shop, however, so many upgrades needed to be made to his shop that were in compliance with ADA and he didn't have the funds or was offered financial support to make those changes happen. The previous owner, was running a car shop at the same location and those same upgrades were not required for him, so i don't know where the double standard came from, but i hope it had nothing to do with our last name.
How can Glenn Grows support existing businesses? the existence of Walmart makes any small moms and pops become challenging. it is difficult for any small business to compete with Walmart prices. i really do not know what those governing bodies in the past were thinking when they allowed a Walmart to be built here in town. Did they really expect cash to circulate within the local economy with what Walmart pays their employees? the money Walmart takes from the local economy gets extracted and given to the company so they can continue to get rich, all while exploiting their workers and making any real local economy obsolete. And to make matters worse, the conversion to a super-Walmart make local grocery stores have to compete even more for their low-low prices.
How can Glenn Grows support start-up businesses? Create less barriers to start a business, and if barriers are in place due to compliance and safety issues, offer support (including financial) to address those deficiencies. Be open to ideas to start unique businesses, do not shut yourself down to conservative mind-sets, times are changing and while neighboring counties and towns are embracing these changes and moving ahead, Willows is being left way behind.
What consultants, vendors or people do you go to for information or advice? no
If Glenn Grows were to offer workshops, what topics or subjects would be most helpful to you/your business? Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Workforce (e.g., recruitment, skills training, retention, workforce transition, etc.), Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition, Human Resources and Payroll, Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability, Infrastructure (e.g., site selection, broadband/IT, etc.), Other - how to compete with Walmart prices and still have a functioning business model.
Do you think Glenn Grows has helped improve the local economy? No

Name not available ½ to 1 mile September 13, 2022, 2:32 PM

1. Please enter your zip code. 95988
2. Which color scheme do you like best for the Annex Building? Option 1

Name not available September 9, 2022, 3:50 PM

From what viewpoint are you answering these questions? Start-Up or Potential New Business
What business assistance, services, resources would you like to see offered at Glenn Grows?  Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Marketing and Branding, Workforce (e.g., recruitment, skills training, retention, workforce transition, etc.), Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability
How can Glenn Grows support existing businesses? Business coach or advisor would be helpful
How can Glenn Grows support start-up businesses? Information on what is needed to start my business, business coaching/advisor.
If Glenn Grows were to offer workshops, what topics or subjects would be most helpful to you/your business? Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Marketing and Branding, Workforce (e.g., recruitment, skills training, retention, workforce transition, etc.), Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability
Do you think Glenn Grows has helped improve the local economy? Yes

John McDermott September 8, 2022, 7:21 AM

From what viewpoint are you answering these questions? Resident Non-Business Owner
What business assistance, services, resources would you like to see offered at Glenn Grows?  Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Marketing and Branding, Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition, Human Resources and Payroll, Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability, Infrastructure (e.g., site selection, broadband/IT, etc.)
How can Glenn Grows support existing businesses? A one stop shop for people who want to open their own small business in the county.
How can Glenn Grows support start-up businesses? If possible keep everything under one roof.
What consultants, vendors or people do you go to for information or advice? People who are confident in grant writing and loan writing. Private or government financial sources.
If Glenn Grows were to offer workshops, what topics or subjects would be most helpful to you/your business? Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition, Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability
Do you think Glenn Grows has helped improve the local economy? Yes

Name not available more than 2 miles September 7, 2022, 8:57 PM

1. Please enter your zip code. 95963
2. Which color scheme do you like best for the Annex Building? Option 1

Name not available September 7, 2022, 9:40 AM

From what viewpoint are you answering these questions? Other - Retired cannabis grower
What business assistance, services, resources would you like to see offered at Glenn Grows?  Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.)
What are your roadblocks or obstacles when starting your business or expanding your current business? Current Glenn Co regulations
How can Glenn Grows support existing businesses? Follow neighboring counties cannabis regulations
How can Glenn Grows support start-up businesses? Support cannabis cultivation and promote sales
What consultants, vendors or people do you go to for information or advice? State of California legislators
If Glenn Grows were to offer workshops, what topics or subjects would be most helpful to you/your business? Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.)
Do you think Glenn Grows has helped improve the local economy? Yes
Is there anything you would like to add regarding Glenn Grows?  I think this could be extra revenue for the county
If you would like someone to contact you to further address the business needs indicated on this questionnaire, please provide us with your preferred contact information.  Rod Pierce 5305134239

Amber Reed September 7, 2022, 7:03 AM

From what viewpoint are you answering these questions? Existing Business Owner
What business assistance, services, resources would you like to see offered at Glenn Grows?  Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Marketing and Branding, Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition
What are your roadblocks or obstacles when starting your business or expanding your current business? Purchasing inventory and finding people to work.
How can Glenn Grows support existing businesses? Help with finding grant opportunities
How can Glenn Grows support start-up businesses? Help businesses find good start up grants and loans.
What consultants, vendors or people do you go to for information or advice? Other business owners
If Glenn Grows were to offer workshops, what topics or subjects would be most helpful to you/your business? Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Marketing and Branding, Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition
Do you think Glenn Grows has helped improve the local economy? Yes
If you would like someone to contact you to further address the business needs indicated on this questionnaire, please provide us with your preferred contact information.  530-361-5292

Name not available September 6, 2022, 7:50 PM

From what viewpoint are you answering these questions? Existing Business Owner
What business assistance, services, resources would you like to see offered at Glenn Grows?  Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Marketing and Branding, Workforce (e.g., recruitment, skills training, retention, workforce transition, etc.), Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.), Business Plan Development and Viability
What are your roadblocks or obstacles when starting your business or expanding your current business? Correct steps to get a business started.
How can Glenn Grows support existing businesses? Provide employment law yearly updates
How can Glenn Grows support start-up businesses? Provide a good working process for starting a business.
From choosing business name, to bank accounts, filing FBN, helping choose business entity (s-corp, LLC, etc.)
What consultants, vendors or people do you go to for information or advice? No one.
If Glenn Grows were to offer workshops, what topics or subjects would be most helpful to you/your business? Financial Assistance (e.g., budget, cash flow, etc.), Marketing and Branding, Workforce (e.g., recruitment, skills training, retention, workforce transition, etc.), Referral to Capital Development and Loan Acquisition, Human Resources and Payroll, Regulations and Legal (e.g., permitting, licenses, insurance, taxes, etc.)
Do you think Glenn Grows has helped improve the local economy? Yes