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(You may be asked to solve a simple puzzle that is easy for humans but difficult for computers)
November Election Location

Would you prefer the Voter Service and Polling Center be at (pick one)?

Comments and Suggestions

Share your comment, concern or praise.

Gilpin County Community Center Workshop #2 Survey

Share your ideas for the future of the Community Center by taking this survey. The Survey will be open until August 10th.

Gilpin County Community Center Workshop #1 Survey

Share your ideas for the future of the Community Center by taking this survey. The Survey will be open until July 21st.

Gilpin County Comprehensive Plan Community Workshop #2

Please provide comments and questions on the presentation given on the Community Workshop #2

Gilpin County - June 1st Virtual Town Hall

What would you like to ask your county elected officials and leadership?

Gilpin County Comprehensive Plan Community Workshop #1

Please provide comments and questions on the presentation given on the Community Workshop #1

Gilpin County - May 4th Virtual Town Hall

What would you like to ask your county elected officials and leadership?

Virtual Town Hall - April 20th

What would you like to ask your Board of County Commissioners?

Virtual Town Hall - April 6th

What would you like to ask your county leaders?

Gilpin County - Internal Town Hall

What would you like to ask your county senior leadership?

Gilpin County - Graves Staff Meeting

What questions would you like to ask the Graves team before or during our Friday meeting?

Gilpin County - March 23rd Town Hall

What would you like to ask your county Leadership?